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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1289641/download
  2. That was a fun one this morning. At least a few hundred miles away it was. A gentle rolling rock.
  3. Singer's ... preferences ... have long been an open secret in town. He's notoriously shy, almost cripplingly so. So, the efforts to "find people" for him were often passed off as being because he's socially incapable of doing it himself. I cannot speak to whether that's true or not from my own experience, all I know is that whether the methods used and people involved were illegal/minors or not is still a source of debate. I've long heard rumors he's deeply involved/compromised due to his preferences, and I know a few people who worked with and for Bryan who swear that it's all overblown. They say it's all about his personality quarks. But I want to be careful with what I say because I do not have all the information (but can send you a PM tonight with a bit more). He's brought this all on himself though, that much is for certain. And I do believe more scrutiny is warranted based on the number of accusers.
  4. He can't help himself. He's deeply embarrassed right now and spinning wildly to try to throw shite in every direction in the hopes it helps people forget his own idiocy.
  5. GTFOH. "I don't care whether Flynn is guilty..." yet you spent months here embarrassing yourself screaming he was guilty. Try to spin this all you want, but what was shown today was that you were wrong -- again. And if you weren't a coward, you'd be taking a year off now. But you weaseled away from that because you lack any semblance of a backbone or functioning testicles. Keep trying to run away from fact, reason, and logic while claiming to be a brilliant legal mind. The truth is there for all to see now. You're full of it. Always have been. And you're a terrible attorney. You should give back your degree.
  6. Flynn popped up on Gorka's show too. And Hannity's radio show as well. Clips coming:
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/science/classified-ufo-briefings-senators-disturbed-expert It's coming sooner than you think.
  8. Umm... https://www.foxnews.com/science/classified-ufo-briefings-senators-disturbed-expert They're really going to play this card.
  9. I think the inverse is also true. Which is the scary part. If Biden wins, and they try to sweep this all away, they will be met by force. However the election goes, November 4th will begin one of the most tenuous and dangerous times in our nation's history.
  10. No spike from the protests -- despite the most vulnerable people being involved. Keep thinking it's not a manufactured crisis. You've been wrong about most everything else, why stop now?
  11. Sorry, Joe! He never had a chance. He'll be lucky to avoid cuffs when he inevitably loses.
  12. There's no second shutdown coming. That's the fear they're pushing because it's not about Covid. It's about November.
  13. Flynn's on Rush right now (I don't listen to Rush, so I have no idea). First interview in two+ years.
  14. Cohen just wants to give Sullivan a purple heart... What an assclown.
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