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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. A registered Democrat no one knows that didn’t publicly endorse or support Trump ….. but yea MAGA lost. Also, racism. But I won’t speak for the 53 percent of the voters that voted for the white guy.
  2. But…but….you just said Trump was building off the success of Obama. Lost. Leftists are completely delusional and lost. Sane: Everything has gone to ***t. Prices. Culture. The border. 87 genders. Dems: Things are great. With nothing to point to. I’m still waiting for that inflation reduction bill to kick in. Maybe it will happen when I get my $2000 a year in health care savings. But hey! DC did something!!!! Wooooo hoooo. Just like the Founders intended. This only works when DC gives you hand outs. Well, illegals and criminals only at least. And the super poor.
  3. Oh…..ok that makes sense now. I understand. Bwahahahahahahaha my God the stupid. Excuse me while I go figure out how to pay for food.
  4. And it’s unwatchable
  5. For what? The country has already crashed led by a dementia suffering moron that doesn’t care about you or your plight of being unable to afford kids. Not that any woman is attracted to you let alone would reproduce with you. You can’t live in mom’s basement and hope that happens. January 6 tho!!
  6. Hey. Your fake president that does nothing much like DC has finally admitted shrinkflation is real. Your CCP Party members in deep blue cities are admitting there is an invasion from Mexico. But at least mom is paying your rent and cell phone bills.
  7. Ok? Did Biden do another interview?
  8. No problem Schill! You keep fighting that good fight brah. January 6!!
  9. Nope. I don’t live and die by the sham you do 24/7/365 and let it consume me. I’m having a blast laughing at you and your ilk.
  10. Lol. Bill thinks I care about any of this Hahahahahahaha Go back to mom’s basement. This is going to be so much fun.
  11. Hahahahahahahaha https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/michigan/trump-vs-biden Biden ain’t running folks. No way. An “insurrectionist” and twice? Three? Four? Time impeached lol POTUS is winning? Hahahahahahahaha. How embarrassing.
  12. It’s in the air. Panic.
  13. Yep. Full panic.
  14. Yep. Full panic.
  15. Yea. The game ended right here. This injury warrants an investigation by every medical professional on earth.
  16. Only thing I’m worried about is replacing Hyde - but agree with all this.
  17. Lol no. This is football. This is how you “overpower” opponents.
  18. Elam will be a CB 1.
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