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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Still no coherent plan that the American people will support - just more Trumps fault. He’s been in office 6 weeks. Inherited a war that Biden let escalate for 3 years. What’s the plan Bill? Besides not let this get resolved under Trump
  2. Trump, start using the machine against every single Obama POS still in or out of DC Rest assured, come sometime in the 2070s when they are in power - they will make sure the machine shuts down any and all opposition to them. The only way to destroy them is the machine they celebrate. We can no longer be nice. Prosecute. Set them up. Spy on them. They are a true threat to the most democratic movement in human history. Power is now in the hands of the people. And they will stop at nothing to take that away.
  3. Unbelievable. Whether your hands are dirty or not, welcome to the revolution Lindsay. It’s this last quote of his that’s telling - “Europe” is LOST To the hand-wringing Europeans who felt offended by President Trump rejecting being lectured by President Zelensky: Be my guest to defend Ukraine from Putin. It is long past time for the Europeans to show they are capable of defending their own continent. They’ve allowed their militaries to be hollowed out and when Europe speaks, no bad guy listens. I say this with great sadness: The last group of people that I would count on to defend freedom are the Europeans.
  4. Libs think history began in 2017. I’m now convinced of this.
  5. Who led that Afghan withdrawal again? Who were the President’s in office when the failed state of money laundering was invaded by Russia? Just say it losers. You want American troops in Ukraine. JD correctly said yesterday clearly nothing you did with Biden worked - you don’t have your failed state Hillary meddled in without us - so we need a different approach.” ”oh no hold on JD…..there is no dealing with Putin.” Ok. Good luck then.
  6. We need them to say it. And their political future which is already done anyway, may never ever recover. Their only logical solution - I’m probably sure most of them no longer understand - is that American troops are going to be needed and we’re going to have to go to war with Russia. Or maybe they think they just cancel Russia by not letting them play international hockey tournaments. Democrats are so furious today because their lunacy, failed Ukraine policies since Obama were ALL exposed yesterday. All they can do is falsely claim “MAGA just loves Putin.” Idiots - ignoring all the ignorance going back to Obama’s reset button, Hillary meddling in Ukraine, and Biden letting this unravel in 2022 while we hid from the flu. Russia saw what pansies we’d become.
  7. Planned? You ignoring that whole exchange started with Zelenskyy who was clearly told by his masters to instigate, accept no deals, continue the war, never ever allow Trump to claim a peace deal, and if possible please try and make them look bad. Sorry buddy. What was staged was Zelensky “let me ask you a question” - which was him saying “sorry America, this “war” is not ending any time soon.” That's why Trump said afterward he doesn’t want this to be a 10 year war. Your clown show commie friends and Zelensky just told you yesterday that yep - it’s going to be a 10 year war. Nice job you freaking suckers.
  8. What does Zelensky want here? What is he saying about Putin? He wants troops! And no deal. So WWIII then. There it is. He knew it. They want the “war” to drag on and on till Putin is gone - or WWIII happens.
  9. Yep Every lib moron here should be furious at Zelensky Zelensky was essentially saying “no deals with Vlad. We want him gone.” Basically send us troops. The people behind him want to continue the war in Ukraine.
  10. These people are gone. GONE! Did he cry like this when Putin rolled into Crimea under Obama? Guaranteed he couldn’t have cared less at the time. When Covid was “over,” he immediately went to the next big lib thing to distract us because they almost killed Western civilization. Ukraine.
  11. /thread John Kerry btw…..Vietnamese sympathizer during Vietnam. Commie.
  12. Calling a people that want secure borders Nazis and neo-Fascists is tho? That’s helpful?
  13. Communist: 29 percent of spending is transfer payments in this country in order to elevate the 60K a year wage earner (thanks to minimum wage laws) on par with the 100K earner. Credits for homes. Eroding the suburbs. Credits for college - almost a free ride. The “wealthier” getting no money. Welfare. Food stamps. Illegals getting benefits. Then registers to vote. We are now only behind France in redistribution. All protected by a media that’s sole purpose is to protect “the machine.” Communism. Just without a gun. I mean they’ll cancel you so that’s close enough. Oh. They want to ban those to. And limit free speech. And the constitution is trash. Communism doesn’t have to be Stalinism or the Khmer Rouge. It can be California.
  14. Whats more socialist in Russia then Britain? Whats more communist than Jake Tapper? DEI is communist. 10000000 percent 21st century communism. Refute that.
  15. We voted out the commies. They’re right here. We stand up to them every day.
  16. Define threats to the nation for me. Is Putin allowed to define his for you? He has a different cultural landscape to oversee.
  17. Germany and Japan? Help us keep up. Should we consider them adversaries still?
  18. 30 years ago - when it was clear - Communism vs Freedom was on the line and you knew who’s team we were all on - this conversation could look different. But it isn’t 30 years ago anymore. This isn’t about Communism v the “West” The commies are right here 2 percent of the vote away from power - power they’ll happily use against their own people. Who are our allies over there? Why? The ones that want to ban Twitter? They’re different from Russia how exactly? The one where a party their government spies on that won 20 percent of the vote in isn’t allowed near power in a coalition. The geopolitical landscape of the planet isn’t 1973 let alone 2003 anymore.
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