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Everything posted by the_franchise

  1. dont want to make it commonplace but, looks like the draft is going more towards defense this year but best of luck to TKO and now i can breathe because i didnt have a spikes jersey to retire, looks like i need to purchase a losman, evans, parrish, or just get a throw back and not worry about a trade retiring more of my bills jerseys
  2. well, a big reason on why I even listen to ST is the fact that the band is full of actual musicians, thus the reason you all should check out Bright Eyes (newer music) and Cursive both amazing bands on a great record lable.. a little chaotic but overall great music. note that both the bands have some moments where they sing about politics and religion but still great music
  3. not against downloading music at all but, i only download bittorrrents until i know i like a cd, then go and buy it... i think a cd collection of burned cds isnt as nice to have as the real deal... but thats just me. on the other hand, torrents are the way to go for movies, software, and videos games if youve got the memory
  4. first off... good music still gets made, and its not rap but saddle creeks record lable... all great bands that dont care about crap other than making good music... and van halen was never good after DLR... when VH started singing about love they went downhill... but yeah not to be a music snob since music is one of the best parts of life outside of football, hockey, etc. pop music is horrible and will remain that way forever along with rap.. but the supertramp cd is pretty good, so dont snob it and check it out
  5. haha no need to feel old, only as old as you act. and just because im 18 andd rocking out my new supertramp cd doesnt mean anything
  6. for 12 bucks.... great deal and lots of great songs... you should check it out if you like the band
  7. your friends with kevin curtis?
  8. robert royal dragging his feet to catch a touchdown pass from 4 yards out
  9. if that happened then all of the post would be about us cleaning house
  10. i think we should worry about a long snaper before anything
  11. my brother set up my account since i was not computer literate at the time. so im not too sure
  12. just thought i would bring a little comedy to the wall.. but none the less, i think he can catch better than josh reed
  13. that might even catch the patriots off gaurd seeing as how we need to work something out to put some consistancy up in our game haha
  14. evans and moulds... would be nice to see that now that evans has a little bit more experience under his jock... just picked up the new Bright Eyes EP and its kind of a let down... but if your into country/indie you should check it out.
  15. Pittman, in all the horrible youtube tributes has been the only back I have seen make efficient cuts and not just dance around for 2 yards... and he's good good speed. But Fanfair looked pretty good too even though he looks a little small.... I dont care who we get just as long as its not Sticky Ricky... once a fish always one in my opinon
  16. If you're still alive and drinking in the 5th round you might be an alcoholic... which after season we might all be
  17. just play power hour(s) with the draft clock until its all said and done... that should be enough drinking for a day
  18. another running back with a bad attitude... didnt really like the idea of Rhodes here anyways... good luck in oakland though oh yeah, i wouldnt want a player on our team that gets DUI's
  19. They can be cell mates for all I care, we'll see ya willis
  20. I kissed the Stanley Cup at the NHL Draft in Raleigh in '04. My brother took a picture of it and had it framed. Phil (The Stanley Cup Guy) got a big kick out of my No Goal t-shirt, asked me if I was from Buffalo or Calgary.
  21. North Carolina is that bad. Warm summers and a mild winter compared to what you get up north. My old man is always talking about how "this aint snow...blah blah blah." but nc is nice
  22. Well thank you Atlanta for Willis...
  23. dont we still have shane mathews??
  24. well i just hope that the game isnt effected next year by this
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