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Posts posted by stuckinny

  1. Manziel is an incredible college QB. His size scares me. The Russell Wilson comparison I've seen on this board many times doesn't make sense to me because Wilson doesn't play with his hair on fire like Manziel. IMO Manziel will get destroyed (physically) by NFL defenses.


    Question. Would his passion/attitude go over well with veteran players? Can he scale it back? I wonder what would happen if he ran at and got in a players face like he did with Evans in the Bowl game.


    I wouldn't take him at 1 or 9. If we traded back to the late first and acquired more picks, i wouldn't mind the pick. But I'm sure he'd be gone by then anyways.

    Agreed. I haven't looked over the entire draft order yet, but are there alot of teams behind us in need of a QB. If not I woudl not be opposed to trading back into the first to grab him after we get whoever our QB is a competent TE or a WR in a TE body!

  2. there is recent history between the Bills & Rams....


    the Rams moved up from No. 16 to No. 8 overall to grab the former West Virginia wide receiver Tavon Austin. The Rams sent the No. 16 (EJ Manuel), No. 46 (Kiko Alonso), No. 78 (Marquise Goodwin) and No. 222 (Chris Gragg) in exchange for Austin and the Bills third-round pick -- No. 71 (TJ McDonald).

    SO they would be looking to fleece us in a new deal!

  3. Do you hang out at Smitty's Amber Lantern and get hammered with rednecks on weekends?


    Have you and your buddies ever spent a night bullhead fishing at Silver lake with a couple of five gallon buckets filled with canned beer?


    Have you or anyone in your family tried to see how fast you could go on a child's tricycle if you pushed someone on it going down one of those bigass hills on 20A going into Warsaw?


    Have you ever got lost deer hunting in Warsaw and accidentally wandered into the little no mans land called "Dale" and wondered "WTF? Am I in the Twilight Zone?"


    Well it isn't quite smitty's anymore..his son in law bought it so it is just the Amber Lantern. Don't hang there too much anymore, last time was the 2013 NFL Draft. I believe it was 2012 St Patty's day when i puked at the bar there...it was bad. SO i have curtailed my drinking ever since!


    only fished silver lake in aboat and didn't catch a thing


    my parents have a steep driveway and we used to ride the real metal tonka trucks down it..does that count


    Partied in dale many times but never hunted their.....wethersfield is where i hunt (ed)

  4. New Guy - The only question you need to answer right is, how do you like your coffee?

    Just cream...like i leave my ladies!


    1) How do you feel about the blue pants?


    2) Would you favor an all blue pant and jersey look?


    -just like the Sammy or Dave question...there is only one correct answer to these questions...


    1) Love the Blue pants with white jersey

    2) Would not favor blue on blue

  5. Welcome. To complete you profile:


    1) Donte good safety or sucked?

    2) McGee or Greer a better DB?

    3) lynch good decision at the time or horrendous?

    4) Evans loved em or hated?

    5) best bill of all time Kelly or Bruce?

    6) TJ graham( no wait just about everyone agrees he blows)

    7) shoul Da'Rick still be on Da'roster?

    8) polian was good or just lucky three freaking times?

    9) Levy was a bad coach with great players or a great coach managing great players with dysfunctional personalities...




    PS, if possible please avoid looking at drafts in retrospect with a "we should have drafted Tom Brady instead of Leif Larsen"


    phew this one will be alot tougher:


    1) Hitner sucked and still sucks, terrible terrible pick

    2) Greer has a ring, McGee has bum knees

    3) Good decision for regionalization..we need all the fat candian ladies we can get in the seats!

    4) Evans...loved him, but sad he was our #1 WR choice

    5) Bruce..simply because he didn't duck us for the USFL

    6) yup

    7) Think the kid is a head case, we would have never used him right anyway

    8) Polian was the best thing to happen to Buffalo since Rick James

    9) Levy was a great coach with dysfynctional players *****and damn lucky that was before Free Agency because that team would have been dismantled so easy!

  6. Then ridlle me this..why do they put a late starting playoff game in New England? Depending on who they play, could be a huge pat advantage!


    I do believe there were phones and credit cards in 1993, right? Or was the only way to secure a ticket for that game to physically drive to OBD?


    I usually bought those games in person too..their were not too many ticketmaster re-sellers back then, and you got to see exactly where the seats were. I miss those days especially when it comes to concerts. To many people gobble those up and then sell them on ebay...makes me sick!

  7. a place where canines are known to frequent. If you have any experience with pysch patients you'll be fine there. You have to tally up a few posts to earn that honor. A good way to start is just typing "bear" in as many threads as you can.


    I have met alot of dudes doing that on craigslist!

  8. Here's some tips:


    1) Be extreme as possible…I can't overstate this

    2) Claim you know when players will not succeed (which is almost always)

    3) Want to get rid of EJ, CJ, SJ, Marrone, Hackett, Whaley, Brandon, insert any player here...

    4) Get "peter panned" at least once

    5) Choose up sides in the Flutie/Johnson debate

    6) Have a plan for how to keep the Bills in Buffalo or be sure they will leave in 7 years

    7) Drink often


    1) We should cut EJ now and go all in on moving up in the draft to secure Johnny Manziel

    2) Stevie's days are done...cut him

    3) CJ might as well go too, Mr. Run up the middle and bounce outside for -3 yards

    4) I love peanut butter

    5) SHould have kept FLutie and Wade!

    6) I know for a fact Thurman is using all his Batavia Downs money to pay Ralph as we speak for the team!

    7) I use to like a fish, now i drink like a morman!


    Who should we target in the draft new guy ?


    Did you withdraw your support from Trent Edwards in a timely manner ?


    I was never on captain check down's bandwagon to begin with. Terrible reach just to try and get a QB in the draft.

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