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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Lol this has NOTHING to do with Russia - more players are stepping up and refusing to wear them. Teams are going to ditch this nonsense - we’re beyond critical mass here
  2. Why didn’t the Rams want him?
  3. But at least we have pick 27! A pick by the way that should have been packaged last year or in the spring of 2021 to upgrade the WR room - or move up in last year’s draft to get one of those WRs. But Beane is awesome with the cap. Wee woooo.
  4. I’m not buying that - it sounds like AZ wants a bidding war between the AFC powerhouses. Nuke >>>>> Cooks. That just doesn’t make sense. I mean I’ll gladly do it. Just would be shocked. In fact that’s probably a hold up if there is one. Discussions of teams offering a 2nd; would Nuke go to that team? Etc.
  5. You really think pick 57 or whatever is? The Chiefs would trade 31 and wouldn’t think twice and you’d be livid. I’d be STUNNED if it’s just a 2nd.
  6. I’d like to keep Ed if we make Nuke happen - this team instantly is better then last years team with contract year Ed - and God willing a healthy Secondary.
  7. It’s going to cost pick 27. I’m good with that.
  8. When you start asking about or feeling like you need a philosophy change - that means the Coach probably should be fired. Or you’re just wasting Peak Josh Allen. We’ll be looking for his offensive OC HC when he’s north of 30. BUT, we aren’t there yet. Not justifiable. So - what has to happen is Dorsey needs to be elite right now. Become one of the best OCs in the game. That’s the difference between us and the Chiefs. If Dorsey doesn’t and this O steps back or the team does……..we’ll I don’t want to worry about that at the moment.
  9. No not episode 3…… They don’t even care you’re so stupid it doesn’t matter: They are all laughing at “the compliant.” They would like to make millions more of you.
  10. The Jets WR depth is worse without him - but he’s probably a POS. I was always worried about this guy WITH Wilson. Good sending him to Cleveland hopefully they can beat Cincy at least once.
  11. Can Spencer Brown play Guard? There are going to be some good OTs at 27 - ones that play LT can RT and be a legit backup to Dawkins if they have to swing from RT to LT.
  12. Excellent to see this man fighting back against white supremacy I’m obviously being sarcastic - but any idea where this soon to be incarcerated lunatic could be getting this insanity from? ^^^ This does more for recruiting people to Florida and to vote Republican then even the most Soros-y policies could ever imagine. Thanks Deep Blue City Dumps!
  13. Honestly don’t care for this. Why did we need strictly a runner - he offers nothing in the passing game. Against an Allen offense you should be worried about every weapon on the field.
  14. D line at 27 book it.
  15. Say whatever you want believe whatever you want about Conservatives. This is the very liberal Nate Silver telling you liberalism has gone completely off the rails
  16. Libs are depressed. They know it. They all did their taxes. Need to buy stuff that’s 50% more in cost. Bills are piling up. Banks are failing. Covid fallout and vaccine fallout total debacle. It’s bad. “Ok arrest Trump and circle jerk over the optics. As a bonus maybe we can get a mass trespassing event to become violent; call it a coup.” That’s your weaponized Government at work.
  17. Mike Allum here (and low info Yost) is all that’s wrong with the world.
  18. And Von and Hyde didn’t play against them. Jones didn’t play RD 2.
  19. Why woke ‘Frisco Fed chief missed Silicon Valley Bank’s warning signs Wokeness has replaced competence and merit across the banking sector, and San Francisco Fed Chief Mary Daly is the poster child of this pernicious trend A protege of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and short-list candidate for Federal Reserve vice chair, Daly was supposed to be supervising Silicon Valley Bank but apparently was too busy playing politics and pushing woke agendas to regulate rogue banks like SVB, the second-biggest bank failure on record. Daly had other priorities, including climate change, George Floyd and Black Lives Matter, inequities between blacks and whites, LGBTQ+ rights and a host of other woke social-justice issues that had nothing to do with banking and finance. Daly’s Fed bio gushes she’s committed to “understanding the economic and financial risks of climate change and inequities.” Never mind the more existential threat of banks in her jurisdiction amassing mortgage bonds with longer maturities that exposed investors to greater interest-rate risk. In 2021, she said, “I am not thinking that we have unwanted inflation around the corner. I don’t think that’s a risk.” https://nypost.com/2023/03/17/why-woke-frisco-fed-chief-missed-silicon-valley-banks-warning-signs/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app The best and brightest. This country is done.
  20. This is why we need a National divorce. You people are the problem. In your bizarro world - if this was all opposite - Taibbi is an actual hero celebrated as such for holding power actual power and threats to liberty accountable. You people don’t care a lick that you were wrong about all things Covid. So Taibbi - who spent all of 2003-2006 destroying the Bush administration for Iraq is just MAGA - because everyone in their early 50s just ideologically flips. “Reverence for Washington poohbahs was the key. The Virality Project, Taibbi declares, “was specifically not based on ‘assertions of fact,’ but public submission to authority, acceptance of narrative, and pronouncements by figures like Anthony Fauci.” In June 2021, a Freedom of Information Act request spurred disclosure of Fauci emails revealing his flip-flops on masks and his kowtowing to the Chinese Communist Party. The Virality Project warned Twitter that the emails were being exploited “to foment increased distrust in Fauci’s guidance and in American public health officials and institutions.” https://nypost.com/2023/03/17/private-federal-censorship-machine-targeted-true-misinformation/ There are Faucis all over your government all over America for that matter “Kowtowing” to China. Let that sink in. But Putin!!!
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