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Everything posted by the_franchise

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhnUgAaea4M
  2. Time To Kill had some of THE BEST quotes out of any game I've ever played in it. "Suck my boom stick." "Rubba dub dub, get outta the tub." etc.
  3. Good signing. Looking forward to see what he can do with these guys. Maybe he will be coaching up Edwards for awhile. Maybe he will take over for him if we give up 8 more 200yd rushing games.
  4. Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed
  5. My brother still has that one. He's got some pretty good ones with the Bills on the cover.
  6. I'm not really for or against trading down but a guy like Cam Heyward (6'5" 292) has got close to the same size as Dareus (6"3" 306). What is the difference in the caliber of these guys? I've seen Heyward get handled a few times but I've also seen him do the same thing to other. I cant say I've seen to much of Dareus other than the picksix in last years BCS game.
  7. The Broncos didnt want Peyton Hillis either. Good call on that one.
  8. I'll never understand athletes feeling like this. I have to go out in the cold for 3 hours!!! And sit on heated benches!!! Oh no I have to go to Miami every year!!! Playing the game I grew up loving.... And get paid millions of dollars for it!!! Can we get a Kleenex emoticon?
  9. Spot on. He was turning into a Haynesworth type guy (lack of effort) on the Panthers. I imagine if Delhomme stayed healthy and productive and they kept winning it would've been different for him. Much like LT though, I hope the guy gets a ring. And, was it that Bruce was fat and lazy or was he just hitting the bottle a little too much?
  10. Living in NC, I've watched the guy play a few times and when he left I had no doubt the Bears were making a good signing. On another note, I wont say that Steve Smith would put the next team he plays for in the playoffs, but I hope he gets out of there and gets onto a contender because when he's healthy he's dynamite.
  11. Trash talk backed up. I do like seeing the Pats lose, and this interview was pretty classic. But not as classic and this....
  12. Bring back the Marlboro ad and the old endzones. I got to walk through the suites, locker room, practice field, on the field, and the front office area a few years back. I was more than impressed with everything in there. Maybe i'm biased, but looking up at the seats from the field was probably one of the top five greatest sights I've witnessed.
  13. I'm all for these guys talking a little trash. The bulletin board deal, lame duck theory if you ask me. If you let some smack talking get in the way of your game then you should work on being a "professional" athlete. First off, you know these guys are jaw jacking on the field the entire game, its just not publicized so we don't get whats probably some good cracks and cut downs from these guys. Secondly, its the playoffs against a rival, have some emotion and put it on the line. Third and final, I hate the Jets less than the Pats so I for one hope they kick the piss out of Mr. Bundchen & Co and then lose after that. Oh yeah, I don't know about you but I will be rooting for the Seahawks, I'd like to see the Superbowl winners do that with a losing regular season record. There would be seismic activity at TBD.
  14. Is it a fact that Lynch is the former Bills running back? Does he currently play for the Seashawks? Are the Bills watching from home. Yes, yes, and yes. Who the hell cares, he was here and he no longer is. I liked beastmode myself, but we went in a different direction, get over it. Do you really think that a multi-million dollar corporation (ESPN) is concerned about taking shots at the Bills... Probably not so much. Do/Did they talk like this with every other team in every other sport that sucks like we have, again the answer is yes. Can we get a emoticon that is pulling out a Kleenex and giving it to another emoticon?
  15. Its nice of the insiders to talk about this after Lynch kills the Saints near the end of the wildcard game... womp womp wahhhhhhh. Sucks for you Saints, have fun golfing with the rest of the Bills that weren't traded.
  16. What about the Middle School Basketball Coach and School District being sue by a kids parents for not allowing him to play on the team because of his long hair?
  17. The bottom line is that stats don't matter, winning does. Sure they look nice, but I would rather be 16-0 with the worst ranks in every category than be 0-16 and be close to the top. Not saying that winning year in/year out and breaking records wouldn't be nice too. I like Fitz as the short term answer at QB and I've thought that since last year. But eventually when "the franchise guy" is there, that will be the sign of The Beards last year in Buffalo. On a side note, Sucks for the Jags... Win and you're in and you lose Garrard and MJD. Trent, they've got to love you in Florida.
  18. Because according to Sports Illustrated when Collins was drafted, he was the next Troy Aikman
  19. At my house, its a constant battle. I put it on over the top, she put its through the back. I tried to convert her but have failed. I don't care what kind gets bought really, just as long as there is no breakage. I know if I make a suggestion then I'm going to be the one doing the shopping. Is there a "Yes Dear" emoticon? Scotts usually what in the can. But the Angel Soft isn't bad.
  20. I think its really petty. I'm not to sure where "!@#$" and "Slave" are synonymous either. As for Injun and Halfbreed I personally think its a load. Maybe the foreword of the book should explain these three words, their origins and give some insight to readers. But wait a second... we don't need to learn from reading, we need to be more ignorant than the idea of changing one of the greatest books of all time. I am glad my book collection is one of a decent size because I don't want my son growing up reading the watered down version of things.
  21. Would this lower or raise the value of the top 10 picks? The argument can go both way. Why would teams spend the cash to pickup a player this year when next year the contracts for the 2012 rookies is going to be way less? But, it might bring more talent into the draft this year raising the picks value. Is there even football next year? Oh offseason....
  22. I don't care if they're big or small school guys, I'd just like to see us stay away from one year wonders. That and undersized one year wonders. And after watching this run d all year, I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up two stout DTs and just running a 3 DT line maybe then we can just form a collapsing blob around the pocket.
  23. He isn't in Cali. anymore. Can't beat up porn/reality stars at D&B's or Applebees
  24. I dont blame him. A "out there" owner and 6 coaches in 10 years will make a player feel like that. I can't say I blame him, but if its so bad for you, go punt somewhere else; I'm sure better teams would like you on the roster. Now if Davis brought coach back because of what the punter said...
  25. The Redskins helmet would be pretty cool on the KC or WSH unis... Or any college program with an American Indian or Native American mascot.
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