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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Again, you’re deliberately ignoring the uprising in DC right next door to the White House where anarchists were attempting to attack it and force Trump into a bunker - which was cheered. And, those are Democrat politicians in these videos calling for violence and to not certify the 2016 election - can’t imagine why MAGA voters think after being told to stay home for a year thought the election could have been stolen (it was it was rigged)
  2. The video of lib lunatics attempting to attack the White House and being cheered on by the media. And Democrats along with the media and Hollywood trash calling for electors to not verify the 2016 election - complete with a running countdown before Trump took office and life as you know it would be over - actually that did happen because the entire anti Trump establishment let China attack us with the flu and watch us lose our minds because they knew you hated Trump so badly for reasons still unclear that you’d wear a face diaper and stay 6 feet apart indefinitely But carry on.
  3. Yep. Go ***k off
  4. Floridians showing their disgust in Republican led state…….oh wait…..Oops
  5. Who said I was in lock step with them? I’m not. What I’m in lock step is common sense sanity. Only a hack, a dishonest massive partisan hypocrite will tell you that Trump posed some kind of threat to this country. And that he’s evil. You people are broken. There is no salvaging you. The country? My side is trying. Your side is cheering deep state lawfare simply because of your delusions of Trump as Hitler. If 2020 played out without Covid - and things were normal and Trump lost - actually lost - and we didn’t have MASSIVE social media and Democrat party collusion to do it, then I’d find the actions of the protesters that day to be beyond stupid and unbecoming of the Republic. Unfortunately, Branch Covidians and the Commies at Silicon Valley ***t all over the Republic in March of 2020. So you all can just ***k right off. Never forget.
  6. What was the plan at the Capital? 300 people were going to overwhelm the US military - our intelligence so great they didn’t see this mass protesting event take place and see the “threats?” Protest does not equal overthrow the freaking government. Some, were hoping to achieve EXACTLY what the Democrats in those clips were calling for in 2016. Because the only government that was actually overthrown was by people that ran a corpse from his basement while the votes were passed out by mail. We had to do what CHINA told us to do without hesitation. Trump is such a threat to the country that all his might and efforts couldn’t prevent old corpse from basement from “winning” 80 million votes.
  7. Amusement Park Says It Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Performance ‘Backfired’ An amusement park in the United Kingdom said it would no longer participate in Pride events after children witnessed an explicit drag performance by a drag queen named Crystal. The owner of Adventure Island in Southend on Sea, Essex, has “humbly” apologized to his loyal customers for hiring the performer that left parents “horrified,” the Daily Mail reported. “The grinding act was most definitely a nonstarter as we are ostensibly a family park and that is just not family entertainment,” Miller’s statement added. “Rest assured we will not be rebooking this act or participate in any future PRIDE celebrations it’s just not for us, we tried to be inclusive but it has backfired on us.” The apology comes after footage of an “all ages family friendly” drag show on Saturday surfaced online… https://www.dailywire.com/news/amusement-park-says-it-will-no-longer-host-pride-events-after-drag-performance-backfired?utm_campaign=dw_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=housefile&utm_content=member
  8. Oh yes it freaking did - before and then after the 2016 election due to unprecedented Deep State weaponization of the Federal Government to set up, investigate, incriminate, and indict (lawfare) a private citizen running for POTUS "The one that the FBI relied on most heavily was its claim that there was some sort of well-developed conspiracy between Trump and Russia," he said. "Now, there has not been any evidence uncovered, whether it was by special counsel Mueller, by the DOJ inspector general, or now by Durham, that there was any sort of collusion between Trump and Russia." "The FBI relied on that dossier to obtain spy warrants through the foreign intelligence surveillance court to surveil former Trump campaign associate Carter Page. They also relied on the dossier in other ways. Former FBI Director James Comey even wanted to include the dossier in an intelligence community assessment that was put out in very early January 2017 about Russia's meddling in the 2016 election," Dunleavy said. Along with the FBI's reliance on the dossier, the Durham investigation showcased a host of actions the FBI took in Crossfire Hurricane that now reflect poorly on what many consider to be America's top law enforcement agency, according to Dunleavy…. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/jerry-dunleavy-crossfire-hurricane-john-durham-cspan
  9. Lol what???? Then what the hell were these Democrats calling to have happen?? ”The election doesn’t count! Overturn it! Do not certify him! But um, we don’t really mean that.” You all have lost your dam mind. Not surprising since you not only have to justify devastating flu season policies, and the subsequent ***t show election season 2020 that was conducted under the guise of “we need to mail all a ballot because you’ll die if we don’t. And Trump can’t have rallies it’s a health risk.”
  10. Yo……why were all the January 6, 2021 locked down protesters mad again? What gave them the idea that the election could be overturned? Was it Trump? Oh….. It’s probably scraped from State run Google - but Keith Olberman spent a good month after the 2004 election claiming the voting machines in Ohio were rigged because they were tied to a company that supported Bush.
  11. The best stuff I’ve seen on Netflix is foreign Dark is at the top of the list. Comedy is dead. I haven’t seen anything memorably funny on the streams or in theaters maybe since ……. I can’t even remember. What’s the last good Will Ferrel movie?
  12. It’s what they did after 30 days that matters - AND in the face of CASES! that didn’t really fake arrive until December of 2020 - January 2021. And then fake Omicron in summer of 2021 - remember he was going to let everyone die by not stopping the flu. Posters here gleefully reported all the fake CASE numbers in Florida that fall. Keep trying to rewrite history Billy we have all the receipts.
  13. Nah……… but it’s a dictatorship in locked down California. Full Democrat control - a once great state reinvented into an authoritarian utopia.
  14. It’s not as good as I’d thought. Only heard episode 2 I thought someone said that was the best one. Thought I would hear Shanny and McVay talk ball but it’s mostly a rehash of their stories and eventual hires as HC. Didn’t need to hear about how Shanny got the Falcons to a Super Bowl. I didn’t learn anything new. “They know offense. McVay said they’d have used more 2 TE but Cooper Kupp needed to be on the field. Let’s still run 12 personnel looks/plays out of our actual 11 personnel players.” Shanny explained why he blew that 28-3 lead with the worst excuse of all time. “I’m aggressive by nature.” That’s awesome Shanny. Situation called for you to not be - long term be aggressive overall especially if it’s a 1 or 2 score game…..but with 17 minutes left up by 25 use your brain and not put Matt Ryan in position to get sacked out of FG range and to not kill clock. Also the host is annoying. The only interesting thing I got was if not for a snowstorm, McVay may have never been hired by the Rams.
  15. True - glad someone saying the position is vital bc it is (see Bills Red Zone issues)
  16. Spot on - and as an American that grew up loving movies and going to the theater because the blockbusters were big events from movies like T2 to Independence Day to Jurassic Park to the Matrix - and even The Blair Witch Project and being blown away did not see coming the twist in The Sixth Sense - it’s just both infuriating and sad what they’ve done.
  17. Going Thursday night to see Oppenheimer in IMAX. Couldn’t get tickets to see it in this bad boy unfortunately - our group couldn’t all get there. https://www.si.edu/theaters/airbus The Airbus IMAX® Theater at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center houses the biggest IMAX screen in Northern Virginia. The Airbus IMAX® Theater is among the first in the world to feature the latest IMAX® laser projection system. The dual 4K laser projection system, with a 12 discrete channel sound system, provides audiences with the sharpest, brightest, clearest, and most vivid digital images ever, combined with a whole new level of immersive audio. The future of movie technology is here! Airbus IMAX Theater Features: Brand new 86 foot wide screen Dual 4K laser projection system with new optical engine providing unparalleled 3D brightness New state-of-the-art 3D glasses that optimize the laser system experience 12 discrete channels plus sub-bass for fully immersive audio experience New capability to show a wider selection of documentary and Hollywood features, and at the highest possible quality I know Johnny ain’t able to produce that on his iPhone. I want Hollywood to be great. You said it - America. Unfortunately the industry is slitting its own throat.
  18. Correct - ENTERTAINMENT Not Hollywood. I agree 100% but I want to know since they want to take phones away and replace them with some chip or something that will read to you how we will watch all this stuff and Instagram Reels.
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