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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. It's no coincidence that the same rag that's been pushing to sexualize children is also Marxist. The two go hand in hand.
  2. You say that as if there's a difference between the two. There isn't.
  3. As would most people, but they can't help themselves. No one is as racist as a white liberal.
  4. Literally a point of view no one has expressed down here once
  5. Again, those are from Ghana -- which was one of the biggest slavers in all of Africa. It's not that they don't know this history, it's that they're bragging they don't care. This isn't about helping black folk. It's about securing power for themselves at the expense of black folk.
  6. Lesser of two evils? Based on your posting in this thread alone, that's Trump not Biden. * Biden, not Trump, authored the crime bill -- the piece of legislation that did more to tilt the system against brown, black, and poor folk than any other piece of legislation since reconstruction. * Biden, not Trump, worked side by side with actual segregationists. * Biden, not Trump, praised the confederate flag on the floor of Congress. * Biden, not Trump, eulogized a former KKK leader. Biden has been in power for over 40 years, and in that time he got rich building the systemic injustice you're railing about in this very thread. He made millions tilting the system not just against brown and black folk -- but the entire working class by selling out to the credit card companies, burying the working class in endless debt while Joe got rich. Biden had 8 years as the VP to the first black president and did nothing for this cause. Not a single bill, action, or piece of legislation. Why would he suddenly act differently this time? You have to be either deeply ignorant, deeply dishonest -- or too partisan to care about being either one of the former -- in order to stake the position you've staked out in this thread and then turn around and call Biden "the lesser of two evils".
  7. Tim Scott from the turnbuckle.
  8. Let's not ignore the (three) nuclear powered entities squaring off right now... *3rd being Pakistan who's just waiting in the wings...
  9. Our system of government was designed to abhor rapid change, because history shows rapid change is a destabilizing, usually violent affair. But, as you point out, the system has been improving slowly over time. Compare 2020 to 1962. Compare 1962 to 1995. So what you're seeing is the system working as intended. The arc of history bends towards justice, not injustice. You either understand that fact, or -- due to your Marxist ideology -- you ignore it in favor of destroying something that's working.
  10. Completely sane.
  11. Let me guess, you're planning to vote Biden?
  12. There's no one more racist than white liberals.
  13. They, of course, omit which administration this happened under -- and why (it's SpyGate related, Comey blew up a deal). This is Vault 7...
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