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Posts posted by jeffismagic


    He may have been "open when covered" at ECU, but I doubt that'll be the case in BUF.... All the things I observed lead to MUCH tighter windows for QB's to throw into... There just won't be a lot of cushion between him and the defender...

    Maybe that'll work for whoever gets the start at QB...


    I see Andre Holmes as the #2 WR this year. Zay Jones will be the #3 this year.

  2. I hope people understand that teams can block their scouts from interviewing with the Bills. The candidate pool is out of work scouts and coaches. That doesn't seem like the best idea. The Bills shouldn't have fired the whole staff. That was really stupid. They should have fired the guys that weren't good. Now, even if they want some of those guys back they are free agents. Don't be mistaken, this is a PROBLEM.


    Yes. And Buffalo does not look like the best situation for talented scouts to work in. Beane will have to convince people that their work will be valued.

  3. I made a McCoy joke directed at you so I just served 20 days.


    Simon says I'm not funny and I can't talk about our Qb ever. You can find me in the defense and OL threads from here on out.


    Reading the crusades while on vacation has made me not miss them.


    The Transplant thread is now just Tyrod believers agreeing with each other. I almost just posted a video of Baltimore-Buffalo as a tribute to you.

  4. Apparently he was reported by multiple members for "crusading" against Tyrod, but I wonder where are the suspensions on the other side of the equation for those who crusade in defense of Tyrod? What is the difference? The issue really, similar to when FireChan got the axe, is that RLB disagreed with the majority and was uninterested in being shamed into silence. Those who reported him are a bit like those who demanded the murder of Jesus and the excommunication of Galileo out of their own insecurities. That's to compare the condemnation, not to say Ryan is much like Jesus. Jesus is obviously not a Bills fan. B-)


    Clinging to preconceived notions and the defensiveness that follows from that is a recipe for destructiveness. I wonder if Jeffismagic is the next one for us to tear down, the talk of "crusade" has begun there. I think the real crusade are the ones who want to banish these good folks because they disagree.


    Thanks for that. There is a God but he hates the Bills.

  5. The present structure our Bills are using is very similar to exactly what goes on in KC

    The only difference is that is currently a highly successful team so media and fans don't claim its in any way dsyfunctional

    At the end of the day if we start winning more games nobody will care about the structure

    If we keep losing folks will key on it




    The structure is the same as KC, yes. For this to work Sean will have to let Beane do his job. If he doesn't do that it's a Chip Kelly situation.

  6. Well you blame him solely for all the losses so why can't I give him credit for leading the offense? You blame our defensive failures on him. What needs to be better more next year? The offense or the defense? Answer that Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Both. I don't ignore either. The goal should be to win a Superbowl. Let's get on that and draft better defensive players as well as secure a franchise QB.

  7. And you already know the Bills are not a playoff team, right? Just like you already know that McD and Beane don't know what they're doing. Life must be boring when you know in advance what's going to happen.


    If the Jets hired the defensive coordinator from the Panthers who had a worse defense than Rob and Rex Ryan last year and made him the GM and had him pick players in the draft then fire the scouts who setup the board I would mock them mercilessly. It does not look like a winning hand.

  8. Tyrod play was sufficient enough to lead the number 6 offense in the league. How do you not see with great defense to go with this offense we will win a lot of games? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    The offense was middle of the pack with a top rushing number and bottom of the barrel passing number. Wins and losses are a team stat but team offense is JUST Tyrod? You are twisting yourself into a pretzel here defending this QB. If he was totally responsible for every point the offense scored why did he and his agent take a pay cut? Why didn't he demand a raise instead?

  9. Awww change the subject on the Miami games? Face it there is zero argument to b made that tyrod lost the Miami games. The defense did. Win those and it's playoffs. Bree's threw for the most yards and won 8 games. Your point? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    You didn't convince me that QB play is not important. Great QB play is necessary but not sufficient.


    I am in the improve BOTH the defense and the QB play camp. It doesn't have to be just one.

  10. You mean after he gave them the lead, carpenter missed a field goal and the defense gave up the lead? Hahjahaha hilarious. Such a troll Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    You keep demanding only the defense improve. Derek Carr won 12 games last year with a worse defense than the Bills. QB play matters.


    We're talking about being one year out. Mahomes' biggest advocates were probably me and Bandit. He barely registered on many radars as a top prospect. As far into this process as March, we still had a ton of people within the media talking down this class until they realised that there were a few guys that were going way earlier than they thought.


    I've watched enough of Darnold to understand the talent he has but that he's both inexperienced and has a lot to work on. The hype for guys like Allen is the thing that I find unfathomable, the 1st round hype for guys like Davis Webb or Mitch Leidner is another part of it. Christian Hackenberg as well (literally the next Luck because he was tall, white and pro-style). I'm supposed to see Allen hyped up as a potential #1 pick while Lamar Jackson is getting the "is he really a QB" treatment? Let's not forget that Marcus Mariota & Teddy Bridgewater were also picked apart in ways that others aren't subject to.


    I don't expect this to be welcomed or popular but I've seen this song and dance a few times now. I'm not falling for it again.


    Let's not forget this nugget from Greg Cossell, the king of the tall, white guys.


    NFL Films' Greg Cosell: I'd take Zach Mettenberger over Jameis Winston




    I'm going to re-post because it's obvious you forgot to read the message you're replying to before clicking 'quote'...


    "Getting it done" isn't on one player. There are 53 players on a roster. Plus the coaches designing the game plans, making adjustments, game management decisions, etc.

    I read your excuses. The guy struggles running a two minute drill. He folds in the 4th quarter. He hesitates like Trentative in the pocket. He can't hit open wide receivers. He can't throw or challenge a defense in the middle of the field. He has one of the lowest yards after catch per completion in the NFL.


    But defensive play not to lose coaches love him.


    "Getting it done" isn't on one player. There are 53 players on a roster. Plus the coaches designing the game plans, making adjustments, game management decisions, etc.


    So if Tyrod doesn't get it done again this year with his THIRD offensive coordinator will you still make excuses for him? Or will you say it is time to move on?


    "Inability to pass the ball" - Taylor finished 18th in passer rating in 2016, after finishing 8th in 2015.


    "But passer rating is irrelevant!" - Okay...


    "Taylor ended the 2016 regular season with the 10th-best overall grade among all QBs, at 84.7. That’s higher than Alex Smith, Ben Roethlisberger, Jameis Winston, Andy Dalton and—here is the big one—Dak Prescott. Last year, Taylor was seventh (88.3)."




    Bottom 2 passing game in the NFL and a 1-7 record vs .500 or better teams is nothing to brag about. He gets a nice "rating" while not getting it done.


    J.P. Losman also had a top 11 QB rating one year with Mike Mularkey as the coach.


    How many leads did tyrod give us? How many times did the defense collapse? Even brees couldn't throw his way to a winning record, and rivers, and cousins. We need defense. I'll say it again....we need defense. We get a top ten defense this year...10 wins no problem.


    Why not also try to improve a bottom 2 NFL passing game?


    well somehow we had a better record than the chargers and same as the saints with all that passing. You have this idea that somehow rush yards and tds count less than the pass yards. we move the ball...we score more than most teams in the league. we do have an effective pass game that allows us to run it down peoples throats. The steelers won with big run and defense, so did the seahawks.


    Not even close. The Bills run the ball very well which is why there is no excuse for a QB not passing better. Against .500 teams or better, Tyrod Taylor and his inability to pass the ball registered 1 win, 7 losses against teams that were .500 or better. The one win came against a third string QB with an injured shoulder.

  17. Keep him.....he is a marketing genius....every year he is able to sell the hope that this is year and their season ticket sales remain high....this guy could sell ocean view property in the desert.


    He already has a sales pitch for 2017. Sean The Wrestler screaming stuff and a Bills fan hitting the back of his pickup truck.



  18. Top 5 offense. Should be much better defense. This leads to more wins. But you still ignore that defense has any effect on a football game Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    No, I think offense and defense are both important. I think you're the one who thinks the passing game is not necessary and that a team can have success with a bottom 3 passing game.



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