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D. L. Hot-Flamethrower

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Everything posted by D. L. Hot-Flamethrower

  1. You know what, you're not that far off in reality! Penalties and turnovers are in theory something a good coaching staff should be able to eliminate. Problem is........
  2. As usual, !@#$ing pathetic!
  3. Remind me not ever take what you say seriously-you're pathetic!
  4. Amen! Survive another week. But, man Ive been a supporter of Marrone and I'm not sure we didn't win in spite of coaching. Hope this gets moving in the right direction. A realist? Did we actually lose!
  5. We are stuck in a classic case of the coaching staff forcing the players to fit their system rather than tweaking the way they do things to suit the talent......eg...Don Shula ran a power running attack when he had Csonka, when he had Dan Marino he didn't run the wishbone, he adjusted! It may be nice to try and acquire players to fit your scheme, but it doesn't usually work perfectly.
  6. I am not a loser. I have won a lot in my life. And, I am sure many others on here have experienced success. This BS stuff about winners win and losers wine is the same crap that people spew to make themselves feel superior when they aren't really invested in the situation. I don't believe all the conspiracy stuff. But, I also have seen some of the best coaches in sports argue and make it clear to the refs that they feel like they are not getting a balanced shake. Anyone who has ever coached or been a ref may say this has no impact. BUT, in reality they know it makes it harder to not think about it when the next questionable call comes up. This is AKA arguing to get the next call. I know when I coached there were times I decided to shut up and take it. They were the worst officiated games ever and we took it up the wazoo. Then other times I called out refs and it many cases it helped us get a better shake! I would also like to point out that it is when these penalties occur more than how many. 25 First downs on penalties throughout 6 games. My god, what team can overcome that to the tune of more than 3-3. In summary, the Bills better become the squeaky wheel. Yes they should work on discipline! blah blah blah. But, if Im Marrone I want my guys to know I have their back when it calls for it. Whaley too.
  7. I don't get the overreaching blame of Orton. The key to the remainder of this season is improvement of the offensive line, and that is on the coaching staff.
  8. Nice call I was thinking the same thing
  9. To all the clowns out there who keep see saying we didn't win the game the Lions kicker lost it:"YOU ARE WHAT THE SCOREBOARD SAYS YOU ARE!"
  10. Agree on 1. #2 they have struggled against the NFLs best the last 2 weeks. There is hope. #3 agreed. #4 big time agreed, some of those play calls were baffling. #5 and #6 yes. #7 he has been terrible. #8 Yep. Carpenter is a great kicker, good move bringing him back. #10 Absolutely.
  11. Game Balls Orton, Fred, Sammy ,Dareus, Charles ,Schwartz
  12. LMFAO what a joke you are!!! We don't win without Orton at QB. Sour grapes because you were wrong.
  13. Come on. You need to get a grip. Lets wait until we are completely out of it to make the move. What a joke. Seconded. They were in first with Orton too....and the midget trainer too
  14. Yes. I had lost hope in EJ. We need wins because the division is winnable. Bottom Line is competent QB play with this team and we can make the playoffs,
  15. Good post I agree with what you are saying. The pressure is on the coaching staff to not lose this team.
  16. Well thought out. You don't belong on this board! HA
  17. Great Post! I agree with your reasoning.
  18. Yeah, but he saddled himself on Jim Kelly! Like it or not the coach and QB are tied together. Especially who you choose to ride. It says a lot about the coach. And, whether he is to be trusted in his decision making.
  19. I am a convert now. I was one who was willing to trust the decision makers and give this kid a chance. At the game last week, which I was at, it was becoming apparent this guy is not a good enough thrower of the football to get the job done. This week has clinched it for me and I suspect many others as well. Marrone's vote is always plus one though...so it won't happen. Too bad because with even competent QB play this team would be tough too beat. Start Orton now and see if the season can be salvaged. The other guy has not shown enough. It is not fair to the players or fans to continue this. And, the coaching staff will be fired.
  20. Coaches , Quarterback and Offensive Line in that Order are the !@#$ing problem
  21. Get him the !@#$ out of there
  22. He sucks and the decision makers !@#$ed up
  23. Im !@#$ing throughout with Manuel
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