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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Correct. "Protect the Shield" above all else. Until the mob comes. Then bow to it and hope it doesn't eat you anyway.
  2. Because they made parody obsolete/a thought crime years ago.
  3. I don't disagree. But Gary's point was wrong. This is new. I could care less about it personally, but let's not act like the league has always allowed it. It hasn't. Saying it has is wrong. The league famously has no sense of levity when it comes to its uniforms. No Fun League
  4. Not on their helmets though, and not by their own choice. The team decided/approved. This is a league that fines you for wearing the wrong kind of socks, they didn't just let players slap decals on their equipment on their own volition without a fine attached.
  5. Yup. The 2018 midterms were influenced heavily by what we now know with definitive proof to be a bought-and-paid-for DNC scandal called "Trump/Russia". It was purchased by the Clintons, illegally run by the Obama administration and its holdovers, with a giant assist by the media. It was election fraud on a massive scale. They got away with it. They'll try it again.
  6. Spend time with actual police officers and then read back what you wrote. You'll see the point you're missing.
  7. The difference is Dan never got an erection thinking about invading sovereign nations at the expense of the USA.
  8. I was gone during much of this... but only those people who aren't paying attention (which includes the MSM) think nothing is happening. The world's at war. It's just a very different war than has ever been fought before -- an no one dare call it what it is.
  9. The famed "Party Bros" of the Stern show try to give away masks in California
  10. It must be. I think Stacey Abrams would be a disaster for Joe, but she'd still be better than Rice for his chances. Same with the DC mayor or Harris.
  11. I just don't buy this. Joe is dumb, Joe is losing his faculties, Joe is desperate -- but Rice would be suicide for his campaign.
  12. Such enthusiasm... "Joe's up 13 points!"
  13. It just keeps happening. Never the other way though, it's never been an underestimation.... ask yourself why that is.
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