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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Or, you could have watched the testimony for yourself and figured out they're working every day. But nah. You're far too dumb for that kind of effort.
  2. As I said, you have to be weapon's grade stupid to try to spin your way out of this. But that's you, SoTier. An utter embarrassment of a "thinker".
  3. Yes but fear of racism trumps fears of death to the woke mind.
  4. Gary is a joke of a man. He's a bad person, here to defend the indefensible. He's here to make sure more kids get raped and tortured while he laughs. He's that far gone. Ignore him.
  5. ******************************* So much for Graham's revival. Bye.
  6. I take it back. Maybe you are that dumb.
  7. Jussie Smollett part two -- this time with NASCAR aiding and abetting.
  8. Absolutely should be interesting. I expect a lot of theater moreso than facts. He's one of the worse ones not named Weissman on the Mueller team, I'm guessing he's spinning wildly.
  9. Nope. By the brainless legacy media who think you're too stupid to differentiate between a joke and an actual statement. Stop proving them correct. I know you're smarter than that.
  10. That comment was directed at NBC, not you personally (I did not make that clear). But again, you're talking about how "facts" are hurting me when you're the one pushing an article completely devoid of a factual basis. There was no break with Trump and Fauci. Trump never tried to slow testing, he never said he wanted to slow testing. It's a completely fictional story designed to tap into those with unchecked TDS. Do better.
  11. My fault, just seeing this. I meant to add more context. ********************************************************************
  12. Again, it takes a special kind of stupid to think you're correct on this one.
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