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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Rent. Free. More dishonesty from Frank. Who's the one who took this thread off topic? Hint, it wasn't me when I laughed at your ridiculous post. It was you, Frank. Take ownership for what you do. Or, continue to prove to all that you're an actual asshat.
  2. Just think of how many poor Taliban fighters aren't able to collect their Russian bounties now!
  3. Now you're lying again. You're so desperate to engage with me that you invent positions you think I hold and then proceed to argue against those (by yourself) for hours at a time when I ignore you. I live in your head, Frank. There's lots of empty space up here for me to sprawl out too. Asshats can't help but exposing themselves in times like this.
  4. Asshats can't help but to expose themselves as such. And Frank's been doing his darndest to earn that badge of dishonor for weeks. As fun as it is to watch you spiral, it's sad that your backbone is made of jello.
  5. In other words: "I'm tried of getting pummeled all because I refuse to be an honest poster or a non-asshat"
  6. If only there were 50k+ posts of mine detailing what I actually believed. You could read them for yourself, or continue to make things up. You keep choosing to invent things, because you're either 1) too lazy to read for yourself, or 2) here to be an asshat. I'm going 2 based on your track record to date down here. But please, keep going on with this meltdown. I can keep laughing at your flailing all day long (What's important to note here is what actually triggered Frank. Look at what he's arguing against... then think back to what we've learned in just the last three years. Frank is being deeply dishonest about reality -- because he's either uninformed or being deliberately obtuse to run cover for others. Your choice as to which is which)
  7. And I just hit my "Frank Reich on Tilt" BINGO! An unnecessary mention of Q! This might end up being one of PPP's best meltdowns in awhile.
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