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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. But they didn’t have to do anything at all.
  2. Clearly Schoen really wanted him. Maybe he convinced Beane to make the pick at the time.
  3. Omg Just the CIA setting up the next batch of Obama Youth. Who can still take the DC soap opera seriously anymore?? Any of it? How??? How do you not see what tools we all our for these thugs. Democrats. Almost all Democrats. They set up Obama to - the 2004 DNC convention speech was deliberately followed up by Tim Russert hooting and hollering “wow this guy can actually be president!!!” So totally authentic. All of it. What a joke we are.
  4. He’s been there 4 months he’s already changing lives - even this guy they haven’t figured out for 3 years. Rodgers shows up, and he’s fixed. Amazing!
  5. There is zero need for him to misrepresent about 200 years of American foreign policy just to say “we really screwed up after the Cold War.” Yes and no Vivek. The problem is HERE. In this country. Yes China and Russia are their own different kind of threat to the U.S., but it doesn’t matter if half your population has already been subverted by cultural Maoists. It doesn’t matter when 1 political party can do almost whatever the hell it wants here including arresting it’s chief political rival. Every single political norm is gone - that became officially with the election of a very eloquent leftist in 2008 that accomplished and led absolutely nothing prior to running. And continued in 2016 when America said “F it….I’m voting for the guy with the best and funniest memes.” And 2020 was a compete and total global coup by these threats right here at home. With help from Wuhan. DC is lost. I want an executive that knows exactly what he’s getting into and can spend the next EIGHT years salvaging it - if it can even be salvaged. And the Monroe Doctrine wasn’t some great foreign policy success or an extension of Washington’s foreign policy wishes via a quote from Jefferson who was at the time assuming office in the first transfer of power in this country’s history under pretty controversial circumstances that left both parties bitterly divided - it happened again 200 years later. And 1917 will tell you Vivek, that we didn’t always have it “right” up until after the Cold War. Or that the Monroe Doctrine was some brilliant piece of American foreign policy. It was violated by us and European powers numerous times. And without Britain’s ok (kinda needed their navy to enforce any of it) there was no Monroe Doctrine. Post Napoleonic Wars the French weren’t a threat to anyone. Just ask Prussia. And Spain had been dead long before Washington was even born. I like Vivek. This just isn’t what we need nor is he even proven he’s capable of doing what needs to be done.
  6. The group behind these 3 bills are called “anti transgender” by yahoo news: California anti-transgender activists to unveil 3 proposed ballot measures at Capitol The activists, calling themselves Protect Kids California, are looking to advance three ballot initiatives that would: Force schools to notify parents if their child uses a different name or pronouns; Block transgender girls from competing in girls’ sports programs; Block transgender minors from accessing gender-affirming medical treatment. https://news.yahoo.com/california-anti-transgender-activists-unveil-115500502.html These 3 bills are being met with with “fierce” opposition.
  7. See you all in January A new Emerson College Polling survey of U.S. voters following the August Republican Primary debate finds half of Republican Primary voters (50%) plan to vote for Donald Trump, the lowest support to date for the former President in Emerson national polls. Trump’s support has dropped by six percentage points since last week’s pre-debate national poll. Overall, 57% of Republican Primary voters say they will definitely vote for the candidate they selected, a five point decrease from last week. Forty-three percent say there is a chance they could change their mind and vote for someone else. “There appears to be a softening of support for Trump since last week’s survey, where 82% of Trump voters said they would definitely support him, compared to 71% after the debate. DeSantis’s support also softened from 32% who would definitely support to 25%, while Ramaswamy support remained consistent from 47% to 45%,” Kimball said. Among independent voters, 46% are less likely to vote for Trump because of his indictments (25% more likely), and 43% are less likely to vote for Biden because of his son’s charges (16% more likely) . https://emersoncollegepolling.com/august-2023-national-poll-trump-debate-snub-may-open-door-for-other-candidates/ There is a reason why Trump wants ONLY Ron to drop out.
  8. The rest of thread is the evidence to what we’ve been telling for the last 3 years is going to happen…
  9. Where is it? Hate Trump 24/7/365 is the cult.
  10. It will be prepared and protected unlike Maui.
  11. Exactly. The Federal Government is gone. It’s lost. Completely lost. Swamp isn’t even the right word anymore. The conclusion I’ve drawn since March 2020 is just this. America and real Americans are still here - I think we are definitely the majority… But, the Federal Government, all mass media, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and now - big corporations concerned with their DEI score, have been infiltrated or taken over by authoritarian leftist trash.
  12. Why hasn’t anyone asked him about the job DeSantis has done as Governor? Considering he’s done everything at the state level Vivek is talking about it, I think it would make sense to ask that.
  13. Yep. None of the other candidates are disloyal. Only Ron. Can’t imagine why.
  14. Trump won Florida by 10 points but lost Georgia. Surrrrre
  15. Elam gets flagged 10 times out of 10 for being far less grabby
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