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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. If this isn't a problem …. you’re the problem and there is no reason to discuss pretty much anything with you. I hope everyone else follows suit. These people need to be shunned from life. My instincts to how to deal with these people post Covid was always spot on. There is no common ground. No reasoning. No logic. They have nothing to offer society.
  2. Men being allowed to compete in women’s sports. Nothing to see here just the end of civilization everyone move along.
  3. No. no nightmare. It’s a theory I can support with logic. You can’t understand because your Democrat party you blindly support - you supported it when it opposed gay marriage oh just 15 years ago and you support it now when it can’t define woman. Because you’re an Anti American cult. And every time you people ask those questions you should probably stop and say … yea they “the conspiracy theories” usually have turned out to be right. Wet market. Lol.
  4. Trump is an Independent Always has been. When you look at him this way many things start to make sense. Half our voters hate the GOP - thus Trump’s success. This is the second time he’s going to use the GOP to secure a bid for the presidency If this isn’t clear by now to all I don’t know what to tell you. I knew this in 2016 - my hope was he’d reshape the GOP and cement a realignment to working class and a giant middle finger to corporate America. The GOP won’t do it. Trump hasn’t gotten them there - but there has been a shift. It’s at a crawl. But it’s there. I don’t know now what his motives are. But he’s suckering in votes for a primary to a party over half its supporters do not identify with. They identify with Trump because he represents a break from the GOP - I don’t think they even understand it. I also said in the 2016 primary (I did not vote for Trump) that if you vote for Trump and he wins, this is a revolution. And revolutions are messy. No greater proof then the coup launched to get him out and why the Democrat party and its enablers have made it their mission that no one like Trump (cements realignment and he cannot be controlled) can never win again. In short, the United States is dead. America exists. In pockets. But we are ruled now. Something nefarious happened on March 11, 2020.
  5. Milano Maybe: Groot Cook Gabe Kincaid
  6. Absolutely here for comments like this lol
  7. To avoid a situation where porn and teaching 8 year olds how to give b.j.s don’t make it into school libraries or curriculum
  8. “Florida’s laws are so draconian we can’t even read Shakespeare!”
  9. You’re a dupe that can’t see this is a political stunt. But - BREAKING omg !!! Attention low infos - BREAKING!! “The world is laughing at us!!” —Low info teacher
  10. I hear the same from almost everyone with kids my age - they’ve never heard of a teacher that just has them read entire books or “here, write these notes down as I lecture.”
  11. Who runs the “high schools?” Lol lol ok I’ll spare everyone wasting their time looking at this tweet “…..some Florida school districts are shying away from Shakespeare, along with other classic and popular materials. They say they’re attempting to comply with new state law restricting books with and instruction about sexual content.” Some schools. Lol k. Another fyi - almost every school in America (thanks Ds for dumbing down education) doesn’t require all students to read a full book. All they assign are excerpts. Same with note taking. They just give you note sheets or guides.
  12. Been saying this for years: Repeal the 17th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators The U.S. Senate was meant to be the voice of The States in Congress, but more specifically—the state legislatures. Under the original design, state legislatures were meant to be the most consequential institutions and hold the real power in the entire government structure. This, for example, is why the Founders gave ultimate power for selecting presidential electors to state legislatures. Not the state governors, courts, or popular vote—the state legislatures. Why is that? State legislatures are the institutions closest to the people. State legislators, for the most part, live in the communities they represent. They interact with their constituents on a daily basis at work, at the store, in church, etc. So if they are not being responsive to the concerns of those they represent, they’re going to hear about it. If they are unwilling to carry out the people’s wishes, it is far easier to unseat a state legislator than any other constitutional office. The Founders believed government, by its very nature, is corrupt. However, state legislatures are considered the least corrupt institution when viewed as a whole. Nearly 7,400 state legislative seats are spread out across the country and constantly turning over. A “George Soros-type” figure can’t co-opt enough of them to push through any agenda nationwide effectively. That helps explain why the Democrats had to go to extraordinary lengths to bypass state legislatures in the lead-up to the 2020 election and throughout the election contest period. They wouldn’t have been able to get away with the steal otherwise. By pushing ultimate power down to state legislatures, the Founders understood it was the most effective means to keep control in the hands of the people within a representative government. Remember, we are (were) the United States of America, and that is where the real power is supposed to reside. The federal government itself was not intended to have much power at all. As stated by James Madison in Federalist [Paper] No. 45: “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce” ~ James Madison—Federalist No. 45 https://www.uncoverdc.com/2023/08/07/repeal-the-17th-amendment-direct-election-of-senators/ The United States is dead. But pockets (large ones) of America still exist. The ones with ideas on how to maintain the world’s last best hope. The other side - the authoritarians - want only centralized power and one party rule. Its tougher for the other side to achieve that if we stick to the intent of the Constitution. A document they think is “kinda trash.”
  13. I think people missed how good Goff was last season. 4400 yards. 29 TDs and only 7 INTs If not for like 12 one yard TD runs for Jamaal Williams he’d have had 35 TDs - I’m pretty sure St. Brown was tackled at the one like 5 times lol - yes I had him in fantasy.
  14. I have a 100 theories about what happened (are there a handful of Chinese agents behind the camera holding guns to him?)….I’m presenting the video for folks to look back now 3 years ago on, and reach their own conclusions. Was Trump “in on it?” Was this a Chinese attack on the U.S.? That speech says so much and none of it has to do with stopping a flu. All I know, the United States collapsed that day.
  15. What haven’t you seen?
  16. I just think it’s “that” team. No one had the Eagles last year either. And Goff has been to an SB
  17. March 11, 2020. He was either in on it, or so blind and incompetent to go along with the coup. “Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze.” Sends boat to NYC. Had ZERO evidence of any virus here in the U.S. - “data” from China the world can’t see. The most Un-American event in history - thus the end of the Republic. Watch the whole thing again. “This is just a temporary moment in time.”
  18. Bills - Lions Its the only way this ends.
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