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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Friday will be a good day for General Flynn. The writing is on the wall, as noted in past pages. The lack of media attention on Friday's deadline is a giveaway as to what will happen.
  2. Yes, he is. He doesn't hide it. He's a bad person, here to support other bad people. It's his track record down here with years of posts to prove it.
  3. They don't care. This isn't just an election for them. It's an extinction level event for the people who pull their strings.
  4. You are a very dumb person. Or perhaps blind.
  5. Same clip as Hedge's above -- but it's bad enough to watch twice.
  6. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Or ignore it.
  7. Just adding on to clarify my own thoughts: I like @ALF a great deal, even if/when we disagree. And I completely understand not liking Trump for any number of reasons. It's just that I remember (fondly) discussing issues throughout the years with ALF which we both share similar opinions (especially with regards to Regime Change/endless wars etc). And on that front, which I still believe to be a very crucial front, like him or not Trump has been terrific. Going by action (and policy/outcome) alone, he's been the first president in 20 years not to start a new war or expand an existing one. In fact, he's been the first president in recent times to stand up publicly to the hawks in all the various industries and departments/agencies. He avoided being baited into a new shooting war not once, but three times in his first four years despite tremendous media/political pressure. It's long been my working thesis that it's that position, and willingness to buck tradition within the MiC/DC Think Tanks/Foreign Policy wonks, that's made Trump such a major threat to the powers that be/were. Loath him or love him, Trump is an enemy to the old way of thinking on those fronts. The enemy of my enemy is my friend... Biden and Rice are owned and operated by the architects of the past two decades of perma-war in our foreign policy. Siding with them, just because you don't like Trump, just does not make sense unless you're of the belief that looks matter more than substance.
  8. Stop with that whole logic none sense. People operating by feelz have no use for it!
  9. Says the biggest lemming on the board without a whiff of irony
  10. The fact Kemp is still trying to make this a thing is hilarious. Coming from a guy who’s been wrong at every single turn, and never skipped a beat while doing so, it’s comedic gold
  11. Being the “most” of anything isn’t mediocre. It’s excelling in whatever endeavor your labeling. Once more, Billstime proves he doesn’t even have a grasp on basic vocabulary. But he thinks himself a deep thinker. You can’t write comedy like that.
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