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Everything posted by USCGBILLSFAN

  1. Thank you for the information, i was frustrated and it bothers me when people like that offer nothing to the discussion, win lose or draw its about fun, but NE fans will be NE fans and sometimes they just dig under my skin.
  2. Did anyone see the follow through with the elbow on the replay on SNF broadcast? They makes it even worse IMHO
  3. Can one of the mods ban the pats fans, they are just trying to pull us all down, neither one is giving any kind of intellectiual argument. They need to stay on their fan sites and away from ours
  4. Live here in Baltimore and heard on the radio that McDermott is bringing in Juan Castillo as the O-line coach. Didnt see it posted wanted to let people know and ee what they thought.
  5. How can you call ignorance on this. She compared sherman to a farm animal, whom they castrate with the tool she posted. We all get angry and say things, why did it have to be a racist statement, so if it was wes welker or Julian edelman, or Eric weddel would anyone on this board have issues with it, or anyone else for that matter? No, she did not drop an N bomb or use any other racial slur. Im sick of people saying something is racist when it is not. I can turn any statement racist if i try hard enough. How you interpret something is on you, stop being sensitive and let people be angry and be heated and say things in the moment without backlash. Rant over......go bills
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