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Everything posted by the_franchise

  1. Ralph probably forgot what he said shortly afterward.
  2. I'll only believe it when next season starts and he isn't playing. It is a shame (if) this is how it ends for him though.
  3. Even though he is an alternate, its good to see us get a nod in there. Enjoy Honolulu, I'm sure one of those guys will pull out. (Unlike Travis Henry )
  4. The Cable guy would be there between 8:00-8:01
  5. Agreed, Guitars are great, sometimes their drums are a little over produced, but one of my favs when im listening to metal-ish
  6. I'd have to say Brand New. First off, every album has a different sound and feel. Their first cd (Your Favorite Weapon) was pop-punk; The second (Deja Entendu) was more emo than anything; The third release (The Devil and God*) was and still remains one of my favorite records; The fourth album (Daisy) is also up there with some of the better music ive heard come out recently. The third albums demos got leaked which was a bummer because they changed all of the songs and wrote new ones instead of finishing what they had already recorded. Still those demos are better than what most bands in the "indie" genre could release with their best efforts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W2FBESbYUY (This is just some user made video, save your eyes)
  7. for clutch for creed. Robert Ritchie, aka Kid Rock, and Scott Stapp, singer of the band Creed, appear in a sex tape from 1999 in which the two have sex with four groupies. California pornography company Red Light District planned to release the tape in 2006, but one of the women involved filed to block it. Ritchie also filed an injunction, called Stapp an "idiot," and blamed him for the tape's leak. KidRockandStappdoingthedeedwithgroupies.com Very Christ like Scott
  8. Reading what all the former and current players have to say about this "issue" I can't help but think... "Is this going to make it even harder for a new players agreement?" The Harrison hit(s) and Robinson hit IMO weren't as ugly to watch as the Meriweather. But these guys are out there playing the game the way I was taught and I'm sure they were taught to play. Go out there and make a big hit. Now if you want to fine people for a hit that came with malicious intent, I'm all for and I would imagine most people would agree. You've got to look out for your employees well being, but if you're going to play this hard hit card, why not work something out in these huge contracts to make sure there is money set aside for retired players health when their done. Show you really care NFL. But when you want to fine guys for making "legal" hits, thats a problem. Also, I really think the second these guys slow it down to think about making a tackle the defense is going to vanish from the game and its going to look like basketball. Back to the original point, do you guys have a feeling (like myself) that this is just going to cause more of a problem towards a new agreement getting worked out?
  9. Ralph, according to wikipedia; is also in horse racing Ralph. In 2003 his horse "Outta Here" finished dead last. But in 1991 he had a prize winning horse Arazi Wonder Horse. Maybe there is a connection between his horse racing success and the on-field success.
  10. Because he is going to be the last player able to make a tackle probably. Lets home no one else potentially has their season ended before it starts.
  11. Dont forget about the ever-so-lovely fingers dedicated to us last year by Mr. Titans
  12. Still waiting for the "Save the Gulf" concert and telethon....
  13. The Vikings must have referred them to a nice pleasure cruise company
  14. Well I dont think the guy we wanted under center was in this years draft, I also dont think that Nix wanted to get whoever we thought was our guy murdered in his first year behind our line. The league is win now and we all know that. But as of now we have 0 quality starters at QB, we have back ups. So if you think that waiting for a certain guy thats going to be in next years draft when we are already looking at having one of the top 10-15 picks is wrong, I dont follow. I'm sure the Rams knew that Bradford was their guy before the season ended and if we know we selecting 1st we're also probably going to know who we want before it gets close to draft time.
  15. I wouldn't mind seeing how Houston's Case Keenum winds up doing next season. He's already posted back to back 5,000 yard seasons and with the only potentially "big game" that UCLA his he could be primed for another. His highlight reel against the powerhouse schools might be limited, but the numbers don't lie. Just another name out there
  16. The ruling on the diamond, the runner was out at first, two outs remaining, play ball.
  17. Ill be looking for you at any restaurant and shopping center I go to in the near future. Remember laces... I mean teeth out... actually make that teeth in.
  18. Chewing with the mouth open is a big one, garbage trucks in the morning slamming stuff around is another, babies crying in public for extended periods of time make me want to Brian Moorman small children and/or infants
  19. How are the kids going to learn to read if they cant fit inside.
  20. Badfish (Sublime), Zoso (Led Zep), and Appetite for Destruction (Guns 'n' Roses) are all tribute bands that play covers. A cover is just another band performing a different bands song.
  21. No no no.. Wang, Levitre, and then Wood.
  22. A sheet is also a form of music notation, a rope used to control a sail, and the surface of which curling is played on.... maybe boolay is just a jack of all trades (interchangeable with what you see fit)
  23. Well that wasnt as many boooooos as you would hear if they drafted santa
  24. This might just be me or maybe lingering effects from the mushroom thread but... Benjamin kinda resembles Will Ferrell when he doesn't forget his helmet. Will Roethlisberger
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