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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. The entire premise of Marxism requires not bringing solutions to the table. The ideology depends on a victim/oppressor dynamic, if you solve that issue -- the entire need for Marxism goes away. That's the fine print with Marxism, and why people who are vile racists like @Penfield45, are lapping it up so eagerly. They're ignorant of history, ignorant of reality, and ignorant of what the true goal of the movement he supports is: not to solve problems, but to exacerbate them in such a way that gives the leadership more power/money/control while the people suffer. (Not that you're unaware of the above )
  2. + Got a big update on the situation in SDNY last night. Will be able to share more soon. Removing the rot in the SDNY is key to moving forward on several important issues raised in this thread, including: Epstein, Weiner, CF, + more.
  3. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/503685-protesters-tear-down-statues-of-union-general-ulysses-s-grant-national Because Grant ... "owned slaves". But he didn't. He was gifted one slave, and then freed him within a year because he despised the practice. Then he went on and won the war for the Union, ending chattel slavery in not just the USA but shuttered the slaver ports in the Caribbean and across the Atlantic as well. Then, as president he sent national troops to the south to protect freed slaves from democrats. ... But yeah. Keep thinking this is about "slavery" or "systemic racism". It's a revolution designed to tear down the country as a whole. More proof for the above: Remember, the entire conceit of "1619" is historical fiction (better: historical fraud). And who's pushing it again? "Trained Marxists". Time to wake up.
  4. He did misread it. But that's because he's real dumb.
  5. No, he's proven he's dumb as hell. And a vile racist POS to boot. Plus, he waxes poetic about communism and democratic socialism (as if there's a difference). He's real dumb. And hateful.
  6. Says the guy who just yesterday told the board every black person is "dumb as hell". Again, when a vile racist POS who's also an unabashed communist opines -- no one gives a shite.
  7. Per your own vile racist words, you also believe “all black people are dumb as hell”. So who gives a flying !@#$ what a racist communist asshat thinks about anything? Your existence down here is only to be a cat toy now that you exposed your inner racist. And you’ll get tossed around by everyone like you were the most popular guy on cell block C.
  8. What’s unintentionally hilarious about your use of gifs, is she just stared in a (great) show called The Good Place. The premise of said show was all the characters think they’re in heaven, only to find out they’re in hell. ... Your subconscious is begging you to start thinking for yourself.
  9. Neither is your particular brand of vile racism.
  10. Again, this is more of the same from a vile racist POS. He not only thinks all black people "are dumb as hell", he also is cheering on people whom he disagrees with getting sick. When people show you who they truly are, believe them.
  11. Your own words betray the truth. You gleefully typed that all black people are "dumb as hell". Don't run from what you are, you are a racist POS. Embrace it. No one's more racist than a communist who thinks he's a "democratic socialist".
  12. It's not funny how much of a vile racist POS you are, but it's perfectly on brand for you also to be spouting democratic socialism while doing so.
  13. But you are. And you're also a vile racist.
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