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Posts posted by jeffismagic

  1. Echoing some thoughts on this thread:

    *Rex's ego is a big problem with lack of leadership and gets in the way of a lot of things. As noted, he wants to get cute and make weekly captains, but the lack of permanent captains fuels lack of accountability to each other. Why not let players elect captains for O/D/ST and then add 1 special weekly captain? Former Giant DE Osi Umenyiora had an interesting comment about the D and DL: he didn't see them all flying to the ball to gang tackle like last year. That comes from lack of accountability to each other.

    *Examples of Rex ego: he processes everything in the filter of Rex. Titans game was Rex v. Wisenhut. When Dareus signed his $ extension and Rex was asked for comment, his first reaction was "I wish I was a better player. Holy cow that's a lot of money." This from one of the best paid coaches in the league. As Madden said when asked about Rex: "Well, I saw him eat a dog biscuit. But at some point you have to coach to win in this league...."

    *Our inability to make halftime adjustments on both sides of the ball is troubling. (Bellicheat commented how long we stayed with a plan that wasn't working.) We are DEAD LAST in 3rd quarter points allowed. Jets are FIRST with FG to Pats today the only points all year. (We are 27th in 3d Q scoring offense.) https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/opp-3rd-quarter-points-per-game Last year under Schwartz, defensive adjustments was a strong suit (as was gang tackling).

    *I am willing to give this staff a full year to make final conclusions, but right now it sure looks like Rex is Wad Phillips v2, but with a tummy tuck and a man purse.


    Wade Phillips was the last good coach the Bills had and got us into the playoffs. I'll take it.

  2. I think the Bills coaches need to raise holy hell with the NFL. Maybe get Pegula to do something behind the scenes. Other teams seem to get attention drawn so that penalties our thrown. On the TD, Hughes has Joeckel beat and was closing on the QB when Joeckel was holding him with both hand around the shoulders. Another blown call that was obvious.


    Get refs to start calling holding and our D line looks all world again.

  3. Agree on some accounts. I do believe in the bell curve way, but Rex also demands to be outside the norm and when you do things differently than everybody else I do think it's fair to evaluate that approach, especially since it's been a very long time since he has accomplished anything. Moving forward for us to fit his system, which comes with the package, we will need to make some roster adjustments. Potentially some major decisions. I'm not OK doing that for a middle of the road coach. Nor do I think it was our expectation we would be getting a middle of the road guy and we could just let our talent take over. But again, on my end, I'm sort of turning this back into a performance discussion which wasn't my goal. Leadership is linked to performance on your bell curve, I just see nothing in this mans history to show me he can excel in that area. It's sort of disheartening as far as thinking about things moving forward.


    There are 32 NFL teams. Rex could still end up elite or bottom 5 but for now he looks like a middle of the road coach. He has also never had a QB. Looks at BB's record without Brady and with Brady. If TT becomes the guy Rex will start to look like a genius. Right now he looks like an idiot because he talks a good game and there haven't been high end results.

  4. The difference between a 9-7 team and a 5-11 team in the NFL is very small. When you take away your starting QB, 3 WR's , 2 Offensive Linemen, your best safety, and a pro-bowl Dlineman then your team is not heads and shoulders over the Jaguars. It hurts because we almost won. It means we need to steal a game we were not supposed to.

  5. Again, don't disagree. I will ask you the same thing as Big Cat, what has Rex done to show you that he is a good leader? This thread isn't about why we lost today.


    Nothing. But I don't try to read things into games that are not there.




    I don't think coaching in the same way as most fans.


    It's a bell curve to me. 5 elite coaches that really make a difference. 5 awful coaches that blow games. And the rest of the NFL is in the middle. Rex is that middle group. Not really stealing victories and not blowing games either. Fans mistake results for coaching in many instances beyond their control.

  6. Starting:


    Wide Receiver 1

    Wide Receiver 2

    Strong Safety

    DTackle (Captain)



    Running back


    Even with all these players hurt, the Bills did enough to win today, in spite of two consecutive plays by the backup QB that dug them into a hole they'd have to claw their way out of.


    I'm pissed that we gave up the go ahead touchdown and I'm pissed that we let them hold the ball for 9.5 minutes to start the third quarter, and that falls directly on Rex's D.


    But Jesus.


    Today had nothing to do with coaching.


    Let me also add that Duke Williams is a !@#$ing liability and Corey Graham aint much better. We are suffering big time from Aaron Williams being out. If Bills fans should be concerned about one thing, it's that he recovers enough to rejoin this team. Because they need him badly.


    This. Rex has done some questionable things. But you are not winning an NFL game when your QB plays like EJ did. Period. The fact that they kept playing after being down 28-3 should be a credit to Rex, although a minor one.


    We get 3 AFC division games after the bye. I'm chiming in then.

  7. @BuffaloWins

    It takes a special QB to throw 3 INTs, have their running game get over 200yds and lose...


    He threw another pass that should have been an INT pick 6 but DRC dropped it. Cassel gave EJ a run for his money today...


    He also hit one of his receivers in the helmet!!!!


    Threw a 3 yard pass on 4th and 8.



    Cassel fans, please stop. He was run out of KC and Minny.


    EJ just can't seem to bring it to the field. I thought he had improved in the preseason, but in his two regular season appearances he still misses too many reads and easy throws. Far too inconsistent to play winning football on a sustained basis.


    I was open to EJ not in the right place after Marrone. But even with the lack of weapons, the o-line gave him time to throw and he had ZERO pocket presence. He is what he is, a marginal backup like most teams have at QB.

  9. The Bills got Tyrod. Who cares about EJ or Cassel. Let's see whether he is the answer.




    A. He is the answer. Good times even if we don't make the playoffs.


    B. He is not the answer. That means Bills lost a lot of games and could have a shot at a top QB in draft.



    Sit back and enjoy the ride, we'll find out over the rest of the season.

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