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Big Blitz

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Posts posted by Big Blitz

  1. Just now, DisplacedBillsFan said:

    A series of plays, half, or game doesn’t make a team a fraud. I’m curious as to your thoughts on why they shouldn’t be paying for the NFC championship.


    I think their defense is awful 


    They've had an easy schedule


    To be fair it's my overall opinion of the conference and they are one of its top 5 teams.  I just don't think of the 4 remaining teams they should have been the favorite to me they are the 4th best.


    So when I say frauds I mean they are not a top 5 team in the league and if Rodgers isn't on they will not beat good teams.  

  2. Lolol Nate.  We told you this in April.


    They're going to be doing bastardized hybrid fake learning (or full virtual) in September to probably well into 2022 and beyond.  


    You stood down and all let it happen.  Teachers slit their own throats.  


    No one has any clue what's coming.


    At least Biden has a plan....oh check that no he doesn't.




  3. 1 hour ago, Backintheday544 said:

    You may want to go back and learn about how the government works.




    You may want to catch up on how politics works. 


    #Leverage #BackRoomDeals #PinkySwear #WinkWink 


    I'm sure Schumer doesn't want to throw away the leverage he has in nuking the country I mean filibuster (even tho Manchin and probably others are a no). 


    Everything in DC is compromise (K street bribes which is why they really don't want to kill it anyway).  But you really think the only thing the Rs did here was achieve giving Trump "time" to set up his legal defense (which should take 10 minutes).  What did they really get in this "deal?" 


    Odd they mentioned the filibuster but that was "shot down."  Why was that leaked to the press? 


    So now we know it was discussed.   

    • Dislike 1
  4. 39 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    I wouldn’t mind if he ran in 2024. He’s a twice impeached president who was easily beaten by a super old, not always there, terrible past candidate in Biden.


    Dems could run a sh*t sandwich in 2024 and beat Trump easily again.


    And Dems said no to the filibuster demands: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/535197-democrats-shoot-down-mcconnells-filibuster-gambit



    Oh for real?*  They shot down a promise to maintain the Republic they fake care about?

















    *If you believe they actually did shoot it down and McConnell surrendered the Senate and the Republic away without an actual deal you're an idiot.  They aren't making it public.  How can we prove it?  Wait 6 months.  If it's still there, they made a deal.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Backintheday544 said:

    Don’t forget Trump told the people he was going to March to the Capitol with him. Then he didn’t go.

    I thought Mitch cancelled the impeachment? How come the articles are being transferred to the Senate and trial beginning the week of the 8th?



    Because he got Chuckie to agree to not end the Republic by killing the filibuster. 


    Then, Mitch will let the Ds make complete fools of themselves by trying to claim Trump led an actual insurrection.  Mitch gets the month plus away from the event for reality to set in that everything is stupid (I've always said Libs make the egregious mistake of thinking that just because you see events happen in real time that opinon is also formed in that moment).  A few Rs will vote to impeach the other 46 will not and life goes on.   


    But good luck to you all in your quest to not run against a guy in 2024 that you'd think should easily be beaten.  

  6. When Politicians Were Threatened, They Acted. When You Were Threatened, They Turned Away. Why?



    When riots continued in American cities, with local governments apparently failing to act, Trump’s call to employ the National Guard to restore law and order was met with derision. Such threats were presented as examples of authoritarianism, a further warning of Trump’s true fascist tendencies which simply must be stopped....


    ...To summarize, as violent riots broke out for months across the country, politicians rejected the need to use force in order to return law and order to the streets. Those who lost homes, businesses, or even their lives were not worth defending.


    Flash forward to January 6th, when rioters stormed the US Capitol building. Was the response the same? Were the rioters, as Baltimore’s Democratic Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said in 2015, given the space to destroy? No, of course not. And quite rightly so...


    Instead, Washington, D.C., has been shut down. Thousands of National Guard troops have been deployed, with the Capitol “now crawling with more troops than in the United States’s main theaters of war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria combined.”


    We should again clarify that the second response is the correct one. Violent rioters threatened the physical safety of elected officials, and the threat was neutralized. But why was the same decisive action not taken when ordinary Americans were the ones under threat?


    The reason is simple. Our political class see themselves as more important. They are worthy of protection, while you are not. Not only that, they see their workplaces as more important. The US Capitol building is described as “holy” and “sacred,” and therefore requires protection. Your homes or businesses, however, are not.


    Such an attitude is, frankly, disgusting....



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  7. Looking at the Chiefs schedule, they played Watson in week 1 who was beginning life with no Nuke.


    Other than that they allowed Carr Bridgewater and Brady to light them up.


    Carr threw for 340 in a win.  


    Curtis Samuel and Robbie Anderson had 18 catches for 163 yards against them.  


    Ryan played with no Julio and took some stupid sacks.   



    So when they see good passing offenses, we've seen they can be thrown on.  

  8. 12 minutes ago, Zerovoltz said:


    The reason why it matters:


    Buffalo plays more 3 and 4 WR than anyone in the league.  If you guys are going to come out in 3 and 4 wide all game, then you allow KC to put it's optimal defense on the field.  That matters because KC's linebackers absolutely SUCK in coverage.  KC allows a TON of points and stats to TE and pass catching backs.....when they are in base defense....with the 3 linebackers out there.


    You all might not think so, but part of why Josh struggled VS KC in week 6 is because the Bills don't have a TE threat AND...important AND...not a big time threatening running game.....


    When the Chiefs aren't worried about a TE or an RB running....they will nickel and dime you to death.  It isn't a coincidence that Diggs tied his 2nd lowest number of recpetions and second lowest yardage total on the year VS KC.  That's what KC does ......when they can play extra DB's all game long.  KC has a slew of really good corners and safeties.


    it's the main reason why the KC defense is a bad matchup for the Bills.  



    They didn't have much of a problem with Cleveland and Chubb and Hunt.  3 catches for 6 yards total between the two of them.


    But yes the Browns did get some production from their TEs.  Who are good btw.  

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