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Posts posted by jeffismagic

  1. The thing I noticed about the defensive line that I hated was they were NOT attacking the LOS. They seemed to be sitting back. Isn't the whole point of a Rex Ryan defense to attack the LOS and create mismatches? We are getting the worst of both worlds.


    We need to get this straightened out now.

    I'm glad I didn't drink during the game. This would have been infuriating and depressing. As is, it was just a bummer.

    We're not as good as we thought after last week, but I think we're better than it feels right now. It's still early. The talent's there. It's just a matter of whether they can clean it up and put it together consistently.


    Agree. Good teams lose games. The Giants are not as bad as people tried to make them. We just need to keep improving because it's not how you start, it's how you finish.


    Taylor looks good despite the bad start to the game. We need to attack on both sides of the ball next week.

  2. Is it though? Obviously Sammy impacts a game, but once the Bills opened up the offense through the air they were able to move the ball with relative ease.


    I noted that they did better throwing downfield than RUN RUN PASS. But this offense goes from dangerous to much less explosive without him. He draws all the best coverage and leaves other guys wide open.

  3. Rex Ryan defense not working right now. Against Brady and Manning not even close to good enough. They will feast on crappy QB's. Could it be too complicated or players not ready in it yet?


    Greg Roman really lost the game by running the same inside run on first down for the entire first half. Let Tyrod go downfield and let's throw on 1st down way more.


    Injuries mounting. We have way too many guys out this early in the year.


    Anger on players has to be controlled. I would have liked to see our linebackers make a tackle or two up the middle.


    Let's also give Giants credit. Manning and Coughlin have won 2 Superbowls. We aren't beating guys like that with crappy play like we saw today.

  4. All the idiots will come out of the woodwork now. Our talent level minus McCoy, Watkins, Williams and more was similar to the Giants. You don't win with 17 penalties, free first downs when your defense makes a stop, missed tackles, and terrible playcalling.


    I thought Hackett was back with the same run on first down up the middle every time. Tyrod had to throw on 3rd and long all first half. Once they started letting him throw downfield the Bills looked like the better team. But they couldn't dig out of the hole they created along with the crazy penalty everytime the offense made a big play.

  5. A new challenge is going to be keeping talent and replacing talent that we lose. I am not saying we are going to lose a lot of guys, But I would say it will be hard to keep all of them. I wasn't expecting Incognito to play so well. I thought he would be just a one year player for us. Looks like we will want to re-sign him now too, which is just another person to add to our list for the offseason.


    It will be pretty difficult to keep bradham, harvin, incognito, Glenn, etc know that we also have too look down the road in re-signing Gilmore and possibly a franchise QB.


    A lot of it will depend on how much the cap goes up. If it goes up a good amount, then maybe with some creativity we can keep our stars mainly intact


    This can be done because the Bills have an awful lot of talent playing at a below market rate. Sammy Watkins, Roberts Woods, Tyrod Taylor, Cordy Glenn, Seantrel Henderson, John Miller, Preston Brown, Nigel Bradham, Ronald Darby are all below market rate.


    Now we will end up losing 2-4 of these guys over the next 3 years. But with the great drafting we should be able to replace and even upgrade a few of these. Plus the fact that we will lose free agents puts us in the Patriots and Ravens model of getting comp picks free!


    The only thing I hate is that there is one team that happens to be ahead of us that we need to find a way to pass while we have this cheap talent.

  6. Defense was better under Schwartz. I know Brady and Pats had good day vs Bills defense last year too but I liked how Schwartz just let Dline loose as opposed to all this BS Rex is doing which isnt generating any sacks and ends up leaving players in single coverage that shouldn't be.


    I keep hearing this. Patriots did the exact thing to us last year. Patriots scored 37 points, Brady 361 yards, 4 TD's. No pass-rush, no defense.


    This is just us playing like sh&^ against the Patriots, they have our number.

  7. Defensive line and offensive line lost the battle in the trenches. Undisciplined play for all Bills units. Outcoached and outclassed.


    Positives. We didn't get knocked out when Patriots tried to finish us off and kept fighting.


    Time to move on to next week and just write this off. Dareus, Hughes, Williams, and Williams will have to play much better.

  8. Was it really that bad? Damn, that's not good.

    Well, hopefully we will be in a position this offseason to really be able to focus almost solely on OLine through draft and maybe FA, but probably higher draft picks. Although I want to see how the line improves throughout the season.


    No, I don't think so. Taylor usually had a clean pocket to throw in. Now I do agree with Whaley that teams are selling out to stop the run so it will be hard to bully anyone unless Taylor can throw. And so far so good as he burned the Colts bad with big plays.

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