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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. No you’re the gullible dupe that bought fake news. Stay 6 feet apart and flatten that curve low infos…. You people have zero credibility Time to listen to the “conspiracy theorists”
  2. Lol no American troops there. 100,000 Russian troops have been killed……allegedly! Per Ukraine No coverage. Just deep fake videos.
  3. Not this season - Hill, Kelce, his 2022 roster. My point was those teams had offenses with elite talent at some point with those QBs. It wasn’t to say we can’t win with our talent - I’m pointing out those teams have done a better job amassing it on offense and while we’ve had good talent on Offense, Allen has had nothing close to what those QBs have had. Mahomes offense this year was bolstered by a superior oline - maybe the best he’s had there.
  4. Herbert Mahomes Burrow Watson Tua Hurts They’ve all played with the most talented offenses they’ll ever have I can say that with the utmost confidence. Oline play. Weapons. Elite RBs. Allen hasn’t come close to playing with the talent levels those guys have had. I’m not as down on Dorsey as most. I’m actually pretty optimistic with him. The GM responsible for the talent? Not so much.
  5. Wait, what? Everyone is lazy and stupid. By everyone I mean liberals. But at least our Transportation Secretary is gay.
  6. This isn’t just about Russ this is one of the best coaches in the league taking the next potential up and coming HC under his wing. Great spot for him. Sean McVay was hired at 30 years old as coach of the Rams. I see Webb heading this track as well in 2-3 years especially after serving under Payton. Given his history with Allen….nah I’ll just see myself out now.
  7. You were suspended from social media and probably fired for expressing this take in May of 2020.
  8. Fighting for “democracy” in Ukraine while losing your freedoms to fascist thugs here in America This is what they want to do at the national level.
  9. Top Chinese Politburo Member Wang Yi Meets Putin in Moscow https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2023/02/22/top-chinese-politburo-member-wang-yi-meets-putin-moscow/ At least we’ll have mighty NATO on our side in WWIII.
  10. 2 + 2 = 5 when the Party requires it to. . Thread absolutely needs a bump - refresh your memories at the time we told you Ukraine was in bed with Democrats especially Biden. Country is headed to WWIII because they are indebted to the corrupt Ukrainian government they want us to believe was totally turning things around - yea because they were helping Hillary in 2016
  11. Pollak: Biden’s Belated Rhetoric of ‘Freedom’ in Warsaw Rings Hollow ….. that is the opposite of the foreign policy that Biden exemplified when he first took office. His appeasement of Russia, and his incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan, invited Russian aggression in Ukraine. Now, belatedly, he defends “freedom.” It is worth noting that the Biden policy on Ukraine has now come full circle to the policy once advocated by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in the 2008 Georgia crisis — and which Biden and Obama, then running mates against McCain, roundly rejected in favor of their “reset.” Moreover, Biden’s enthusiasm for freedom abroad diverges from his policies at home, as conservative radio host Mark Levin noted on Tuesday - In the U.S., Biden has pursued unconstitutional mandates, sweeping executive powers, and censorship. He also encouraged Canada to crack down on “freedom” protesters in 2022. He has left the southern border of the “land of the free” largely undefended. The speech would have been great if it had been delivered years ago — which it was, by President Donald Trump, who also told Warsaw that western civilization, and Ukraine in particular, were under threat from Russia: Today, the West is also confronted by the powers that seek to test our will, undermine our confidence, and challenge our interests. To meet new forms of aggression, including propaganda, financial crimes, and cyberwarfare, we must adapt our alliance to compete effectively in new ways and on all new battlefields. We urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities in Ukraine and elsewhere, and its support for hostile regimes — including Syria and Iran — and to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself. For his trouble, Trump was called racist. The media also persisted in portraying him as a Russian stooge, when in fact he was pressuring Russia and trying to warn Europe. By attacking Russia in sweeping terms, Biden has made negotiations more difficult. He accused Russia of “crimes against humanity” — which may be true, but the threat of prosecution gives Vladimir Putin a reason to keep fighting, and perhaps to resort to nuclear arms. There was also more than a hint of domestic politics in Biden’s address. In his attempt to frame Russia’s invasion as an attack on democracy, he evoked Democrats’ claim to be defending democracy against Donald Trump in particular and Republicans in general. (That’s really what this is about Democrats think they’re fighting Trump - that’s how deranged they are just see Bill’s posts above as proof) https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/02/22/pollak-bidens-belated-rhetoric-of-freedom-in-warsaw-rings-hollow/
  12. Rick Wilson Hahahahaha Did the Lincoln Project fire him?
  13. Where is the UN? Where is the coalition of the willing to stop this menace?
  14. I won’t hate it if they take someone they think is Chris Jones. The problem I have is that Beane no longer has the benefit of the doubt. I’m resigned to we are going to be taking a step back and probably a big one in 2023 and that is on him and McD. Currently this roster - say it loses Edmonds and Poyer - it might instantly drop out of the top 5-7 rosters in the AFC. I KNOW - have to see what we do. Have a whole off season. Good thing we have cap room … …… No Von to start. Say no Edmonds and Poyer. Might trade Oliver. Are you freaking kidding me. Who would argue we still have a top 5-7 roster? Chiefs (and they’re going to be adding big) Bengals Dolphins Chargers Ravens? Browns? Jaguars?? (They’ll also be adding) Broncos??? Jets????
  15. Ukraine Is a Distraction From Taiwan Getting bogged down in Europe will impede the U.S.’s ability to compete with China in the Pacific. The U.S. can no longer afford to spread its military across the world. The reason is simple: an increasingly aggressive China, the most powerful state to rise in the international system since the U.S. itself. By some measures, China’s economy is now the world’s largest. And it has built a military to match its economic heft. Twenty-five years ago, the Chinese military was backward and obsolete. But extraordinary increases in Beijing’s defense budget over more than two decades, and top political leaders’ razor-sharp focus, have transformed the People’s Liberation Army into one of the strongest militaries the world has ever seen. China’s new military is capable not only of territorial defense but of projecting power. Besides boasting the largest navy in the world by ship count, China enjoys some capabilities, like certain types of hypersonic weapons, that even the U.S. hasn’t developed. Most urgently, China poses an increasingly imminent threat to Taiwan. Xi Jinping has made clear that his platform of “national rejuvenation” can’t be successful until Taiwan unifies with the mainland—whether it wants to or not. The PLA is growing more confident in its ability to conquer Taiwan even if the U.S. intervenes. Given China’s military and economic strength, China’s leaders reasonably doubt that the U.S. or anyone else would mount a meaningful response to an invasion of Taiwan. To give a sense of his resolve, Mr. Xi warned that any “foreign forces” standing in China’s way would have “their heads . . . bashed bloody against a Great Wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraine-is-a-distraction-from-taiwan-russia-china-nato-global-powers-military-invasion-jinping-biden-putin-europe-11644781247 Xi: “Vlad.” Vlad: ‘Sup my dude.” Xi: “Need you to carry on that invasion of Ukraine. The West, led by blue haired Karens that have Fauci bumper stickers on their car will immediately demand all focus and energy of the U.S. government that we control shift it’s resources to defending that 3rd world dump Brandon needs to launder money.” Vlad: “But they’ll cancel me.” *Pause* *Both laugh hysterically*. Vlad: “You got it. The useful idiots over there will ultimately just pretend they’re going to war with Trump’s bff and thus Trump himself. God they are so stupid.” Xi: “Agreed. They listened to legit every piece of b.s. we fed them about Covid. Agent Fauci played his role perfectly. Well, thanks Vlad. Vlad: “Peace out.”
  16. When FDR and the Democrats bent over for Stalin…….but we really need to fear THIS Russia When the United Nations charter was signed in 1945, it established the Security Council with five permanent members and six nonpermanent members. The permanent members -- the US, the UK, France, the Soviet Union, and the Republic of China -- were each given the power to veto any resolutions they opposed. "It was Franklin Roosevelt who wanted to set up an organization that would police the world after the defeat of Nazi Germany," Gowan said. "But the only way he could get Russia and other powers to agree to that deal, was if they had the ability to block any actions against themselves." The late Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin himself insisted on that power as a way for his state to protect itself. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/04/15/politics/united-nations-ukraine-russia/index.html Oh! Looks like in a Democratic world, they are siding with Russia: The UN General Assembly has condemned Russia twice over the war in Ukraine; those resolutions are nonbinding but carry symbolic weight. Russia was also suspended from the Human Rights Council, which requires a two-thirds vote. But Bolton said the math behind that vote shows Russia has significant support around the world; the voting result was 93 in favor, 24 against and 58 abstentions. A remaining 18 member states were not included in that result. "So here's the real headline ... A majority of the members of the United Nations, did not vote to expel Russia," he told Borger. —Democracy
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