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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Tariffs are not some ideological hill to die on. I’ll die on there are only 2 genders. Unless my party tells me there are 68 of them. That’s what libs have done. Thank you for proving your hypocrisy and lunacy.
  2. Repeal the minimum wage. Help business. Protect businesses. Help consumers. Repeal the income tax. Help consumers. Repeal the mountain of regulations and hoops businesses need to jump over to successfully run one. —-Same people that say “all tariff bad” No no no. Let’s just oppose it, because Trump supports it. Are the tariffs retaliatory? Is there something he’s trying to get from the country they’re imposed on? Is there a bit of “be unpredictable” to his strategy in dealing with foreign countries? Trump does not think all tariffs are good. They serve a purpose - and he’s going to adjust if they are deemed harmful to us and not serving that purpose. This isn’t hard.
  3. They do not care about this country at all. They hate it.
  4. Lol yea. You just listed the tenets of modern day liberal fascism. You say there are only 2 genders - you still have a job? Baby killing lost in November again. Environmental Fundamentalism Respect for 6 feet apart and forced vaccines for a flu on kids. Get the vaccine or you’re fired. #Science DEI - rebranded communism. Thanks again for self owning. You have NOTHING
  5. Correct. They lost in 2024.
  6. Oh? Thank you. You’re exactly right. 10 years. And Democrats should never ever be trusted to have power ever again. This iteration of the Democrat party is essentially finished.
  7. What was Biden’s plan for inflation and the debt? Did it work? Where is Biden’s name? I guess Democrats are going to finally go with “yea, Biden wasn’t POTUS.”
  8. Another great day for the market! Woooo hooooooo!!! He did it! Saved the economy! —-Low info lib logic. The real recovery is coming. Action is being taken to address the underlying fundamental problems your cowardly politicians from another era refused to tackle. And you’ll be sad.
  9. No one voted for him because he would INSTANTLY improve the situation. I know I didn’t. Lots of reasons for voting Trump. What does it matter - here 45 days in. You definitely didn’t vote for Biden because the economy was doing well.
  10. What is it since January 7th? The pearl clutching - pure desperation bc Democrats legit have no plan is beyond pathetic. We’ve been in a recession since 2022. That’s an absolute fact. They changed the definition. They moved the goal posts on the metrics. Unemployment is going to increase - they’ve been holding off exactly like I said for the last 2 years in order to try to help Biden. There is going to be a drop in AG. Significantly. Real estate is going to bottom out. Impacting the parts of the country where homes are grossly over valued - DC specifically. College may bust. Credit may bust. Lots of carnage inherited by Trump the Democrats have zero plan to address. At best - summer of 2026 - but probably longer - the economy will begin to normalize. My guess is by 2028. In May of 2020 - myself along with the smart conservatives here - legit said TEN YEARS. You idiots created a 10 year crisis like we haven’t seen since the depression. So my timeline is currently tracking. Trump isn’t making things worse - he’s going to speed up that recovery timeline. But by all means, pay attention daily to the stock market.
  11. That’s fine.
  12. What did Biden inherit? Oh. Here you go. Covidiot All jobs were foreign Just give us a day or 2 to fix this ***t show.
  13. Fauci Try again Bill. Keep looking up Big Blitz and the stock market. Eventually you’ll find - something you can moronically spin. Like this thread.
  14. 2 years into his fraudulancy low info Bill. After we told you during your flu lockdown it would happen. And then you denied it was happening for the next 2 years and mocked people complaining they couldn’t afford anything.
  15. The rush against Arizona late in the game still stands out to me. It was a good “get right” season for him derailed by the suspension. Keep him at 30 percent of the snaps; free up cap space. I think his presence is important.
  16. He DID NOT inherit a good economy. You can take him literally (oh oh day 1 magic everything is fixed that’s what he said!) Or you can take him seriously and 18 months from now these posts 45 days into his presidency are going to be relentlessly bumped. Also - it’s good to know the Ds have zero plans and zero interest in working with Rs bc “this isn’t normal” - where is their version of the TEA Party? What is it? American economy must get worse? That isn’t what the TEA Party ran on. It ran on stopping spending, socialized health care, and Obama denying Russia was a problem. I know you don’t know this bc you think history started in January 2017.
  17. He’s a deliberate agent of unpredictable chaos. You think he doesn’t know what he’s doing with the tariffs - after all this time. Truly amazing. Also, Harris is winning. Joy.
  18. You saying all DEI hires are dumb? Oh this gonna get good……..
  19. A woman. Do you know what that is?
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