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Everything posted by the_franchise

  1. I think this is one mans celebration of a Will-Smith-iversary
  2. I was thinking maybe one more big pay day for the family before he is gone.. sadly.
  3. Come on guys, its a bird.
  4. Maybe this Jared should eat more subway?
  5. I think thats what happens with fans that don't know much about the team or care to learn. When it comes to Whitner, I'm beyond happy with him at SS/FS. When it comes the Bills, I trust the front office to make the right moves, the coaches to play the right players, and I expect the players to play their asses off. And when they don't do that, I expect it to be handled accordingly. Thats what "real" fans should believe. I do scratch my head at a lot of the things this team does, but it is my team and our team, so why not trust them.. if you can't, cheer for someone else.
  6. On both the vehicles I drive they don't lock the oldest being a 98 explorer. But I'm pretty sure both of them have the "anti-siphon" deal going on. A girl I work with drives a newer Camry and it happened to her, so I guess you should find out for sure if your tank has that or not.
  7. The only lego set I ever actually put the entire thing together was the ninja set. Most of the time my brother and I would just stack all the pieces into one big tower with a hole in the middle big enough to drop Lego guys through. Then we would smash the tower. It was a lot of fun on a rainy day. Then we got Mike Tyson Punch Out and stopped with the Legos permanently.
  8. Why would any Bills fan want to see one of OUR players fail? Especially on a coming season with a lot of potential.
  9. Her dealers would, thats a lot of lost business.
  10. I was wondering the same thing.
  11. Real bummer, one of the greats. And he managed to be awesome at what he did up until his final days. RIP Carlin.
  12. I live in South Florida and go to Miami every chance I get. Buffalo is a way better place to come visit, but being less than an hour from Miami if I have the chance to go down to Collins Ave. I'm not going to pass it up. It is pretty run down in a lot of parts, but just like WNY is really nice in a lot of other parts. As for Turnpike traffic, its not half as bad as the traffic once you actually get into Miami, driving in that crap is stupid. The worst drivers I have ever seen were in Miami. And for the night life down there, walking around there not quite sober wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. Especially with my good friend Jessica, who is a pretty good looking chick, I was shocked that no one actually ran their mouths the entire week and a half I was there and in the keys.
  13. They have two different sounds. Death Cab is alright, but i was always partial to The Postal Service. A lot of bands are like that, I prefer At the Drive In to the Mars Volta they are almost 1 in the same. Brand New, Taking Back Sunday, and Straylight Run all have ties to each other from Jesse Lacey and John Nolan being part of both Taking Back Sunday and Brand New but I prefer Brand New over the other two. Plus Jenny Lewis worked more with the Postal Service than she does with Death Cab now, which was another element of the postal service that I liked. Yeah they are pretty much the same but minor differences turn into huge ones when its comes to music at least IMO.
  14. I always thought that the Postal Service was a better band than Death Cab, but then again they only put out 1 album, a couple covers and remixes.
  15. If the homeless guy knocked them all up, he should just donate his "stuff" for a couple bucks, it seems to work on those girls under 16.
  16. I don't think that stealing teachers ID's and password along with stealing a copy of the schools master key is quite the same as hacking into the computer system. If you got the teachers log in information it seems like the real hard part would be getting into and out of the school unnoticed. Sentence is kind of much, but they are 18 and should have thought about the consequences. 38 years no, Probation for a few years and a ton of community service, sure. This serves as a reminder, if you are going to change you grades, dont make yourself a straight A student, just pump it up a couple points and get your average a little higher .
  17. I guess you should have you kids playing soccer
  18. ive now learned to hover over links just to avoid this. i really hope that guy was not serious.
  19. I left Buffalo before I was even in grade school and I've always considered it my home. I grew up in North Carolina (Live in Florida now) but have always supported the Bills and Sabres along with the entire area. When people ask where I'm from I tell them Buffalo. Then I get my balls busted from being born there, which used to bother me, but with as much as I come home I still feel like I am as much of a part of the area as someone who has lived there their entire life and then it doesn't bother me in the least way. When I go home, its not to Greensboro, NC where I grew up for 15 years of my life, but rather Buffalo. I've only been to Sabres games in North Carolina and have never been to a Bills game, but that doesn't stop me from wearing my Bill/Sabres Jerseys, Keeping my Flutie Flakes on my dresser along with my Bills Mask. And just as every Buffalonian should do, I wont forget where I came from. Hopefully I can go to either the Jacksonville or Miami game this year. One of the fun things I have done there was when I was maybe 16 or 17 I worked at Freedom Fest for my Aunt Janet, I made some decent money for a 1 day event and I really just enjoyed the sights and sounds of the day. Spent the majority of it the next day in Hamburg. Some of you might have known (or heard of) my cousin Jacob Pfister who was killed in Iraq on April 19, 2005. (Doesn't really have much to do with this topic) But he was another huge Buffalo Sports fan and a fan of the place in general and just thought I would throw this out there. Another person from our home town to make us proud. Information about him No, I didn't grow up there, but yes I love the area like its the only thing I've ever known.
  20. "Say a prayer for Timmy, drink a cold one, and go Bills" That might be off, but that was close to the last statement made on the show dedicated to him tonight if any of you caught it.
  21. Come home from work only to find the news out, I was shocked. Prayers for the Russert family. As for the Buffalo Bills, lets win him that damn Super Bowl.
  22. Thats just wrong, but still pretty funny
  23. Roscoe Parrish Langston Walker Jason Peters (thats where he's been)
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