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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. When did I say it shouldn't be an issue? Again, it's hard to try and flex on someone when you have to invent what they said in order to make your point. Which is just more proof that yes, you are most certainly embarrassing yourself in this thread.
  2. If you think you're getting into a Bills game without signing a waiver in 2020/2021, you got another thing coming. Waivers aren't anything to fret over, or even make a post about. Yet, here you are. Embarrassing yourself for five pages over a non issue.
  3. They can't run on Joe's record in office -- because it's terrible. They can't run on facts -- because the facts aren't on their side. So... lie through omission and spin: November will be deliciously fun.
  4. This is how Transplant approached Russia/Trump too. He just didn't read what he considered "something dumb" -- and it turns out he wound up ignoring the facts and buying into the biggest conspiracy theory of this century. Why? Because Transplant isn't an independent thinker. He's not really that bright. He's a sheep. Desperate to follow the crowd -- even if that crowd leads him to Joe ***** Biden
  5. As would I on the response I gave to you -- which you ran from.
  6. I didn't offer support of anything. I pointed out your urgent need to defend the CCP, CCP Bill. But all you can do is lie because you just keep getting your ass handed to you by me. Every time. The bolded is especially hilarious since you're defending the CCP who is not quite the beacon of human rights the literature you read and parrot tells you it is. Keep proving -- over and over again -- that you're a deeply stupid person. It's your brand. You earned it.
  7. What an absolute POS (Fartwell that is) That look of contempt is just precocious.
  8. I was not defending anything. I was pointing out that you, once again, ran to defend the CCP. Because you're a deeply stupid person. CCP Bill is who he says he is.
  9. Gateway Pundit is the worst one.
  10. The binder flip always sends chills down their spines.
  11. CCP Bill chimes in again to offer a defense of China and the indefensible. When people show you what they are, believe them.
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