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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/Btaylor74/status/1272980624345755648
  2. Now Google is refuting NBC’s story, saying it has not deplatformed them, but instead warned them they could be if they don’t make changes. Google also clarified this was not about any articles published but about ... their comments section. NBC already trying to stealth edit.
  3. On a poetic note: Apocalypse didn't originally mean destruction in the sense most assume. In it's most original meaning, it means a revelation on a mass scale. An awakening. Welcome.
  4. I'd call it breathtaking ignorance -- but that's not what this is. This is Kane trying to rewrite history for an ideological purpose. Those who don't know history...
  5. We interrupt the gaslighting going on to bring you real news: Eyes on.
  6. Forget murder hornets, we got genetically engineered SJW Raptors on the loose!
  7. That's been a formula that has never worked in US political history. But this time it will -- despite Trump having a tenfold edge in enthusiasm over No Chance Joe GTFOH
  8. So.... any second now, right?
  9. That's what I was thinking. I couldn't even watch second hand, let alone if it were in person.
  10. @LeviF91 if you're not listening to the speech this morning, find it later on today and give it a listen. There's no bending of the knee happening. (I missed the top part of it myself, only dove in after my last post).
  11. * A prosecutor who politicize the DOJ and is a rabid partisan democrat is going to testify about DOJ politicization. BillsTime keeps proving that he's nothing but an NPC.
  12. The bigger question would be if you have to sell your soul as he did...
  13. And sincerely you know that I respect your views and am not trying to dismiss your points. As for the bolded: Yes, the larger context which you're overlooking though I know you're aware of. 1) Federalism -- It goes from local to state to federal, the failures were seen at the local and state levels across blue cities everywhere. That has opened many, many, many eyes to the bigger game afoot and problems. 2) The art of letting an enemy destroy itself -- This feeds in from above. Sometimes you can't tell the people what's wrong. They have to see it. They have to feel it. They have to be at the brink. And here we are. Trump didn't bring the virus -- CCP did. Trump didn't kill Floyd -- democrat civic leaders did. Trump didn't start or exacerbate the riots -- BLM and the same enemies the administration has been at war with since before day one did. 3) The snap-back it's already engendering in the public -- this is the result of 1 and 2. It's created momentum and enthusiasm which Biden can't match. This is war. The last two weeks, let alone two days, are one battle of a much larger struggle. That larger struggle has not gone the bad guy's way. In fact, they've been gutted in many theaters and centers of power. What you're focusing on (imo) is a battle within the war, and you're letting the fog of battle obscure the bigger picture. In your original post you stated this administration came into a golden opportunity -- and I agree, though I suspect for different reasons. Since even before they were sworn in, this administration has been under siege and at war with something intangible -- yet very, very real. And they've been winning nearly every fight: * You can scoff at judges, but this is an important battle not for the present but for the long term viability of the Republic. They reshaped the federal courts in less than 4 years. That has an impact long after Trump leaves (in a few months or another 5 years). You can't actually fight corruption and the issues we need to tackle without first addressing and cleaning out the courts of the bad apples. * You call it "half a wall" but that's not accurate. It's also overlooking the primary purpose of the wall itself (trafficking first, immigration second) and those numbers are down tremendously. We're talking thousands, if not tens of thousands of kids and adults have been saved since 2017. Smuggling networks were rerouted (and taken down). This was accomplished having to fight for every foot. * Felons being released didn't happen on a national level. Again, it was blue states doing this -- and people noticed the timing. Release the crooks right before you need them to stir up trouble in national protests. This is letting the enemy expose themselves. * Burned Churches: see above. * Less policing: See above. Now Trump is going to sign an EO that aids the police and he's positioned himself in the cat bird seat on this issue over Biden and the DNC. It's important to remember this is war. This isn't an election, this isn't "business as usual". This is one side that's been in power for over 70 years in this country desperately trying to retake it before their gravest sins are exposed to the world. Once that happens, they won't be able to walk down the street.
  14. Sad. Because your context and analysis are very lacking and poor.
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