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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Plan. Europe is a socialist dumpster fire not worth our time. Their socialist leaders hate MAGA as much as Putin and that’s the problem. F them all. Bye. NATO is an irrelevant joke. A Cold War relic still in existence to fund and feed the machine.
  2. Why aren’t you fighting Russians in Ukraine Bill? You’re free to go.
  3. Bookmarked for 2028 - Dems can’t see 5 minutes in front of their faces. But remember:
  4. Let’s just go back to the end of the Cold War and how we got here. This is how: WHY ISN'T THE MEDIA THERE IVE BEEN ASKING THIS SINCE 2022!
  5. Dems always use “helping people” as cover. What they mean is control people.
  6. Why aren’t we still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not white enough? Not commie enough? I’ll hang up and listen.
  7. Unelected advisor tells her puppet to not accept any deal with Trump - drag the “war” on for 4 more years we don’t care if it escalates to WWIII Because Democracy!!! ^^^^^^ Bingo!
  8. Traded in conference for a 5th while your WR 1 is off an ACL tear and may not be ready for start of season tells me all I need to know. Washington following the 2024 Houston Texans off season blueprint.
  9. Yes I know this. Also, China and Russia wouldn’t hesitate to use them against us. But go Ukraine for the “Big Guy!” To me, the most alarming thing I heard from Zelenskyy yesterday was this: "But you have nice ocean and don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future." Was that a prediction or a threat? By a "threat" I mean this: is Zelenskyy fomenting a nuclear showdown with Russia so that the futures of Ukraine and the United States are inextricably intertwined? Trump told Zelenskyy he had no cards to play... but maybe Zelenskyy thinks a nuclear showdown is his royal flush. This is my concern. I don't understand why the Democrat/Media Complex does not see how Zelenskyy is eager to play with the lives of all Americans.
  10. Yep. The future is a relationship with Russia to combat China. But hey. France!
  11. USAID provoked protests in 2013 - Big mad that Ukraine wouldn’t join the EU. Ukraine voted for a pro Russian president. USAID and the West tried to stop that from happening. Organized more protests and force him to flee. Putin says enough of USAID and Euro trash meddling in our backyard we are moving on Crimea. And here we are. Post 1991 West totally knows what it’s doing regarding “democracy.”
  12. Yes because destroying the economy of a global nuclear superpower after this 17 year debacle forcing it to get even closer to China is geopolitical brilliance. China and Russia are already laughing their ***es off at the DEI dumpster fire nation we’ve become that can’t get its financial house in order - we try and the fake news and low info libs decide to make DODGE the problem.
  13. When was neutral not an option? Good. Peace out. Form a coalition with the AFD.
  14. We sending troops to help Russia? Is Europe’s lack of troop presence to this existential “threat” not demonstrating to you the farce this is? By your logic, are they not siding with authoritarian regimes by not attacking Russia? So much at stake it should be simple then, right? Please sell that the people.
  15. So still no plan. Got it. Trump isn’t going to be resolving this. That was proven FACT yesterday because they do not want to hand him a foreign policy victory. That's what is so beautiful about how badly Zelenskyy played himself yesterday. He proved this. They have no intention of stopping this “war.” And it’s only possible because of dupes like you that had nothing to say when Obama was POTUS and Crimea was taken. When Brandon was POTUS slowing the spread and the invasion happened. Useful idiots. So the best Trump can do is tell Europe - if they’re so dedicated to “democracy” then prove it by going to nuclear war with Russia.
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