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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Sorry, Joe. It ain't going away. In fact, it's only going to get worse as we move into the fall...
  2. What? Schiff isn't an honest broker and is on the commie's payroll? Who would have guessed?
  3. Very. Pretty sure she's not only a lawyer, but was a former NFL cheerleader. She's also very involved in wounded veteran groups through her husband (who's a Marine I believe, not 100%)
  4. It's funny how all these spies are being outted now, isn't it? Makes you wonder what else is coming... (cough) ADDED This also goes here:
  5. That's exactly what it is. Joe is the Obama avatar for his third term. And why he must (and will) be stopped. 44 belongs behind bars before he belongs back behind the Resolute desk.
  6. Of course he won't. Joe doesn't know what day it is, let alone who Omar is.
  7. Helped them, paid them, employed them, and then disavowed them... It was always projection, just as it was always a coup.
  8. This conversation was referenced earlier, forgive me if it's been posted but it's too hilarious not to share. Remember who Harf is -- she's spent the past three years lying for her former bosses about Trump/Russia. She was involved in the coup herself. She's an enemy of truth and a paid propagandist, nothing more. And it's HILARIOUS to watch her get smashed.
  9. And these numbers have been rising -- though the important number to look at is near the bottom: Black approval at 49% 49% ...If they even get HALF that number, it would more than double what they got in 2016 and be the end of the DNC, not just No Chance Joe's bid.
  10. And here's the ballgame... Keep believing polls if you wish to be hugely surprised come November. You have a large segment of our society who knows they cannot speak freely, while you have the "liberals" resorting to fascism and wishing to punish those who disagree with their opinions. Add those things together and you get a whole lot of people who are just waiting to vote while biting their tongues. You reap what you sow, and the media/left/establishment leaders have all made their beds. November will be a landslide.
  11. Appreciated, and noted. Though it IS hilarious Gary has moved to a new screen name (again) after being embarrassed (again) That's his third in less than a year. People who aren't embarrassed of their record down here don't have to do that -- yet he does. Says all you need to know about him.
  12. Being a first timer, it was a ride. The hazing and initiation rituals involved a lot of breaking of folding tables and drinking shots out of a bowling ball. All in all, could have been worse.
  13. Alf -- the media and the left have actively sought to sow discord and prevent unity for 4 years. They did it by starting the conversation with: HE'S A TRAITOR! You can't de-escalate that. Correct. The actual people sowing division are the ones crying about how the president should be a uniter. ***** them all.
  14. I wasn't here when it dropped, but the Clinesmith memo released earlier this week, specifically relating to the August "defensive' briefings, was damning and supports much of the above. This memo (included below in full) also fully disproves @Tiberius's and others long standing claims that Trump was given a defensive briefing. As the memo lays out, they did NOT give a defensive briefing, instead it was a briefing designed to begin building profiles on Trump's inner circles to pick them off. What's hilarious is this bit -- where Flynn shows how big of a threat he was, and that he knew more than the FBI agents briefing them about the threats: And most importantly, because the media rode shotgun in this operation, was that the meeting was immediately leaked by the FBI: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/u-s-official-donald-trump-s-body-language-claim-doesn-n644856 Full memo: https://www.scribd.com/document/470189730/FBI-Summary-Of-August-17-2016-Surveillance-Operation-Against-Donald-Trump#from_embed
  15. Since I missed that day, it's hilarious that people don't understand your point above -- and blew right past the set up question which was asked. The reporter asked 45 if he believed GM was going to expose "powerful men" with the material in her possession. That's the endeavor for which Trump was wishing her well. I'd be surprised by people's failure to grasp context if it wasn't so predictable among the NPC lot.
  16. This is an important disclosure, especially because of how it fills in the August 2016 timeline. Page had been an active asset for the CIA working to shut down a ring of Russian spooks. It's easy to say the FBI didn't know because he was being run by their sister agency, but it's also not true. Strzok was working at that time with Brennan's fusion CIA/FBI team. We also know that Clinesmith (the lawyer who altered the email about Page NOT being a CIA asset) did so in 2017 -- a full year after he knew the truth. The fact that he did this, that far down the line (only after asked about it), is proof of two things: 1) Clinesmith was not a "low level lawyer" in the bureau, and 2) A clear chain of evidence to prove conspiracy. They knew Page was an asset working to help take down Russians -- but they set him up to take the fall anyway. Even after they knew, definitively, that there was nothing to the Trump/Russia collusion story. Same thing they did to Flynn, despite knowing that he was innocent. The last two weeks of disclosure have been checkmate for anyone still clinging to the idea that the FBI didn't know (and merely was doing their job investigating a threat), and anyone who argues this was not a seditious conspiracy. The biggest scandal in US history, the first time the peaceful transition of power has been interfered with by an outgoing administration. It was always a coup. And we're just getting started on the blowback. (and, not for nothing, if Durham and Barr are disclosing post-it notes, that means Durham won't be long now)
  17. Again, what pushed him over the edge was his eagerness to defend Adam Schiff -- who's about the most vile person on the planet. Maybe second to Gary. Funny how Garry/Warren just keeps rushing to defend the worst among us. Shows a lot about his character.
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