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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. It isn’t 1890 anymore. All foreigners yes come to this land of former opportunity no questions asked. You’ll just walk right into a good factory or farm job like it’s 1877! Lol. The second these designed caravans/Democrat voting pushes hit Canada, they freaked out and shut it all down. Same Martha’s Vineyard.
  2. Our oline is built with an emphasis on pass pro. You thus need an elite RB. Average run blocking lines aren’t making any RB better - I can argue Harris the player is downgraded coming here. He isn’t elite but behind the NE line he was good. Here? No idea.
  3. Hype But yea yea fake partisan indictments will stop MAGA - for all of the whatever made up horrors it stands for. Like 2 genders.
  4. Clock is ticking on Beane man. I’m sorry it has to be.
  5. Always right. Nice job libs. Hopefully this gets the new MGT GOP going state by state.
  6. Secretly be communist ?? My God. Of course they know. They have to be brainwashed by age 2 about the evil West and that Communism is good. Romania showed “Dallas” thinking it would prove to their people how evil and rich the West was. Specifically the U.S. Completely backfired. The people wanted to live like they did on the show. That decision essentially ended the communist regime there.
  7. Tell me more about China’s transparency especially as Covid “began” and since. I’ll hang up and listen.
  8. That it costs me $300 to get groceries? Go Ukraine!? Mask up? 87 Genders? Gas is now over $4.00 again. That you listened and obeyed orders from a secretive Communist government over the flu in order to remove Orange Man Bad for reasons from office. Ok.
  9. This isn’t about Trump. No one gives a ***t about Trump. You don’t understand the bigger picture here. The country is completely gone. Only pockets left. Going to get much worse and that includes Team Communist.
  10. He has received money from Soros backed Super PACs. That’s a fact.
  11. Yep. K. In case you haven’t noticed, smart people understand this is more then just about Trump. President DeSantis said it best.
  12. Gone. Gone. Sorry about your 10 year olds new heart condition Gone. New normals. Awesome!!!
  13. The shooter was a mentally disturbed trans that’s no longer classified as mental illness but rather celebrated especially if your 6 year old boy thinks he’s a girl.
  14. We’re this coming economic catastrophe that it’s inevitable from the solutions being full nationalization of most every industry - especially when they start doing things like worrying about profits and costs. Currently, most are free to operate but according to woke rules when it comes to hiring the best and brightest from the different hyphenated classes. And certain regulations. They’ll be seized when it all falls apart.
  15. It’s gone. You’re the reason why. You don’t believe in it. You don’t understand what it stood for. I could obviously go on and on to tell you why you destroyed it and your just left to sit around staring at the manufactured news all day to keep you distracted from the real problems and angry enough at all things not Communist. But. I did that for over 2 years watching Covid deliver the final nail. Made possible by both the architects behind it and the useful idiots that hated Trump because of reasons still not understandable by science and logic. Quick test to prove - with logic - that America is gone: Can ANY candidate running for office campaign on this: ”America First.” Should no doubt be able to. Simply say those words or anything close to it. Can’t. I rest my case. Gone.
  16. Not my problem - I’m only telling you how this ends. It isn’t a unified country. It isn’t America - in pockets it is. Florida, etc. But DC is most definitely gone along with every blue state. Your people are just to rabidly partisan and stupid. This is inevitable.
  17. The right chess pieces weren’t in place. Give it time. The ***t storm that’s going to be unleashed… You're not going to want to ban those guns - just thinking of you and you’re family. People have NO CLUE how much worse this is all going to get. The CCP is loving it.
  18. Until Republicans start doing the same I don’t want to hear any complaining. The only way to defeat weaponized government is by the same means they use. Looking forward to the new batch of MGT Republicans actually going after legit leftist criminals in office and the subsequent tears and cries of nazism or tyranny. Bookmark and save all the receipts.
  19. Best journalist in America
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