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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Looks like the fiery ordeal takes weeks off for foam parties, the beach, and Brazilian tourists lol omg
  2. When Brown has been out we absolutely stunk running the ball. He’s absolutely a beast in the ground game. He has that moxie to that you love. If he gets his friggin pass pro to just average he’d be a top 15 RT.
  3. The way she flippantly brushes off “or do you think they just want to track us” at the end of that clip tells me more about where we’re headed then the actual subject matter of the video.
  4. I’m done calling them “the Left” or liberals. It’s too confusing. And sometimes liberal can be a good thing. Democrats are not good people. Period. If you ID as a Democrat and never vote anything else it’s a good bet you’re a communist authoritarian thug. Democrats in this country are completely off the rails bat ***t insane. And countless Democrats are out there on the internet or cable news trying to find something “wrong” or controversial about this movie and then……tie it to Trump voters. Peak Pathetic post United States of America
  5. Or, this is called officially pandering to teachers as they enter preliminary budget talks for 2024 - happens to be, shocker, an election year.
  6. I’ll happily settle for 1998. 1987 is my first choice. I would comment in the decades thread about this but I wouldn’t want it to get political. Anytime in the 90s is fine - because you can experience all the great things that were happening PLUS by a year like 1998, “the 80s” were officially defined and you can reminisce on or take in all the greatness of the 80s.
  7. Let’s go! Florida eyes "classical" education agenda Florida could become the first state to offer a conservative-backed "classical" exam in lieu of the SAT and ACT for public college admissions. Why it matters: The state's education measures have been a Republican bellwether nationally— driven by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who is seeking the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election. The classical education model — not to be confused with "classics" or "classical humanities" — focuses on a return to "core values" and the "centrality of the Western tradition." It's gained recent momentum in Florida charter schools and private Christian schools. The Classical Learning Test launched in 2015 and is used by homeschooling families and co-op groups, according to its website. Over 200 colleges and universities, many religious, accept its scores. The test contains three sections: verbal reasoning, grammar and writing, and quantitative reasoning. State of play: The Florida Board of Governors is expected to vote on the Classical Learning Test on Aug. 30, Altony Lee III, a spokesperson for the board, told Axios. If adopted by the board, universities could start accepting classical test scores for the 2023-24 admissions cycle, Lee said. In May, DeSantis signed a bill into law that allowed students to use classical test scores to determine eligibility for a statewide college scholarship program. DeSantis and the Florida Department of Education did not respond to requests for comment. Critics say that the emphasis on Western civilization in classical education centers white Europe and America as most important, per the Tampa Bay Times. So-called "classical education is really a wolf in sheep's clothing," said Julian Vasquez Heilig, a professor of educational leadership, research and technology at Western Michigan University. "Really what it's about is using selective Western thinkers to foment a specific moral ideology," he added. The intrigue: Classical education is largely pioneered by Hillsdale College, a small, Christian, classical liberal arts college in Michigan. This school has helped DeSantis reshape Florida education, the Miami Herald reported. Five schools in Florida are "member schools"of Hillsdale College — more than in any other state, according to its website. They receive curriculum, consultation and training; others are designated as "candidate member" or "curriculum" schools. Hillsdale influenced the state's decision to reject math textbooks that delved into critical race theory and social emotional learning. https://www.axios.com/2023/08/06/florida-classical-exam-desantis-christian-conservative-sat-act Best run state in the union it isn’t even close.
  8. Let’s see. Since you posted an article behind a paywall bc you know no one will see it…… Disney District, Now Under DeSantIs, ENDS ITS DEI PROGRAMS. Well……..who controlled that oversight before DeSantis declared Florida is where woke comes to die? Hmmm…..IT WAS DISNEY! But no more: The oversight district, which was created earlierthis year following a row between DeSantis and Disney, is managed by five DeSantis appointees. It replaced a Walt Disney Company-controlled county district, which was dismantled after Disney opposed DeSantis’s anti-LGBTQ+ policies. In a press release the Central Florida tourism oversight district criticized its predecessor for introducing “minority/women business enterprise and disadvantaged business enterprise programs”. The district did not respond to a request for comment. Glenton Gilzean, the district administrator, said: “The so-called diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives were advanced during the tenure of the previous board and they were illegal and simply un-American. Our district will no longer participate in any attempt to divide us by race or advance the notion that we are not created equal.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/03/desantis-disney-tourism-dei-florida#:~:text=A Ron DeSantis-appointed Walt,promoting programs in the state.
  9. Remember - you don’t have to be qualified in anything to hold office if you’re a D. All that matters to them - the ONLY thing that matters is that candidate is marketable to the voters in the locality or state or for POTUS Record? Accomplishments? Low info America ain’t got time for that.
  10. As everyone and businesses continues to flock to his state. Fatal error!!!
  11. This is DeSantis issuing a statement saying they have the largest budget surplus in state history and that the state (via legislation) will not fund anything that falls under DEI programs - and some low info moron on the internet played it at 5x speed to make his 9 year old self laugh.
  12. He was just told here that Disney is disbanding it’s DEI Board.
  13. They don’t have any options. That’s why they installed Obama’s VP to be his 3rd term and then created a situation where he didn’t even campaign.
  14. “….too.?” Prager’s mission is to indoctrinate the constitution and ideals of freedom. They can “indoctrinate” my kids 24/7. Indoctrinate isn’t the word I’d use for positives. But, you’re in the Bill Stime wing of stupid, you’re terrified of DeSantis, and this is what you do. The word for this post and others you continue to pour into this thread bc you know he is the biggest threat to actual authoritarianism is “deceiving.”
  15. Its going to be DeSantis vs Newsome or Buttedge. Newsome is the trial ballon. If they see no traction it will be Buttedge.
  16. We were “warned” at our football parent meeting the schedule could change due to this here in Virginia. Emphasized the money was a problem but the real issue is the players, coaches, and even parents. Getting disrespected from everywhere and everyone during games. And the number of ejections has skyrocketed. It’s absolutely embarrassing.
  17. What did Trump say about this from exile?
  18. Aside from ACB on SCOTUS - legit everything Trump did post March of 2020 was a disaster. The biggest test to freedom in human history and Trump and his inner circle collapsed. But…. You may not like how he is campaigning. He’s not being voted on to be a professional campaigner. That’s Obama. He is running to defend the worlds last best hope. If his Florida record isn’t enough to show you that, we deserve collapse.
  19. This is asinine So par for the course for The NY Times “Key part of his just-folks person.” Hey NY Times, now do all the private jets climate activists fly around on. Actually just try journalism. How is this in the public interest?
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