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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. We obviously send him there to promote the Bills and the NFL to Southern Ontario. In no way is he a Blue Jay fan. Which is all fine. If you ask him I think he’d tell you he’s a Giants fan - probably likes the Yankees because he’s a Judge fan.
  2. Everyone understands that just this omission by State Stooge Tapper means that Trump was right about everything from 2016. EVERYTHING WE TOLD YOU THEY WERE DOING TO SET HIM UP THEY DID IT. Obama - Holder are the 2 biggest scum bags to ever hold public office in this country’s history. They won’t be held accountable because the law only applies when Dems decide it does. Does anyone really think first Black POTUS is going or was ever going to be investigated for anything? The precedent that set would be disastrous unless the person you elected first Black POTUS was a good human not remotely interested in power. Instead, you got the opposite. A divisive fascist commie scum bag that only cared about more power and how to keep it. You’re in the middle of his third term. They don’t have to actually be in office anymore. Oh, President DeSantis agrees with me.
  3. And it did - no matter how these morons want to frame it. Current viral videos of subways are most definitely not helping. And videos of life in general. Everything libs run turns to 💩
  4. Just wait till you see what they’ll do and how they’ll react when they’re adults and start asking wtf did mom and mom let me become a woman. Where is the Nashville manifesto
  5. Didn't see this anywhere
  6. Just a Senator threatening the SCOTUS Did he just call for an insurrection??
  7. Because it actually is all those things - it has to be white power. That’s the real threat.
  8. Really? So, what about the Holocaust isn’t being taught? Explain it to us like we’re 5.
  9. Voting age should be 26. If you can be on mommy and daddy’s health insurance until then, you don’t get to vote to keep it that way. The military is 18 and no that doesn’t give you the right to have a say in who we decide to fight or not - it’s in your interest to NOT engage in a war and die. This has always been the dumbest justification for letting 18 year olds vote. And, has that change stopped your leaders from getting us involved in some of the most misguided foreign adventures possible? What it does is cement we’ll likely never see a draft. Which is likely anyway because the days of large kinetic wars are over. Unless someone attacks us. Can’t imagine why any country would try, just be better off convincing it there is a lethal flu heading it’s way. Repeal the 17th amendment immediately. Your Senators don’t care about their state interests until it’s election season.
  10. Please tell me these morons were told not to answer any questions like this from Republicans. They can’t possibly be that stupid. I mean they definitely are but this is next level Idiocracy.
  11. Not sure about any blueprint - I think they just goaded us into mistakes in the RZ because we couldn’t run the ball. Josh vs Minnesota the next week: 330 yards plus 84 rushing - that fumble in the EZ was just unacceptable and imo bad coaching - should have been in shotgun. Jefferson is a freak. Everything unraveled. Vs Browns 18-27 197 and a TD. RBs went off Vs Lions 24-42 for 253 2 TDS one INT that was deflected off Cook if I recall. At Patriots 22-33 for 223 and 2 TDS. Vs Jets RD 2 Vs Dolphins 304 yards 4 TDs and 77 rushing At Bears in 35 mph winds. Just 26 passes. Vs NE week after Damar 19-31 for 254 and 3 TDS Overall we definitely threw less - a combo of his injury, weather, game situation, protection issues, and a running game that started to come together a bit.
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