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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/pepesgrandma/status/1288213342008610816 More docs declassed
  2. Found Billstime/Penfield/Tibs/Gary and the whole lot!
  3. Not surprising that Billstime quotes a woman who actively participated in the coup, and is likely facing heavy legal and civil consequences for being a disinformation agent. Not surprising at all.
  4. Lots of confusion about that (intentional on the part of some). Durham is working on indictments, not a report. Any "report" from Durham, which per Barr there will be some form of it, won't be like the IG. It won't be 100s of pages with explanations. It'll be short, sweet (as far as gov't reports go), and talk about the declinations. The indictments will speak for themselves.
  5. They accused the AG of murder, treason, and not upholding his oath -- and refused to let anyone, including the witness speak. Shameful on the part of Nadler and every dem on the committee. If they really want a war, they can have one. They just won't like how it turns out for them. Especially the Penguin.
  6. Not wrong. I have evidence to prove it. You have your feelings. Your feelings lose to fact every time.
  7. You know you're having a bad day when even your allies in the media are noticing. The Judiciary Committee should be embarrassed.
  8. Which is fine. But that's not the same as throwing your lot in with proven enemies and liars and calling them trustworthy.
  9. That's a dodge -- but it also goes to my point. Rice loved that ruse. She supported it in her actions while serving under Obama when she LIED to spread more endless war to Libya, Yemen, and elsewhere. She did so dishonestly, and illegally. Which brings us back to my original question which isn't meant as an attack but an attempt to honestly understand how you've transformed over these four years. These used to be issues that mattered to you. Now, you're throwing your lot in with a proven liar who does not have the best interests of the country in her heart. This isn't opinion, it's proven by her actions and her record while serving in the most corrupt administration in modern history.
  10. Trump hasn't lied about the deaths of a US Ambassador and four US Servicemen. Trump didn't lie about the biggest political scandal in US History. Trump didn't try to gaslight the country into believing that the sitting US president was a traitor without the evidence to back it up. Rice did all those things. Willingly. She's also an enthusiastic regime change person. She stands for all the things you used to be against. I wonder what changed with you? Why have you abandoned your principles to side with the LITERAL enemies of truth and justice in this country?
  11. We can. But I'm curious why you chose the words you did "I trust her" when her record is one of PROVEN deception on important issues? Where is your line?
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