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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Yep…..like you shot John Wick’s dog to set him off…….
  2. Never Back Down, the pro-DeSantis super PAC, brought in a staggering $130 million since launching in March Trump's team reported on Wednesday that the former president's campaign and Save America, his political action committee, together brought in over $35 million between April and June in the second quarter of political fundraising. DeSantis raised the $20 million fundraising haul in less than half the time, beginning with his campaign launch in late May. Nearly half of the governor's haul - $8.2 million - came in the first 24 hours after DeSantis declared his candidacy, his team announced in late May. The DeSantis campaign highlighted in a release shared first with Fox News that their haul was the "largest first-quarter filing from any non-incumbent Republican candidate in more than a decade." And they added that it "bests the $18.3 million former president and quasi-incumbent Donald Trump's campaign raised during his first two fundraising quarters as a candidate ($3.8 in Q4 2022 and $14.5 in Q1 2023)." The Trump campaign and its allied fundraising committees brought in $9.5 million from the former president's mid-November launch through the end of last year and nearly $19 million during the January-March first quarter of fundraising.
  3. ___________________ privately told _____________ execs to be cautious about mRNA vaccines because "we just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA." https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1676792059267788802.html Answer to fill in the blanks: —Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook He then censored scientists, doctors, and mRNA vaccine-injured individuals.
  4. Amazing. North Korean style “news”
  5. You can’t beat them on the issues (that there are 2 genders and get porn out of elementary schools) so it’s best to label them a hate group and hide behind the Pride flag. Libs nod along in Maoist approval. But January 6!
  6. Sure absolutely happy to tell you more about the radical left:
  7. Even better question - if these MAGA folks are revolting - what’s the goal? What government are they trying to establish? My God the stupid.
  8. That’s what we’re trying to stop - is it too far gone is the question. Both parties suck. But only one side is actually fighting for something. The left is just reckless and out of control - a new letter every day. Supporting what they think are politically expedient rights but refuse to question anything that makes Team Democrat look bad. Trump exposed all of them. Social media showed them their mainstream media thought/narrative control days were over. That must have been so terrifying for them. And everything since has been a war on a guy and his supporters that said “America First.” We can argue all day about taxes and spending - man wouldn’t that be nice but…..no one cares - none of this matters if the fabric of the culture and the freedoms at its core are gone. Think about what you’ve heard the Left advocate for in just the last 3 years: 1. Shutdown the planet no questions asked 2. Get this vaccine or you won’t go back to work - still no questions asked 3. Become even bigger hypocrites then they’ve ever been when they sided with “correct” protesters. 4. censoring anyone that spoke out about lockdowns, masks, and vaccines 5. That there are 72 genders. That elementary school kids should have access to trans story hour and porn in their libraries - 6. And they should be able to be transitioned regardless what mom and dad say - and speaking of genders: 7. Ban all guns - they’ve said it 8. Elon Musk became evil - because he knew Twitter became government run censorship 9. That the Catholic Church should shut down - see Bill Stime - he’s not alone to them religion is just a fairy tale. AND: But sure they love this country. *Here is where low Info Bill posts Jan 6 pics - btw I love that they leave out “2021” to avoid the context and history of the prior 10 month self inflicted nightmare this country succumbed to. Those people at the capital were the coup, in no way whatsoever was that we let China tell us what to do the actual coup*
  9. I mean it’s in the Bible - both Old and New Testament but you’re a low info moron that doesn’t have an understanding of these things The devil has and will continue to attack the church. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons (1 Timothy 4:1). “It is no great thing therefore if his ministers also fashion themselves as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works” (2 Corinthians 11:15). ….the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom; the weeds are the children of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the Devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels (Matthew 13:38,39).
  10. That’s what we call a smoking gun. In reality. Liberals do not exist there - ignore it and it never happened. Evidence like this? The NY Times will say this hurts their efforts to stop disinformation. Then they’ll run the next 8 years and going strong “Trump’s walls are closing in story.”
  11. Hey - where is your post of kids in the thread with the Trans women’s mass shooting in Philly?
  12. Umm…….that’s exactly what laws are. You spent all week trashing the court over the Affirmative action and religious freedom rulings.
  13. You’re an absolute buffoon. No political is void of any of those types of people. NONE. And perfect unity is impossible - you can cite a problem with literally everyone and spin it as hate. And - show me the poll where over half the country wants the book “I’m Jack but maybe I’m Jane” in their kids 3rd grade classroom. Every Democrat policy is freaking grounded in ACTUAL DIVISION Affirmative action Open Borders for states that aren’t budgeted to handle the incompetence Identity politics Anti Religion - you know, this country was only founded on your freedom to freely worship it - you idiots will try to bring “no prayer” zones here to if you could. Bake that cake!
  14. Hate is common everywhere. Hate is easy. Which side is more likely to forgive or look past any prior meaningless perhaps texts or jokes from say 10 years ago? Libs are incapable. They will eat their own if it means preserving their virtue signaling religion of wokeism. And if possible they will erase or cancel you. You have a moron right here in Bill that wants the Catholic Church to cease and desist. But sure post all your pics of 300 protesters that were escorted in to the Capital. No, conservatives boycotting Bud Light is not the same as creating a hostage situation by forcing one of your relief pitchers to apologize for re tweeting something about Target’s grooming section. Nationalism or populism is what these morons think is going to tear apart a country. In Europe they’ve been saying this since Brexit. Look at all those MAGA nutters burning France today …………….
  15. Lol low info Bill - the decline in morality (Americans that see it as a poor) driven by Republicans is almost exclusively due to Alphabet Extremist policies gone wild. Axios wants to frame bills passed in states by “anti woke” (anti communist) leaders as “anti” is of course, absurd. Unless you support pornography in elementary schools disguised as trans story hour. I found this part of the story the least significant. As important as it is. I’m not sure what how you’d like to analyze that part of the poll or why you’d suggest I’m “leaving it out.” There are 8 other threads on the Flag mafia. Democrats are not proud of this country unless they’re in power - the exception under Biden is largely due to since 2020, they’ve been inundating the country, schools, and Hollywood with nothing but anti American communist Maoist garbage.
  16. To an all time low of 29% today. And common sense moral values we almost all shared just 20 years ago - gone. Americans are down on morality, family and country Why it matters: Less than 500 days out from an election likely to feature a 2020 rematch few Americans want, extreme national pride is near a historic low. Zoom in: The greatest demographic differentiator for expressions of national pride is party identification, according to Gallup. A majority (60%) of Republicans still claim extreme national pride, but the share has fallen from a near-universal 86% 20 years ago — when patriotism peaked in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The last time a majority of Democrats said they were extremely proud to be an American was in 2013, months into President Obama's second term. Between the lines: American iconography has long been a staple of political campaigns on both sides of the aisle. But for many Democrats, former President Trump's "America First" nationalism gave divisive new meaning to the red, white and blue. https://www.axios.com/2023/07/03/americans-down-on-god-family-country-patriotism-polling America First is not divisive. Trump may be. But America First is not. Media - like Axios - want that to be the case. Congrats China! Bonus! Over 25% of men over 40 - never been married. Up from SIX PERCENT in 1980. Less kids. More abortion. More feminazis. More emasculated males especially whites who are directly and indirectly told there is no place for them in society and deliberate sexual confusion and distortion of social norms (biology) especially to our youth - all adds up to a road to self destruction. And a pathetic miserable country. Being proud of it is toxic after all. It’s code for ULTRA MAGA!
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