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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Shh. He's busy losing his mind trying to troll. He's just really, really, bad at it. And the more he's been exposed as a bad person on this board, the more unhinged he's become. It's fan-fukking-tastic.
  2. It's PERFECT that Kemp, one of the lowest IQ posters on this entire board, fell for this all the way Never change Kemp. Keep on breathing through your mouth and saying 3+3=Blue.
  3. Another delay for the Flynn family and justice. Another deeply unsettling move by the corrupt members of the judiciary to keep their benefactors afloat. No movement on Flynn until the 11th, and that assumes they rule the same day they hear the case (they likely will not). So mid-to-late August for that case to be rightfully dismissed. Giving those people who love to cheer on corruption and judicial overreach another few weeks to crow before their inevitable walk back. It likely (but not for certain) means we won't get movement on Durham until mid-to-late August now as well as Flynn's case has to be handled first.
  4. One of the dumber posters out there based on his track record so far. He look, it's a guy who confused Clint ***** Eastwood with ANTIFA because he's very, very, VERY stupid.
  5. You don't have to. But it doesn't change the fact that's been his MO for 4 years. If you're still confused about that, it's on you. Reading is not that hard
  6. 100% That's why there was a rift about 6-7 months ago over timing within the "team". Then the black swan hit (completely unrelated of course )... it's been nail-biting time since then.
  7. It's called trolling you. And he did it beautifully. It's not his fault you can't differentiate between a question mark and a period. That's on you
  8. Unless Flynn loses this hearing, which is doubtful. Then it would be appealed (again) and we could be looking at months of delays until the higher court hears it.
  9. From everything US Attorneys tell me, it's just a delay of the inevitable at this point. But since the kickoff can't happen until Flynn is handled in full, it's a two week delay pushing us closer to the election before Durham can act. Which, has long been the fears of many including myself. They made their bed now though with this timing. I hope they can pull it off.
  10. Ghouls is correct. When people show you what they are, believe them.
  11. Repositioning troops into the Baltic is not empowering Putin in any way Billstime just proved, again, he knows nothing about this topic.
  12. Someone is losing his mind today. It's nice to see as it couldn't happen to a better guy.
  13. It does. Just as all his posts do. He's not here to have conversations. He's here to defend the indefensible. His soul is rotten and his brain is a soft boiled egg. He's moved beyond asshat territory to become what he always strived for: a bad human being. Not just a bad poster, a bad person. That's Gary's legacy. And it's one he's earned with each screenname he's scurried to when things got too hot for him.
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