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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. A family that is broken (preferably no father figure) and has given up control of their children to the state.
  2. Just like a fascist -- make a demand for a purge and then the violence will stop. Lots of people are waking up and realizing they're on the wrong side of history. And it has nothing to do with Trump or party politics.
  3. And then there's General Flynn waiting in the wings to go on the offensive with these kinds of suits
  4. There's nothing wrong with being cautious, it's to be commended most times. The world is at war, they just aren't calling it a war. And the children (and their educations) are pawns in the larger game for some very, very, bad people. There's little cause to keep schools closed due to a virus that spares over 99% of the people it infects -- way more so with kids. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be precautions taken, but take this as an example: In LA, where I live, there is a heated debate about funneling millions of dollars into schools for PPE and "protective plexiglass barriers". To me, this is a tremendous waste of resources to fight a bug that will be gone before that stuff is even installed. Wouldn't it be better to take those millions of dollars and funnel them into the schools in such a way that improves the education of the students themselves, rather than line the pockets of city and government contractors? But you can't raise that point in CA without hearing the inevitable "YOU WANT CHILDREN TO DIE!" hysteria. No, I don't want kids to die. But I don't want big government to profit off their suffering either. Middle grounds are possible and should be sought. Not the extremes.
  5. *********************************** Can independently confirm this
  6. Oh, there are people who think and say those things now. I'm talking to one But carry on proving how bad you are at this critical thinking thing. You're doing a bang up job of it so far.
  7. "MILLIONS ARE GOING TO DIE!" (From a virus which over 99% of people recover) "PROTECT THE CHILDREN! SHUT DOWN THE SCHOOLS!" (From a virus that doesn't kill kids -- and shutting down schools delays their development and puts them behind for life) The ramblings of a person who's lost their mind.
  8. I freely admit when I'm wrong. I'm not on this one. But keep digging. It's going well for you
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