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Everything posted by stuckinny

  1. Lets get rid of the place holder..make it a drop kick and push it back further, that woudl make more sense! Also think of the scoreboard operator, it takes about 10 minutes for them to figure out how to change the time on the clock, now think how long it would take for them to subtract a point!
  2. no way top 3 picks are all QB's and no way Manziel goes #1 overall in my opinion. I wouldn't be happy going OT in the first for us, I would go WR/TE which means OBD is focusing on RB or special team players!
  3. F that, if it comes to that i will just become an alcoholic and talk to the other depressed people at a bar!
  4. well now that i think about it, it works the same way on say an interception doesn't it? It's a change os possession play not like a punter or QB going out of the back of the end zone. Writing it out helped my t hought process... Nothing to see here!
  5. A bit of a butter face, but breastfeeding makes the body come back alot quicker!
  6. I wouldn't mind seeing the Arena Net seeing kick off returns are almost non existant. The returner woudl have to field the ball! The other thing i don't quite understand now is why when a Kick Returner fields the ball and momentum takes him out of the end zone...why is that not a safety? Or when he touches the ball and it rolls out of bounds?
  7. Wow why? Maybe we can hire Ron Rolston as our Equipment manager? Why bring a re-tread who did nothing here when he had the chance!
  8. I just saw the Geico "oldest trick in the book" one, and that was F'in LOL Also like the Mayhem Allstate ones. "I see you got the industrial size lighter fluid...good call!"
  9. it is alot easier math when you start at 0! No where but up
  10. it probably helps he is so close to that BC Bud, he seems alot more mellow now!
  11. Does the pop corn joke work outside of WNY? Wouldn't they have to use Sodacorn
  12. which is even more proof andre needs to be there. I didn't think Cokehead Irvin deserved to get in so quickly, but could be the homer in me
  13. I think Andre leads Irvin in almost all receiving categories...the difference is the rings!
  14. What what in the but? I think the Read option will last alittle longer. It isn't like the WildCat craze. Every college QB pretty much runs the read option, I think the NFL will embrace it for awhile.
  15. I thought he did better when he was on the field and not in the booth..so that is a positive! I think he tried to be a read option style offense..but really never committed to running it that much! I will give him another year to show me something exciting from his vaunted young mind!
  16. I think I Have added alot to the offseason already! It is just too bad the Bills offseason is fast approaching year 15. Thanks for letting me post.
  17. You want to regionalize...Take Marrone and the bills back to the Carrier Dome in Syracuse. No passport required. Maybe convert some of them from the Jets and Giants fans to the shorter drive to the OP
  18. At least we fleeced the colts on the Jerry Hughs for Kelvin SHephard deal...Da'Rick just evens it out alittle!
  19. Agreed. I haven't looked over the entire draft order yet, but are there alot of teams behind us in need of a QB. If not I woudl not be opposed to trading back into the first to grab him after we get whoever our QB is a competent TE or a WR in a TE body!
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