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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Brooklyn ... who needs cops on the streets?
  2. 1619 founder had a tough Twitter weekend...
  3. Not Chicago -- but NC. Funny how this hardly makes the news...
  4. 10.1 million+ watched just online. Plus another 2.5 on TV. ... But the clowns down here will say "it was people watching to make fun of it!" And yet all this time I've never once seen you punch the actual bullies in the mouth. The bullies who lied for 4 years about treason, about Russian bots, about Nazis... you're strangely silent when it comes to the attackers. Yet the guy who counter punches you call a bully. I call BS. Sorry.
  5. We have. She was tossed along w Epstein for doing so by Trump personally. Next.
  6. It’s just the truth. He’s said it multiple times which is why it didn’t move the needle. If he acted on that, I’d be against it.
  7. Who taught Plato? Who did Plato teach? Did their philosophies evolve? Or remain static?
  8. It’s still the truth. Defending the indefensible is your legacy. The great defender of pure evil, that’s your brand. Go back to laughing at raped and tortured children.
  9. You’re not an asshat. You’re a defender of evil. You’re a bad person, who has proven he’d rather have kids get raped and tortured than change his position. That’s not an asshat. That’s a bad person with a tremendous amount of karma headed his way. Not jobless. But thanks for proving my point about your dishonesty.
  10. Not everyone who disagrees with me, only those who have consistently proven to be asshats incapable of honest discussions. Like you, 3rdChair. Now go ***** off.
  11. You’re still running from answering ... because you are a coward. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact you keep proving Calling someone else an idiot, with your posting history, is hilarious Quick: be a sniveling asshat and try, and fail, to doxx someone again. The last time you did that it was a spectacular failure.
  12. You realize this works against your point. Wonder what they’ll do to Rushmore.
  13. All donations to BLM went to Joe’s campaign on the sly. Because nothing says you’re serious about fighting racism and systemic injustice than embezzling money for Joe Biden.
  14. You sure did. And you’re trying everything you can to avoid a simple answer now because you know that it will reveal you’re still laboring under a delusion which has long ago been disproven. Carry on.
  15. If that’s true, then show me how this “intrinsic morality” has existed unchanged throughout time. Give me philosophers, or literature, or any minds that cross the chasm of history all citing the same intrinsic morality. ... You can’t do it, because what you’re arguing doesn’t exist. You’re taking our modern morality and saying it’s the peak, and will never be changed, evolve, or be re-examined by future generations of philosophers and humans.
  16. You’ve said multiple erroneous things on this topic over the years. Multiple. I’m not digging today. But a one word answer would prove it all either way. So what is it? Yes or no? (you’re bad at this) Unlike polls, digital views come w receipts.
  17. Note the edit: cued up to the right time After she asks about Mifsud, her glasses disappear. These interviews are always edited, so this isn't a surprise or a shock. I'm only pointing it out because there seemed to be at least some questions/push back on this (very important topic) which weren't aired.
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