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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. I mean there are as many Nazi Democrats in power across the country. Those Nazis are the biggest threat to the country. They think you have to yell “white power!” to be a Nazi? Which btw, white Democrats absolutely do - usually in the form of segregated housing. But they do it.
  2. Lots of Trump voters in Chicago I guess. Maybe. Where is the Nashville manifesto? Leftists. The fault of leftist Maoists yes.
  3. If you concluded the gun was the problem here and not the deliberate breakdown of society, you’re the problem. I’m truly hopeful and confident you haven’t reproduced.
  4. The best run state in America and it isn’t even close. Making it the greatest place on Earth.
  5. Within 48 hours we supposedly know all you need to know about this shooter. Where is the Nashville manifesto? Oh: Top security expert says the discussion of Convenat shooter's manifesto a distraction from solutions https://www.newschannel5.com/news/top-security-expert-says-the-discussion-of-convenat-shooters-manifesto-a-distraction-from-solutions?_amp=true
  6. Subprime auto defaults on path toward 2008 crisis levels, say portfolio managers Subprime borrowers who financed used cars at record prices in recent years have been acting more stressed than during the 2008 global financial crisis, even though the labor market has been resilient, according to a new report from fixed-income asset manager Bramshill Investments. While inflation and higher interest rates have been eroding paychecks of all U.S. consumers, “it is very apparent to us that it is negatively affecting subprime borrowers (who tend to have lower credit scores and lower incomes) more harshly than others,” portfolio managers Paul Van Lingen and Ara Balabanian wrote, in a new monthly client note. “All else being equal and continuing the current path, we are assuming defaults and recoveries will continue to deteriorate more toward levels not seen since the GFC.” …..They haven’t been the only ones sounding alarms about the toll of the Federal Reserve’s rapid pace of interest rate hikes to fight inflation. Bond-trader Jeffrey Gundlach also said this week that he was getting more bearish, including on riskier parts of the credit markets, and that banking stress isn’t likely to be over until the Fed starts cutting interest rates again… https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/subprime-auto-defaults-on-path-toward-2008-crisis-levels-say-portfolio-managers/ar-AA1aNyhf?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=04ab6449010348f2ac6e213dcdd330b9&ei=124 “Fight inflation” that it created.
  7. That’s a lot of respect for Seattle - maybe by mid season we can say this but I’d have them lower.
  8. Chile: Far-right party on top in constitution rewrite vote The far-right opposition Republican Party is set to take almost half of the seats on a committee to rewrite Chile's constitution. Its leader has previously expressed kinship with Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro. A far-right party came first in an election on Sunday to choose 50 members of a committee that will rewrite Chile's constitution. The Republican Party led with 35% of the vote, equating to around 22 seats on the committee. The party opposes the longstanding effort to change Chile's constitution, which was imposed in 1980 during the right-ring dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. https://amp.dw.com/en/chile-far-right-party-on-top-in-constitution-rewrite-vote/a-65546486
  9. The people that can’t define “woman” can really just stfu about what anything means.
  10. Yea during shamdemic I wasn’t in a mask during sex, 6 feet apart, or vaccinated my kids. Or got 5 boosters. Sure.
  11. The Deep State has worked to allow Covid Rig the 2020 election. Kill JFK (let’s continue to ignore this - they really released this at the right time none of the late 70 something Boomers care anymore). But no - in no way could the forces at work (put there in modern times by Team Obama) to influence public opinion toward a move to disarm itself. The Deep State eliminates it’s only threat. The people and the 2nd amendment. Nope. Impossible. Can’t happen. As improbable as getting the entire planet to comply with wearing a face diaper and ruining the lives of millions of kids that lost school time, athletics, and socialization.
  12. He hasn’t even really been president. In name only. Nothing would come as a surprise.
  13. Oh man I was waiting for something stupid in response to the reports the shooter is Hispanic. This is beyond all expectations. So Bill, can African Americans be racist?
  14. The lib brain is CTE is all I got.
  15. “It’s the gunzz.” Combine that with what they see on their phones all day. Everyone is angry, broke, and miserable.
  16. Fun fact. Texas and the U.S. do not enforce drug or gun policy in Mexico. We don’t even enforce border policies with Mexico. Just come on in. And vote early and often.
  17. Due to lib fascism, like their desire to ban guns and gas stoves, this poll isn’t going as well as they expected either Lol no one even knows DeSantis yet. But mom and dad have been doing a lot of bill paying, gas paying, and grocery buying the last year. It’s finally sinking in. I think 2022 was too quick to see the bloodbath. They faked the end of Covid and straight to Ukraine so fast nothing could set in.
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