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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. I mean I think we had and still do have a healthy respect for him (he’s one of my favorite players in the league) but I’m sure he didn’t forget this just happened And fans….…..next time they're here just ignore him please. He doesn’t need extra motivation.
  2. Florida is where you go to maximize your last contract. This is a retirement plan. So don’t fret over “why couldn’t we do this?” Because we have taxes and 8 months of winter.
  3. I’m not killing a baby up to birth (at any stage for that matter) that’s how far your people have gone. Then they have a celebratory cake.
  4. /End discussion. Says an awful lot about what a ***t society we’ve devolved into.
  5. Ask Palestinians if they think they should turn in their guns. I want to know why I should turn in mine when the Christofacists are coming to take over America and our very lives are at stake. How will we be able to defend ourselves from Goat Man?
  6. Think this is solid Bernard insurance.
  7. There are 100 ways to do it….Commies here will tell you it’s Christofascists that will destroy America lol lol per their definition of them, they built America. No, this is much more likely. Last step is getting them on the Courts.
  8. Narrative control damage control alert!! Captain Commie Bill up posting in all the threads!!!! ***t post alert. Full on panic!
  9. Here’s another ***t post. More proof they sent the country straight to hell and they know it. Carry on Team Hamas. Congrats in a matter of 3 years you’ve simped for 78 genders, Covid Coup, supporting Ukraine, supporting Hamas and calls for violent revolution against the U.S (more on this shortly bc that’s what’s really manifested on our prestigious universities no sane person will ever go to again, and supporting the most un American garbage on earth. Well done. Commie. True colors.
  10. You can make the case last year was the transition year on the field. New guys on D. No Maine. Poyer and Hyde old. No White. No Milano. No Von. No Diggs. Lol lol. Fired the OC mid season. Kincaid. Torrence. Cook. More running. Elite Oline. The reboot happened. The only transition is leadership. Because as always, if healthy this team is better then last years team.
  11. And we’re at a point where our college kids grew up with screens in front their faces making life seem like a total fantasy. In between their watching Reel after Reel they are conversing about how racist and sexist and bigoted America is compared with the rest of the universe they’ve seen on their phones. Fun times ahead folks. Democrat’s America.
  12. What’s the plan when Brady inevitably becomes a HC? Is that the question? Its a fair one. I think it’s important to know that we’re bringing in the best players to win football games now and post Brady, and not just guys that fit what Brady does. If the short and long term plan post Brady is to be more balanced because this is Buffalo in January that’s fine by me. To me that looked like the biggest change Daboll to Dorsey to Brady. You can’t win in this league throwing 60 plus percent of the time especially in Buffalo. You get one bad weather day and suddenly the Oline you neglected in the name of bringing in WR after WR will come back to bite you. Joe Marino on his podcast yesterday was talking about our offense now vs the teams that made the final 4 and whether or not WR was that vital for those teams. Certainly helped the 49ers that do a lot of things right on offense and defense. The other 3 teams shared one thing in common. Elite Olines. You will not find a SB winning team with an average or below Oline. You put an elite QB behind an elite Oline you are going places (currently the Chiefs). That’s why my vote pre draft was lean into our strength which IMO for 2023 was Oline. So I hope SVPG wins the C job and we keep McGovern at LG.
  13. Jobs surging in Wisconsin from Jan 2017 to March 2020. There's this crazy drop that month for some reason. Temporary job losses start to slowly come back to where they were when Trump was in office before the Covid coup. Look at those jobs Biden “created!” Democrats in full panic. Every time Bill ***t posts that’s the tell.
  14. Commies like Bill don’t want you to look into context. That’s why they just ***t post and meme. Any withdrawals and final withdrawals - conditions had to be met or we keep troops there in order to prevent what happened under Brandon from happening: After taking office, Biden undertook a superficial review of our Afghanistan policy—one that totally ignored the advice of his top military advisor and his commanders on the ground. On April 14, 2021, he reversed the Trump administration’s conditions-based drawdown policy and announced that all U.S. forces would be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Sept. 11 of that year, whether or not the Taliban had met its commitments under the 2020 agreement. Eight days after Biden’s announcement, the commander of U.S. Central Command, U.S. Marines Gen. Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie Jr., told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he was concerned about the “ability of the Afghan military to hold the ground that they’re on now without the support that they have been used to for many years.” He also acknowledged that counterterrorism strikes would be much harder without a U.S. presence. In May 2021, USA Today reported that Afghan translators, who had worked alongside U.S. personnel for years, feared that the Taliban would take over and kill them once U.S. troops departed. They begged the Biden administration for help—and members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, echoed their pleas to start evacuating U.S. citizens and partners. Meanwhile, the Taliban saw Biden’s unconditional withdrawal as an invitation to ramp up their offensive. Afghan government forces stood down because they saw no chance of winning without U.S. support. Throughout this period, Biden refused to reexamine his policy. On July 8, 2021, even as the Taliban were on the march, he insisted that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan was not yet inevitable. Meanwhile, his administration refused to expedite the evacuation of U.S. citizens and Afghan partners because it feared this would signal a lack of confidence in the Afghan government. When the Taliban finally entered Kabul on Aug. 15, 2021, they took the Afghan capital without a fight. Even with many thousands of U.S. citizens and Afghan partners still in the country, the Biden administration stuck to its new, self-imposed Aug. 31 deadline for completing the withdrawal. The result was utter chaos: Thousands of U.S. service members were suddenly deployed to Kabul’s international airport to assist the evacuation effort and contend with masses of ordinary Afghans desperate to escape Taliban rule. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/15/afghanistan-withdrawal-pullout-military-taliban-chaos-evacuation-biden-inhofe/ Trump - no wars. No conflicts. Biden: Putin moves in Ukraine Afghanistan falls to the Taliban Hamas attacks Israel Covid was probably a bio weapon - nothing to Xi here.
  15. Just replace “climate change” with “free Palestine” or “I support Ukraine” or “flatten the curve” …. same thing
  16. Biden had zero issue insulting and threatening Americans over a vaccine that doesn’t work for a virus as lethal as the flu. Biden isn’t saying anything because that would put more negative attention on the disgusting actions by the folks that make up a core group of the remaining Democrat voters.
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