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Posts posted by stuckinny

  1. Looking forward to see how we look on the field. And like mentioned before, with hitting receivers almost being eliminated you need guys who can cover and catch, not hit!


    And maybe with more up-tempo offenses like chip kelly being adapted we can change packages on the field easier without having to change the personel if that is the way the NFL is headed!

  2. So the new regime, led by a guy who coached for four years in the same Big East that Marcus Easley starred in for one year, is blissfully unaware of this guy's star potential?


    Maybe Easley is just a warrior in practice and can't translate it to the games. Look, I'd love for everyone who believes in the kid to be right. I'd also like to point out that I and others have been saying this exact same thing for the past three offseasons. I am not sure how he has instilled so much belief in a fanbase that is usually pretty quick to draw a dagger on better players.



    True, that.

    Beat me to it, I am sure Marrone had studied him before form the big east! He is a waste of space and has been for 4 years! I would have cut him the second year he was on IR!

  3. Well, what is interesting is that Marrone was "hands on" the field last off season, lining up along side his players, and teaching them technique, and all but Glenn regressed. Two young backups that Marrone thought he could "coach up" in Colin Brown, and Sam Young were so bad at replacing Levitre that both were cut after week six. The back up for center was forced into the LG position because the only backups to the OG after him were directly off the waiver wire.


    Now Eric Wood didn't grade as well last year as he had previously, and that could be that Andy Levitre was no longer there to his left side. The Bills did kinda overwork him tho considering 71% of the run plays went right up the middle.


    Anyway, perhaps because of the failure with both OG's Brown and Young, that Marrone now feels the need to prove he can coach up the O line....or this simply could be like BillsVet stated that the Bills are just running the same, lame routine they have been running the last 14 years. We will soon see.


    exactly, if Marrone didn't work any magic last year, what makes people think this year he gets the line to run block?

  4. That is because it is the polluted Genesee river! That's where they grab the water for Genny from!


    LoL... Just kidding! Sounds cool... I always love going there. My father used to work on the railroad and he would dead head out to the Southern Tier (like Hornell, etc..). They would go over the train trestle @ Letchworth... He said it was the scariest thing in the world going over that!


    Did you get to the Mount Morris dam? I suppose this spring the water levels will be pretty high?


    In winter only the Castile and Mt Morris ends are open for a ways so we didn't go the full length. I have been inside the Mt Morris dam as a kid, my grandfather arranged a tour. I live only 12 miles from the park so it is common to go all the time!


    I skipped school one day with a girl and we walked out on the trestle half way when a train came aorund the corner. It was like the scene from Stand By Me...i rememebr running and leaving her in the dust..the conductor went by an djust laughed because he was probably only going 10 MPH! We could have stayed on it and would have been fine. They are going to tear it down and rebuild it in the very near future too. That should be a site!

  5. I didn't expect anything going into FA because I knew not many of the big names were of need to Buffalo. I think some of these moves so far are just so fans know the front office is punched in and working! I think Rivers was probably overpaid but hell we got money sitting there we have to use, might as well use it.


    I will pass judgement after the draft. I think the draft will put the real stamp on where this team is headed. Unfortunately, my gut is telling me Whaley and Marrone jet after this season because the Cronies are running the ship!

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