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Everything posted by the_franchise

  1. People using "um" in their sentences and parents who dump their kids off on who ever to get trashed.
  2. I wouldn't mind seeing us take Vernon Gholston (If available) or Keith Rivers with our first pick, then trading back into the first or up in the second to try and snag Devin Thomas or see if he drops to the second which could be a possibility.
  3. Don't draft him Bills, I'm sure if we do Wilfork will be looking for him.
  4. Maybe for tight end, I don't think he has the speed to play on the other side of Evans
  5. Got Bell South DSL, and it's pretty damn good. Never had a connection problem or anything in the couple years I've been using. Had Vonage for a while and it was crap. The price wasn't bad but my service would go out to often. The phone service wasn't bad but just like the internet, went out to often to keep me satisfied. Bell South was just about as good as having Road Runner if not better. And since I've never used Net Zero, I would have to recommend Bell South. If you have Time Warner Cable in your area, check out the prices for Road Runner if you are looking to bundle.
  6. Crabs, Double Stuffing Buns, and Pink Tacos.... when will the madness end? Never
  7. 1. Stuffed peppers >> Pineapple and Pepperoni Pizza >> A good steak or wings
  8. do you have the combover beard too?
  9. When I was in High School, the teacher would have kicked the bottom of your desk, shooting your head back and sitting you up. And would say the same thing.
  10. Soon after thats legal, there are going to be animals on the corners soliciting some "tail"
  11. If it was legal, that would take away a lot of comedians material. Especially the late night programs.
  12. A Lawn service full of Jets fans.
  13. A P.O.S. a 2000 Pontiac Grandam SE 2 door.
  14. Diet Vanilla Pepsi is horrid. Diet Pepsi and Diet Pepsi Max, aren't that bad. Diet Coke has a pretty bad after taste. I just hope there isn't a Diet Vanilla Coke out there which I'm sure there is since they were the first of the two to put out a Vanilla product.
  15. Here a top 25 via cracked.com Too my Hypnotic, Hennessey, Pot, Smack, and whatever else these guys have to be on to come up with this stuff.
  16. I wonder if anyone has actually double wrapped it before.
  17. If she was the toilet seat women, you would only have to pay her a twinky, a piece of carrot cake, and a diet coke
  18. would you do her through the toilet seat?
  19. So she can kill one for you? Or can someone masturbate you and save a kitten? That would make on hell of a shirt.
  20. The best cola ever I am a fan of the Cola Classic too.
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