Fractured fingers playing goalie(soccer) my senior year. Our head coach played college ball and NC State and had one hell of a shot, and I bet him 20 bucks I could stop his best shot... I stopped it but had bones from the top of my fingers chip off and end up down closer to my knuckles. Having my patella (knee cap) pop out of place from getting my legs took out from underneath me making a save in the playoff my senior hurt pretty bad, but getting it shoved back into place and finishing the game on it hurt more. And the worst I would have to Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me quite often making some plays. Outdoor riding bike down a pretty nice hill, I ate it hard. Flipped over the handle bars, bike ran over me, and then i preceded to get caught in some rather large rocks. Fractured the majority of my ribs. My old man thought it was pretty funny that I was pretty beat up and bloody and was poking me in the sides to find out what was wrong. I couldn't laugh for quite awhile without getting a nice little throbbing pain. Nothing like my dad and brother trying their hardest to make me laugh after that happened.. Thanks guys