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Everything posted by stuckinny

  1. the picture I saw of the whole thing was bad, from the side the helmet is pretty bad a$$ but form the front looks just awful, and their unis kind of look like the terrible ones we had before the retro whites! YUCK
  2. Sometimes you have to over pay a guy to not create another hole to fill. If we kept even some of those guys our FA and draft moves may have been vastly different.
  3. I heard a dude married his dog, you know why!
  4. Wow a few innuendos in those sentences! If he didn't come out as Gay, i don't think he woudl even be on any teams radar, kid must have got a marketing degree?
  5. I can only hope Foles blows up the offense this year and wants a raise! Then we will see how all these signings helped the eagles!
  6. He sure as hell won't venture further than where Sweet tea is the only choice of tea.
  7. Great News! Signed every Right Defensive End in the NFC EAST!
  8. Maybe this is premptive for the Michael Sam situation?
  9. i refid with quickenloans and it took about 45 days. Not sure it would be worth the legal process to get the rate you agreed upon. Maybe see the best rate they can offer you now, and ask them to pay all closing costs because of their documented mistake!
  10. Stats have no place in a message board argument! GTFO! I think it was just a roll with the punches type thing, next man up.
  11. ANd is it just me or is the NEW NFL Draft commercial with Leon Sandcastle and then Jerry Ricecake at the end always seem alittle racist towards asians?
  12. hmm is it reviewable? that would be fun to watch over and over again!
  13. and then cleveland still wouldn't have had a QB
  14. How is it not? Don't we have affirmative action still here for regular college admissions? So who do you exclude form the program? Rapists, murderes? Is the college program just for Minimum Security inmates? If you start cherry picking canidates you will be excluding some, so if you are in prison and have are suposed to give up your rights, then everyone would have to be afforded the opportunity. I don't think you could deny someone like a college rejection letter! I don't think you could have an admissions department I htink it you would have to take everyone that wanted to.
  15. I am saying from either POV, management or Harbaugh. And Pettine was set to succeede here at his position not set up to fail like cleveland. I would think he could have stepped into a better position next year, not take the offer after the 5th interview and they were out of options, so what does that say about us.
  16. That sounds racist and profiling? how fair would that be? WHy not train them to be tradesmen. I am sure their are plenty of paint, plumbing, and masonery repair in prison and that would save a ton to us taxpayers!
  17. Yeah hard to believe the 49rs would let that happen. 3 years into your career and 3 post season appreances, and then go to the pure train wreck that is cleveland! Only a Bills coordinator would take that as an upgrade!
  18. wasn't he (NIX) staying on payroll as a draft consultant? ANd yeah i goofed up on the SEC, i should have just said southern schools!
  19. I am trying to remember, but Fox really didn't use the robots during the super bowl did they? I wonder if the NFL told them to class it up?
  20. I base all my decisions on the wonderlic score...what was his?
  21. Nix has a hard on for the SEC so i can see it happening, maybe if Watkins and Evans are gone we trade back or trade back in to the first after taking an OL
  22. If you are rich you probably don't need college loans to pay for college, and if you are poor you will qualify for all sorts of subsidies and programs, while the MIddle Class is told you can take out low interest loans and pay them back over a 10 year period to afford it. Color me wrong but Jail is a punishment for doing somethign wrong. You should give up your free rights, while you broke the law. So again this is a bit of class warfare because we reward the misfortunate with all sorts of programs while squeezing the middle class for even more tax money. I wish the governor of NYS would learn to live within his 2% property tax cap like the local governments need to!
  23. Well I can agree somewhat the internet has changed the car market on used cars as you no longer have to drive to different lots looking at specs. Though I don't believe that is their best price, it is low but not their lowest. I have always gotten them to take less. I drive an 03 Avalanche and bout it in 07 for 17250. Not as loaded as the one you are looking at and more miles. but i also bought at the height of the Gas prices which helped a gas guzzler like that. ALso remember you are now gonna be spending $100 + to fill the thing. So don't over extend yourself. They are nice trucks and because they are discountinuing it next year not sure that makes htem more valuable or not?
  24. Don't forget Cheerleader stretching and warm-ups....I would DVR that sh$t
  25. he has to stay healthy this year, if the knees become a nagging issue we are at square one again! I hope EJ has a chip on his shoulder being the first QB off theboars in 2013 and really hones his craft this off season. I also think some vet will have to be brought in at the position too. If we go into this year with the same roster of QB's - Kolb it could also be Marrone having to coach for his NFL life
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