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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Imposing political control on schools??? Turn the state into a political weapon???? Hahahahahahahahahahaha Tell us, how did he use the power of his office to suppress and silence free speech? Did he call Jack Dorsey and get opposition shadow banned or suspended from Twitter? Did President DeSantis force your 3 year old to wear masks in all public places until you complied with the State and got 8 vaccinations? Did he fire you if you didn’t? Did he hold a National press conference and tell Floridians “his patience has run out” due to their lack of getting a Covid vaccine that CCP/DNC forced on the world - “19 year old died suddenly.” You lunatics can complain all you want that policy may be a wrong course of action (you stopped doing that when you realized all your policies are the wrong course of action). Please don’t insult our intelligence by claiming you suddenly fear state power (a false claim here anyway) - you just fear losing power.
  2. Or not “die suddenly.” Question nothing.
  3. Not thinking about these things till the season is over. He isn’t Adams or Hill not sure how much he has left - of his PEDs.
  4. If he was always a potential long shot say for January 29 (AFCCG) is it that hard to believe he could be back for January 22? All speculation, but if you buy into the credibility of the source and Hyde himself alluding to the odds of coming back “if he gets good news” a few weeks ago, tells me this is definitely possible.
  5. Everyone knows he’s going to be at a game as soon as he can. Possibly this week and it wouldn’t surprise anyone I don’t think he needs to tweet that I think it’s about Hyde.
  6. Agreed I think it’s about Hyde practicing Lines up with Hyde’s comments about hoping to get good news in the next few days.
  7. Coach says what he says yesterday I think it’s he’s just a bit amused/ticked at the coach speak/gamesmanship coming from Miami. I wouldn’t be surprised if he plays but all signs right now point to the worst kept secret in the NFL is Tua is done for the year.
  8. Hmm…..also waited till after the election 716er???
  9. But Trump But Trump But Trump. Moron. As if he hasn’t received any scrutiny for anything. How much you pay for eggs today?
  10. This is the beginning of the Ds escape plan from Brandon.
  11. The answer is Pickens or Christian Watson. Would have served as WR 2B. Both add an element that make this offense ridiculous. That’s nothing against Gabe, just another draft pick in a SB run year you can absolutely question. The idea of a CB was correct but it’s currently a bad miss. For now. But we need production, now.
  12. Came here to post specifically about eggs. “You will eat de bugzzz.”
  13. Biggest scandal in human history. But January 6! And Ukraine!!! Mask up!
  14. I choose to take Biden’s word for it that there was nothing nefarious here - the same benefit of the doubt we all gave Trump on January 6th that he didn’t start a coup. No reason to jump to conclusions - just like we don’t when Trump news breaks and do things like accuse him of stealing nuclear secrets.
  15. Nice work paisan!
  16. Can’t see him missing the game. Feels like Miami playing games already.
  17. The play is wait for McVay. Give Staley this season and next. Too perfect a setup for everybody
  18. They waited till after the election This is your America now.
  19. Where is ol’ 716er to say this was all sensational right wing fear mongering? Fun times. Speaking of fun:
  20. Do they? The knock on the Bengals is the O disappears for stretches. When it is humming it looks unstoppable but then it hits a rut - like yesterday and last week vs NE and you wonder what the heck happened.
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