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Everything posted by stuckinny

  1. who is he if i may ask? or is this like fight club?
  2. Must be now that he has gotten away from the 33 and 190 he can see the other side of Buffalo!
  3. I get horny at the drop of the hat, but maybe that is TMI?
  4. you guys make me proud to be allowed here. All the talk about faith and God is inspriing! Thank you for that!
  5. That band of brothers thing didn't do any good for the sabres locker room, just made them complacent and tune out coaching. I hate to think the bills have to bottom out and start all over again with a giant purge!
  6. I am not quite sure what this thread is about, but as Bills fans, I love my Damn right to be ornery. I think we have all earned it. ANd top all that with being a sabres fans, we have a combined 110 years of sports seasons with no ticker tape parades! F everybody! They have no idea what we go through and how we live and die with our teams!
  7. it seems you never want to be a QB who peaks too early, like aorund the combine. Too long a hype puts you too long under the microsope the last few years.
  8. it is sad that officers have changed roles form to serve and protect to find revenue wherever you can. I got a seat belt ticket in a trap, no idea how he ever say me without it but i didn't try to put it on even after i saw him coming. Went ot court and quite a few people in the same boat as me. all got reduced to simple parking tickets and no points. Our podunk town gets to keep more of the money for parking tickets versus a state seat belt ticket. The judge even lowered a court fee for a guy who showed up in a sport jacket and tie!
  9. the whole he is coming home to spend easter, to he is not coming home, to he is coming home and finishing treatments in Buffalo sounds alittle too gloomy for me. I don't think it sounds good and maybe more of a hospice type thing where the doctor said go home, get your stuff in order, enjoy your time while you can!
  10. That is because NE ends up with like 20 picks every year, no need to move around and blow smoke!
  11. i think maybe just showing his commitment to the team. After last years "I don't work out" thing and showing a lack of commitment to the fans. Or he reads message boards and hears that fans want him out?
  12. Make it the Super Bowl jerseys and add the patch. Then take a page out of the sabres playbook and auction off the game worn jerseys and donate that money to one of Ralph Wilsons many charity endeavors
  13. If one of the QBs is there at #9, are there any scenerios where we draft them and immediatly trade them to someone else ala Eli Manning?
  14. I love that Fire TV ad, it is so great when an actor realizes he is typed cast and rolls with it! Hello Pants!
  15. I picked out our two kids names kind of backwords. I knew the nicknames I wanted and then narrowed it down to the long form. I have a Cam and a Maddie.
  16. twitter is alot better than facebook....it would have gotten lost in what everyone was having for dinner or how hsitty the weather is!
  17. Said the guy he signed it for was "the Biggest Bills fan in Ohio" on twitter, I am guessing the biggest is the joke for an XL Jock strap?
  18. phew, was expecting a Tebow thread up in here!
  19. whatever....can never have too many; one of ours will get hurt and I love freddie but he isn't a spring chicken!
  20. Well poutine is a form of canadian french fries with cheese and cheese curds on them with some gravy added in for the arteries! Hope that helps, welcome to the board! Have y ou had the same disgusting winter we have had on the other end of the lake?
  21. Are there alot of kicks that go over the top of the goalposts now that other wise might have bounced off and in?? I would have thought raising the crossbar would have made a bigger difference.
  22. The extension of the goal posts is the height of the sides correct, not the crossbar height from the ground?
  23. Yes great idea. Do you go young 1960 RW or more the old 90's RW look? I would also try to incorprate 4 afc championships into it as well wether it be a small touch or large reference.
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