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Big Blitz

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Posts posted by Big Blitz

  1. 5 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    You guys are drinking the kool Aid. You know as good as me that if the bills and browns play in the playoffs it’s going to be an ugly 9-6 game. I don’t want any part of that. 



    Allen will annihilate the Browns secondary even if Ward plays.  Im assuming we have Brown back.


    Your point about their run game is valid.  They won't be able to rely on that if we put up 35.


    Now.  Will Orchard Park weather cooperate?


    Thats the problem.  Then yes...I'd be worried.  That's why getting our running game together is so dam critical.   

  2. Do we actually watch the other games?


    Literally every single team outside of Kansas City is "sloppy."  A lot.


    The Chargers have a very good team.  They had all their studs on offense and they were neutralized.  We held Allen to 4 catches. 


    We are getting better against the run.  And that has to be priority number 1 here down the stretch.  That and improving the run game.  

  3. 53 minutes ago, WideNine said:


    Actually it was regulations pushed through by Democrats and a few moderate Republicans that kept the Corporate greed of broadband carriers in check. 


    Lifting regulations is what leads to unchecked Corporate greed aka Enron, etc... It is a GOP SOP as bad as Dems tossing money at social issues like magic fairy dust.


    It is dumb to label those very brakes that keep some bit of coin in our pockets instead of helping very wealthy companies gouge folks for more.


    Not sure this example qualifies as "Socialism" you may want to look that word up.








    Yea sorry chief.  While some parts of net neutrality may have been fine (not sure how we survived without net neutrality from 1995 to 2015 but we did) the reasons why Team Obama wanted it passed were not about the customer and certainly not about protecting them - and the attempts to amend or eliminate the provisions most concerning to any supporter of free speech and the potential for the federal government to decide what kind of content was "reasonable," was a non starter for Obama.  


    They were trying to regulate the Internet the way they do the phone companies but also would grant them the ability to dictate what you would have a access to. 


    This action by Comcast has nothing to do with net neutrality.  

  4. 5 hours ago, SoTier said:



    :lol:  This ain't socialism, skippy!   It's capitalism at it's finest.   :doh:   :doh:   :doh:   :doh:   :doh:    No wonder you're a Trumplet ...my dog understands the difference between socialism and captialism better than you do:  socialism to him is sharing his balls with me if I ask him for one while captialism is gathering as many of his balls as he can find and keeping them all to himself.  :lol:



    9 hours ago, Big Blitz said:


    Yes I get it.  In a way, this is also capitalism at work here.   Yea, if only we had more options.  You have barely 2 or 3 good ones and the rest are garbage.   



    You clearly can't comprehend anything.  


    This is crony capitalism; they "can" do this because they know your options are limited.  


    Socialism = your goods once controlled by a single entity (if private companies are nationalized) become rationed.  



    Guarantee half the people that read this story for the first time started looking up #1 what the hell a terabyte is and #2 are they over.  

  5. Comcast lost 2 billion dollars in 2020.


    Cutting cable no doubt hurt (btw check out what's in store for cable subscribers).  But that's not your customers problem.  Cable cutting has been happening for 5 years now.   


    So instead of giving us better options, better service, and most importantly find ways to attract more customers and keep the ones you have by finding ways to lower costs-----during this time no less where "we're all in this mandatory home schooling teleworking together" insanity, they are raising your costs and making you monitor data use if you can't or don't spend to go over terabytes the government is essentially making you use.  


    Great scam for Silicon Valley continues.  They are the big winners of insane virus response.  I wonder how much they'd have pushed lockdownd and suppressed "wrong think" if they all were at risk of losing their jobs and didn't have luxury of teleworking.   



  6. 1 minute ago, Warcodered said:

    Well this would ***** suck.


    Socialism....you do realize that this would be happening due to an unregulated market and monopolies being allowed to do whatever the hell they want right? I mean I'm advocating socialism but this seems like a weird thing to pull from this.



    You pay for your service.  You're used to your version of unlimited----your viewing streaming internet behavior etc.  


    Now, you have to start watching it like the days you only had 8 gigs on your cell phone plan.  "Hey kids get off Netflix we're getting close to a terabyte!"


    You never had to do this with your home use. 


    Yes I get it.  In a way, this is also capitalism at work here.   Yea, if only we had more options.  You have barely 2 or 3 good ones and the rest are garbage.   

  7. 34 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:










    Democrats are corrupt American hating cheaters, they know and so does everyone else. mountains of evidence... cnn, twitter, and facebook can't even hide it anymore.





    "But all those Dem run courts told Trump there was no fraud!"


    We totally need to pack those courts with more judges that reflect the values of the American people.  



    They don't get it.   If the electors are convinced there was enough b.s. happening in a year we preposterously put 90 million ballots in the mail, they'll let their legislatures decide.  Georgia.  PA.  Wisconsin.  Arizona.  


    And guess which party controls the legislatures of the states that will swing the election.  It ain't the CCP/DNC.


    This isn't just about getting it to SCOTUS.   

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. They announced this Tuesday....as everyone was scrambling to get on Thanksgiving break.  


    Its Comcast now.  But it will be all of them soon.  They are claiming that 95% of their customers don't use 1.2 terabytes....they're lying.  I know my family uses almost 2 terabytes a month since the pandemic started.  You might want to check bc this is what's coming Jan 1:


    Comcast enforces data caps nationwide, will AT&T, Verizon, Charter and other internet providers follow?


    Tuesday, the nation’s largest internet provider announced that, starting Jan. 1, it would extend its 1.2 terabyte data cap to previously exempt service areas – meaning once you hit that limit, you'll have to pay more to use more. 


    After a three-month grace period, residential subscribers in 14 states from West Virginia to Maine, plus the District of Columbia, will face surcharges of up to $100 for exceeding that limit.


    “We’re aligning our Northeast markets with the data plan that the rest of the country has had for several years, and 95 percent of our customers are not impacted by it even with the increased usage during the pandemic,” spokesman Joel Shadle said in an email. “The small percentage of customers who reach 1.2TB in a month will be notified multiple times as they approach the threshold, and will have unlimited data options at reduced prices if they choose.”


    That 95% figure leaves almost 1.4 million of Philadelphia-based Comcast’s 27.84 million residential broadband customers on the hook, after one courtesy month a year, for overage fees of $10 per each 50 gigabytes of additional data, up to a monthly cap of $100.


    Subscribers can get unlimited data by paying a $30 monthly surcharge or, if they already pay $14 monthly to rent Comcast’s modem – they shouldn't – by adding its $11 xFi Complete service bundle. Comcast’s $299.99 2 Gbps Gigabit Pro service also includes unlimited data.






    Ahhhh........just a little sliver of what socialism is like.  Caps. 


  9. 13 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    So I've been looking this trying to figure out what your trying to say my conclusion.

    Power Starz GIF by Power - Find & Share on GIPHY



    I didn't expect anything less from several people here.   


    I couldn't have posted a better illustration of their thought process with all things that don't include spending other people's money.  


  10. These 2 idiots don't seem to understand (or they do and they just know their followers absolutely have no clue) that the framework of this country and the role of the SCOTUS is designed to protect against the very justification she gives here as a reason for "packing the court."  


    We are not a majority democracy.  Popular plus one votes do not dictate anything at any level in the checks and balances system that exists.....at every level of government.


    The majority of Americans didn't seem to care that the SCOTUS said you can't remove Natives from their lands in the SE U.S.  Democrat Andrew Jackson said "don't care."  Same when another Democrat president "relocated" Japanese Americans during WWII.  But that time SCOTUS sided with FDR. 


    7 Justices said segregation was just fine.   


    This idea that these people rule us from behind a bench or that they are the final arbiters of anything is also false.  The American people can ignore whatever they decide and by extension the authorities entrusted to enforce the law.  If they know popular opinon supports their actions.   


    We don't rely on popular opinion.  The Courts rely on the Constitution.  The American people that don't understand that (which includes these 2 clowns) should relocate themselves straight to China where they can fit right in. 


    Lol this "broken system" is code for "when Americans don't agree with Statist Democrats.


    And by "values of the American people" she means the values of the Statists.  And planned parenthood.  




    Maybe RBG should have retired in 2015.  I'm sure they tried to convince her to.  I guess they all just assumed the demographics were forever in their favor.  Nope.  2020 showed them otherwise.  This was always why Trump was the biggest threat to them.  They knew he was going to absolutely destroy identity politics as they played it.  Which is "you are a minority, and the GOP hates and oppresses you."   


    Its why they doubled down on the 24/7 rage against the orange man and decided to heck with just bias we're just going to lie about everything.  And oh yes, protect Ds at all costs.   

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 12 hours ago, AlCowlingsTaxiService said:

    Drafting Cody and passing on DK, plus trading Wyatt .... not Beane’s finest hour



    Teller doesn't develop much like that entire Cleveland oline without the most underrated position coach in the NFL.


    Bill Callahan.  


    Everywhere he goes offensive lines get good...really really good.  Not sure what Teller is exactly right now and I have no idea where he'd be if he were still here.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 1 hour ago, WideNine said:



    Brilliant, you have a graph.


    1st there is no nation-wide mask mandate, it is a recommendation that individial idiots may not follow and enforcement varies from state to state and in the case of KS the home of this study enforcement varies county to county.




    Correct.  I have data.  


    You don't.  


    You want to politicize it (low info way) by saying spikes are happening bc Trump voters won't wear them. 


    That very accusation is why no one can take this seriously; especially as we continue to see pictures and video all over social media going on......9 months now.....of people like the "world's sexiest doctor" out partying mask less.  After lecturing us about going out without a mask is the height of irresponsibility you see.


    And good for him.  


    The "blame" for 60K false positives but f it just call em cases! a day being put on Trump voters by the Maoists and the media is some real next level stupid.  If they aren't wearing them in Michigan now, they sure as heck weren't in May.  Where were the spikes in Michigan in June that you see now?



    That burning I smell thru my phone are the gears inside statists brains trying to wrap their head around logic.  All they see is orange man bad.  


    The only thing they hate more then feeling like they cant control everything is being wrong about everything. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, TBBills said:

    See you are talking about America when your are trying to ***** in everyone who isn't Trump, than the second someone shuts your mouth you decide to run away to Europe. Most of Europe doesn't like Trump either.


    You are very ignorant.



    Wow.  I thought maybe you were 23.  Now I'm concerned I'm talking to a helpless 14 year old.


    Since this was over your head let me talk slower............


    You blamed "cases" on Trump rallies in respone to my data in a paper about masks working....which was pulled when they saw they didn't.  


    So I asked you what Trump rallies happened in Illinois or California or even Europe where the virus is behaving and surging the exact same way.


    But you can't respond to that.  Thats usually the sign of a hack and a very low info individual.

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 15 hours ago, TBBills said:

    Luckily no one here is stupid enough to believe anything you post.


    So funny your kind is so defiant yet wondering why there is a spike.... Hmm...



    Lol so funny hahaha so funny....


    Look....that's just another example of why I know your "kind" are the ones not taking it seriously.  Yea....its all your fault.  



    So tell me low info child bot.  Who's "kind" is behind the exact same coinciding spikes all over Europe, Canada, and pretty much everywhere else?


    Try and use science this time, like I did with a peer reviewed paper that the author immediately withdrew when they saw "yea, looks like it wasn't the masks."  


    My guess is you, can't.  Because you don't have a functional independent mind of your own capable of processing anything other then "Republicans bad."


    Data low info bot can't explain.  


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