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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. And that housing is booming because everyone wants to move there from their blue dumpster fire.
  2. Florida’s fault. Probably more supply chain issues. Get Mayor Pete on it.
  3. They are horrified. And unhinged.
  4. And for the record - look it up I’ve said it repeatedly - there is no fixing this inflation disaster for a decade. A DECADE. Enjoy your retirement everyone over 55 - it’s gonna hurt. Make them pay at the ballot box by never voting commie ever. Fate sealed with Covid. A flu we sacrificed the Constitution, freedom, and prosperity for. Except one man called it the overblown sham that it was.
  5. I’m sorry what about Florida inflation? I was just buying an undersized shrinkflated sandwich at a local diner here in Virginia for $10. The fear is real. You morons want nothing to do with him in a general and state run news in coordination with Trump surrogates (they are absolutely in communication even tho I’m told Trump is a criminal) are trying to take him out. Trump’s media friends are trying desperately to do the same. It ain’t happening. Carry on.
  6. That’s how it’s done
  7. So he’s indicted just after coming forward with damaging intel on Biden and China - the same f…ng intel that if it were Trump in no way shape or form would our resident useful idiots be cheering on more Democrat lawfare to protect the Biden’s. Now, the allegation doesn’t matter. The Steele Dosier? The illegal unconstitutional and Un American FISA against Trump in 2016 - all legit. If only you people were consistent in anything other then pathetically defending Democrats.
  8. Team DeSantis is going to completely ignore Trump. They’re going to approach this like they are running against everyone else. Turn it in to the long game it’s going to be - UNLESS DeSantis wins Iowa or New Hampshire. Then it will be over. And it’s the right strategy. There is zero need to even discuss/attack Trump. If asked - “my focus is to fix the ***t hole Democrats have turned this country into.” Full stop.
  9. Stupid culture wars.
  10. You'll see. We got a long way to go
  11. They’ll spin this as bad - it isn’t. First it’s only 315 people polled. And Trump is still the Republican incumbent. With as we know a loyal base. I don’t expect any Trump voter - voted Trump - to actually tell a pollster someone else. As the 2nd poll shows the results aren’t any disapproval of DeSantis. It’s pure Trump loyalty. It’s only July. Worth noting Meanwhile….
  12. Hahahahahahaha It makes sense to people that can’t define “woman” that a failed state equals success and a successful state equals failure.
  13. Told you: Something tells me the elitist racist white liberals that run Disney are probably good with this and the clientele that can afford to go to their parks. Lol the diversity officer is new
  14. Nolte: Disney’s ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Dead as a Doornail with 2nd-Place Finish, ‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars After a dismal $60 million opening, the Disney Grooming Syndicate’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny collapsedsomewhere between 50 to 60 percent with a dreadful $25 to $28 million second weekend — and couldn’t even manage one consecutive first-place finish. What had once been one of the most popular and bulletproof franchises ever created finally met its match in Kathleen “Franchise Killer” Kennedy and her anti-entertainment identity politics. Kennedy might be offscreen, but she is the true villainess in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which should’ve been called Indiana Jones and Talentless Queendom of Woke Child Grooming Nazis. Elsewhere, and in nearly 2,000 fewer theaters than Dial of Dud (2,850 compared to 4,600), Sound of Freedom,AKA the Little Christian-Themed Indie That Disney Dumped, hauled in another $15.2 million. By Monday, this $14.5 million budgeted movie — THAT DISNEY DUMPED – will have grossed close to $40 million. How’s that for justice? Disney acquired 20th Century-Fox in 2019 and immediately shelves Sound of Freedom, which wrapped in 2018. Why would Disney shelve a $14.5 million Christian-themed film when Christian-themed films make money? Easy answer: it’s a Christian movie. Also, Sound of Freedom sounds an alarm about child exploitation, and as we now know, Disney is pro-child exploitation. Through Friday, Dial of Dud has grossed just $172 million worldwide. This sucker comes with a $400 million price tag between production and promotion costs. The Disney Grooming Syndicate could lose $100 to $200 million on an Indiana Jones film. Let me repeat: on an Indiana Jones film! Also doornail-dead at this weekend’s box office is Disney’s Elemental. After four weeks, this piece of grooming baithas only grossed $109 million. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/07/09/nolte-disneys-indiana-jones-5-dead-as-a-doornail-with-2nd-place-finish-sound-of-freedom-soars/ Hollywood as you knew it, is finished. We’re headed toward Balkanized entertainment in addition to everything else that’s Balkanized in this country. Hollywood can’t do comedy anymore, doesn’t know how to portray men, and is determined to force identity politics into every single production (Can Sound Of Freedom even be nominated for any awards if it doesn’t fit the woke criteria?) it won’t end well long term for them. In the meantime expect more rebooted comic book movies and straight to streaming cost cutting trash that keeps the executives in their jobs while screwing everyone else in the industry that if they don’t speak woke, write woke, or vote woke will be unemployed.
  15. “Traditional hierarchies of race, gender, and sexuality..”
  16. More from the cult But there is no culture war and anyone fighting for it is wasting our time. Sure…
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