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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. But there isn't. Trump didn't "complain". He made a joke. So the entire premise of the article is VERY dumb. Like weapons grade stupidity kind of dumb. How could "Fauci break with Trump" when they concocted what Trump said in the first place? Yeah, it's nonsense. You should know better. Not "he must be joking", he was CLEARLY joking. Which is why people pushing this are just absolutely embarrassing themselves. Do better.
  2. It means the FBI/DOJ are still finding documents they swore they turned over long ago. This particular set of notes is likely VERY damning because of the timeline. It happened while the Crossfire Razor team (investigating Flynn) was telling Strzok that they had nothing and should shut down the investigation. Meanwhile, at that very same time, Strzok was looking to find a way to entrap Flynn in order to justify keeping the investigation open. They might be nothing in the end, but it's doubtful because of the timing and the lengths they've gone to keep this from Flynn's lawyers. ADDED: It's important to note it came from US attorney Jensen's office, not the DC DOJ/FBI. Jensen is the USA tasked with investigating whether the Flynn investigation was ever legal. The fact he provided this is another check in the "this is probably pretty bad for Strzok/Comey/McCabe/Obama" category.
  3. I mean, that's a BS headline and story, but that gif is perfect for what you're trying to do. Trump never said they were going to do less testing. Per Fauci's own testimony today. But sure, keep believing NBC. They've never been wrong or intentional deceitful
  4. All this time to respond -- and you still haven't. Literally you've posted a half a dozen times over the past 12 hours... Cowards do what cowards do. Thank you again for proving me correct.
  5. @transplantbillsfan right now:
  6. Coward says what? See, if you hadn't talked SO MUCH SHITE over the weekend, this wouldn't be a big deal. But you did. Now you're running away because you're a coward. Just like I said. Sad. (and remember, you were talking shite because I said I had a busy weekend. That didn't stop you...)
  7. When you are tagged (several times) and quoted (several times) you also ignore it after talking a big game about not being a coward... Yet here you are. Still running.
  8. View of @transplantbillsfan in hiding...
  9. And you're still running away like a coward from being called out yesterday. Thanks for proving my point about you correct.
  10. Repost / Reminder
  11. 7.5 quake hit Mexico City... big sucker.
  12. That's the funny part -- it's definitely divided by age. Most of the ones I was thinking of while writing that are in their late 20s to mid 30s. The most "woke" of the lot. But there are plenty of older folks in our professional circles, including a lot of expats from Eastern Europe who do not truck with any kind of Marxism due to their experiences growing up. But they aren't speaking up at the moment, mainly because they fear the mob and for their jobs. I think that will change if this drags on much longer. Or at least I hope it does as we need those voices.
  13. I'll tell you the most surprising thing for me the past three weeks has been how willing people I know professionally (and socially) have been to admit they're open Marxists. That's not something they would have ever said (or believed) just a few years ago. Now, these people (most of whom are making a ton of money in media/entertainment) seem to think that it's chic to be a Marxist. @GG for years has mentioned this. I ignored it for a long, long time -- or downplayed it. But now it's like someone turned on the light and all the roaches are staying put proudly rather than scurrying for the cover of darkness. If the masks have really slipped this far, we're teetering on the edge of becoming Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. That's really what a Civil War in the US would look like. It won't be neat. It won't be "one side vs another". It'll be sectarian violence within states/cities/counties.
  14. But it's not real. It doesn't happen, certainly not on an industrial scale...
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